100字范文 > 电荷控制模型 charge control model英语短句 例句大全

电荷控制模型 charge control model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-19 11:11:06


电荷控制模型 charge control model英语短句 例句大全

电荷控制模型,charge control model

1)charge control model电荷控制模型

1.By using linear E f n s approximation,a new analyticalcharge control model of the double heterojunction double planar doped high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) is deduced based on Poisson s equation.利用泊松方程以及异质结能带理论 ,通过费米能级 -二维电子气浓度的线性近似 ,推导了基于双异质结双平面掺杂的 HEMT器件的电荷控制模型 。

2.Then a newcharge control model is established in which the effects of inversion layer carrier distribution on surface potential are included.从载流子在 MOS结构反型层内的分布出发 ,利用表面有效态密度 ( SLEDOS:SurfaceLayer Effective Density- of- States)的概念 ,在经典理论框架内建立了包含载流子分布对表面势影响的电荷控制模型 。

3.This thesis mainly studies BaTiO3-GaN heterostructure consisting of classic ferroelectric and semiconductor materials with the help of first principle calculation software CASTEP andcharge control model.本文基于第一性原理计算软件CASTEP和电荷控制模型主要研究由典型铁电材料BaTiO3、半导体材料GaN构成的BaTiO3-GaN异质结构,在理论层次上对其电子结构和二维电子气(2DEG)特性进行探索性研究,为铁电-半导体器件的研制提供理论参考。


1."Application of the Transistor Charge Control Model to Predict RTL and DTL Transient Response"应用晶体管电荷控制模型预示电阻-晶体管逻辑和二极管-三极管逻辑电路的瞬态响应

2.The Energy Conservation Control Model of Central Air Conditioning System Based on the Cooling Load Demand基于冷负荷需求的空调节能控制模型

3.Motor control centers, which supply power to and control the small motors and loads4, are also connected to the load-center unit substations.向小型电动机和负荷提供电力并进行控制的电动机控制中心也联接到负荷中心单元变电站。

4.Influence of voltage regulating and control mode for power type load on voltage stability of load side功率型负荷的调压控制方式对负荷端电压稳定的影响

5.The Research and Design on Load Test Station s Monitoring System of High Capacity Movable Dynamotor;大型移动式发电机负荷试验站监控系统的研制

6.Wind Rotor Load Simulation and Control of Large-Scale Wind Turbine System大型风力发电机组风轮载荷的仿真计算与控制

7.The Research on Firing Control System of CFBB Based on the Load Sectionalized Model;基于负荷分段模型的CFBB燃烧控制系统的研究

8.Cutting Load Control Policy of Die & Mold Profile High Speed Processing模具型面高速加工的切削载荷控制策略

9.Research on the Transaction Mechanism and Models of Electric Customers Interruptible Load;电力用户可中断负荷交易机制与模型研究

10.Substation Voltage & Reactive Power Control Based on Load Forecasting Using Fuzzy Clustering Analysis and RBF Neural Network;基于模糊聚类分析与RBF神经网络负荷预测的变电站电压无功控制

11.cybernetic model控制论模型, 模拟控制机

12.Short-Term Load Forecasting Based on RBF Neural Networks and Fuzzy Control of Power System;基于RBF神经网络与模糊控制的电力系统短期负荷预测

13.Investigation on Current Detection and Control Technology of Shunt Active Power Filter Used for Intensively Nonlinear Loads用于强非线性负荷的并联型APF电流检测与控制技术研究

14.Study on Load Prediction Model and Optimal Control of Ice Storage System冰蓄冷空调系统负荷预测模型和系统优化控制研究

15.Research on Power Control Mode for Grid-connected Doubly Fed Generator并网型双馈发电机功率控制模式研究

16.Simulation and Control of Intermediate Temperature Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stack;中温平板型SOFC电堆的模拟与控制

17.Modeling and control of three-phase voltage -source var generator;三相电压源型无功发生器建模与控制

18.A Research on the Voltage Intelligent Control Module for a New-type ROADM新型ROADM电压智能控制模块研究


charge control电荷控制

1.Hysteresis and creep can be reduced greatly based oncharge control.采用电荷控制可以减小位移迟滞和蠕变,该文从电流源电荷反馈和电压源电荷反馈两个角度,总结国内外各种电荷控制方案,进而提出应该优先选用电流源驱动压电陶瓷,并根据应用场合不同选择相应电荷控制方法的结论。

2.In this paper, the small-signal model and properties of single-stage flyback P FC based oncharge control is described.描述了基于电荷控制的反激单级功率因数校正变换器的特性及其小信号模型。

3.In this paper,charge control is applied to a flyback converter for the purpose of power factor correction(PFC).介绍了电荷控制方式的CCM反激PFC电路的工作原理,研究了它的一些基本特性,并给出了电路设计步骤,试制了一台200W样机。

3)charge models电荷模型

4)elevator control model电梯控制模型

5)current diffusion limited model电流控制模型

6)control voltage model控制电压模型


