100字范文 > 控制模型 control model英语短句 例句大全

控制模型 control model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-15 09:32:07


控制模型 control model英语短句 例句大全

控制模型,control model

1)control model控制模型

1.Application and improvement of laminar coolingcontrol model in Steckel mill of Anyang Iron and Steel Co;层流冷却控制模型在安钢炉卷轧机的应用及改进

2.Control strategy andcontrol model for an accelerate cooling control system of plates after rolling;中厚板轧后快速冷却系统控制策略与控制模型

3.Thecontrol model research and realization of microcomputer observation and control systems which is in air conditioning unit of the train;客车空调机组微机测控系统控制模型的研究与实现


1.Two-level Control Model for Human Operator in Man-machine Control Systems人机控制系统中操纵者两级控制模型

2.UCSagas:a new model for long transaction in usage controlUCSagas:使用控制模型中的一种长事务模型


4.Simulative Experiment Research on the Model Identification of Submersible Reference Frame Control System;潜式坐标控制模型辨识模拟实验研究

5.On the Scope of the Foreign Investment and Control Model of GDP;外商直接投资规模与GDP的控制模型

6.cybernetic model控制论模型, 模拟控制机

7.Model Based Control of Combustion基于模型的燃烧控制

8.model reference adaptive control systems模型参考适应控制系统

9.structural mode control system结构化模型控制系统

10.Random Model and Control of a Class of Networked Control Systems;一类网络控制系统的随机模型及控制

11.Research on Predictive Control and Model Free Control;预测控制、无模型控制若干问题的研究

12.The Research of Fuzzy Control CPS模糊控制型控制与保护开关(CPS)的研究

13.Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Based on T-S Model;基于T-S模型的自适应模糊滑模控制

14.Research on Model Reference Adaptive Internal Model Control with Control Input Limitation;有控制限幅的模型参考自适应内模控制研究

15.Fuzzy Control and Its Application to Model Reference Adaptive Predictive Control模糊控制在模型参考自适应预估控制中的应用

16.Spacecraft Attitude Control Laws Based on Mode Reference Sliding Mode Control基于模型参考滑模控制的飞行器姿态控制

17.Mathematical Models and Power Flow Control of Thyristor Controlled Interphase Power Controller;可控相间功率控制器数学模型及潮流控制研究

18.Application of increment model algorithmic control in PMSM speed control增量型模型算法控制在PMSM速度控制中的应用


Controlling model控制模型

1.As the motion connection between the hob and the helical gear blank is verified by means of tool skew rack and the motion-controlling models are designed for hobbing non-circular helical gears.以工具斜齿条为媒介推证了滚刀和非圆斜齿轮齿坯在数控加工中应满足的联动关系,从而设计出能加工非圆斜齿轮的数控运动控制模型。

2.Firstly, function structure and system structure of the workflow engine is analyzed; Secondly, according to the data model ERchart of workflow engine ,designing methods of the data model and controlling model of the flexible workflow engine are explained,and .首先分析了工作流引擎的功能结构及体系结构;其次,结合工作流引擎数据模型的ER图,阐述了柔性工作流引擎的数据模型及控制模型的设计方法,并重点介绍了控制模型中的路由控制与状态转换的实现机制;最后,给出了柔性工作流引擎的动态适应策略。

3.Finally the theoretical controlling model of the diaphragm micropump is established.文中首先全面地概述了当前不同种类的微泵的工作原理及发展情况;重点推导和分析了磁场大小、电磁力大小、膜片的受力与变形、通电线圈产生的电磁力作用下的膜片变形量等模型,最终建立了完整的电磁力驱动微型膜片泵的理论控制模型。

3)control mode控制模型

1.A Dual-Ends Approach(DEA)control model was established due to the intrinsic geometry distortion in Laser Scanning Manufacture(LSM) system.针对激光扫描加工中存在固有图形畸变的情况,提出了DEA(dual-ends approch)控制模型。

2.The powered supports automaticcontrol mode of the shearer position was also proposed.根据综采工作面的实际工况,分析了液压支架与采煤机以及液压支架与刮板输送机之间的运行约束关系,推导了液压支架与采煤机运行约束关系的数学表达式,建立了液压支架采煤机位置自动控制模型。

3.Based on the theoretical analysis of the complicated process of Chloroethylene rectifying, a number of loopcontrol modes are proposed, such as the heating of the low boiler, the recycling of the low boiler, the in-between feeding, and the recycling of the high tower, the heating of high tower kettle, and the condensation of the finished products.在对氯乙烯精馏这个复杂生产过程工艺及控制的分析基础上,提出了低沸塔回流、低塔釜加热、中间过料、高塔回流、高塔釜加热、成品冷凝等回路的控制模型。

4)model control模型控制

1.The PVC polymerization process was controlled comprehensively and optimumly by fully utilizing the powerful functions of DCS system and using such means asmodel control,fuzzy logic control,variable PID parameter control,program control,heat balance estimation control,series control and DCS inside blocking.充分利用DCS系统的强大功能,采用模型控制、模糊逻辑控制、变PID参数控制、程序控制、热量衡算预估控制、串级控制、DCS内部分程等手段,对PVC聚合反应过程进行优化综合控制。

2.The control theory is divided intomodel control theory and engineering control theory by the content of the control theory, and the connection of them is expatiated on.从控制理论的内容上将控制理论分为模型控制论和工程控制论,并且阐述了两者的关系;讨论了反馈控制系统对控制理论的需求,从目标函数的多少、控制策略集的大小以及控制策略的求取三方面研究反馈控制系统对控制理论的要求;研究了自动化对控制理论的需求,为了解决此课题,从扩展目标函数入手,给出复杂控制系统的概念,并且给出了复杂系统控制理论的主要内涵,展望了复杂控制系统控制理论的意义。

3.Based on the analysis of existing virtual model and the comparison on model construction method,this paper put forward a model construction method based on user,model control machine and the rational mechanism of model checking with the combination of application model in teaching.本文通过对现有虚拟模型的分析、模型构建方法的对比,结合在教学中应用模型的特点及应用模型时出现的弊端,提出一种基于使用者、模型控制机、模型检测合理性机制的模型建立方法。

5)cybernetic model控制论模型

1.The elementary theories of the quantitative analysis methods in metabolic engineering are reviewed,such as metabolic control analysis,metabolic flux analysis,biochemical system theory,pathway analysis,cybernetic model.综述了代谢工程中代谢控制分析、代谢通量分析、生化系统理论、途径分析、控制论模型等定量分析方法的基本理论,以实例说明了这些方法的应用,并对代谢分析方法的发展进行了展望。

2.Research of the biological fermentation modelThe development of modeling of biological fermentation process is retrospected, from the original unstructured model to structured model, then to thecybernetic model.生物发酵过程模型的研究回顾了生物过程发酵过程的模型化发展,从最开始的非结构化模型到结构化模型,再到控制论模型的应用。

6)AGC control modelAGC控制模型


