100字范文 > 布网方法 methods of deployment of networks英语短句 例句大全

布网方法 methods of deployment of networks英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-21 12:28:45


布网方法 methods of deployment of networks英语短句 例句大全

布网方法,methods of deployment of networks

1)methods of deployment of networks布网方法

2)well pattern layout method井网布置方法

bined with factors of coal reservoir characteristics,geological structure,hydrogeological condition,CBM later stage exploitation and utilization,have determinedwell pattern layout method and principle,accord.潞安矿区煤层气井井网布置采用350m×250m,根据区内两口试验井LA-016、LA-019裂缝实时监测技术取得的压裂裂缝半径、裂缝方位、裂缝影响高度,验证了井网布置的科学性和合理性,结合煤储层特征、区内构造、水文地质条件、煤层气后期开发与利用等因素,确定了在潞安矿区进行井网布置方法和原则,并结合实际情况来逐步完善,使其更具实用性。

3)method of highway network layout公路网络布局方法

1.Based on the characteristics of high urbanization area, and combine the method of system layout in city road, a newmethod of highway network layout is put forward.本文以高度城市化地区的公路网络为主要研究对象,讨论其布局方法,并根据高度城市化地区特点,结合城市道路系统规划方法,提出了新的公路网络布局方法。


1.Research on the Method of Highway Network Layout in High Urbanization Area;高度城市化地区公路网络布局方法研究

2.Study on Evaluation Methods for the Arterial Highway Network Planning;区域干线公路网规划布局方案评价方法研究

3.Decision-making of Road Passenger Transport Terminal Layout Based on PCA and BP Neural Network基于主成分分析-BP神经网络的道路客运站场布局决策方法

4.Research on Location and Overall Arrangement of Service Station in Networked Expressway网络化条件下高速公路服务设施设置布局研究

5.Research on the Method of Urban Expressway Network Layout Planning and Evaluation;快速路线网布局规划及评价方法研究

6.The Study on Layout Method of Urban Highway Passenger Transport Hub;城市公路客运枢纽布局规划方法研究

7.Preliminary Study on the Mini Public Transit Network Design of Mountain City山地城市小型公交线网布局方法初探

8.A Discussion on the Layout Method of Modern Transportation Road Network关于现代交通路网规划布局方法的探讨

9.The Study of Tridimensional Transport Junction Layout and Framework Highway Network Building of Chongqing s Southeast District;渝东南立体交通枢纽布局及骨架公路网络建设研究

10.Research on Highway Transport Pivot Layout Planning;公路运输枢纽布局规划理论与方法研究

11.How to Design the Logistics Nodes in Highway Service Area;高速公路服务区物流节点布局规划方法研究

12.Application and Study on Method of BRT Network Planning in Urban Area;城市快速公交线网布局规划方法研究与应用

13.Study on planning methods of urban arterial bus route networks城市公交主干线网布局优化模式与方法研究

work link delay distributions inference based on discrete model基于离散模型的网络链路延迟分布推断方法

work topology网络拓扑,网络布局

16.Study on Local Highway Network Topology and Development Scale区域公路网布局形态及发展规模研究

17.The Research of Distribution Planning of Interchange in Highway Network;高速公路网互通式立交布局规划研究

18.The Application of the Analysis of Hierarchy Process in Logistics;层次分析法在物流网络布局中的应用


well pattern layout method井网布置方法

bined with factors of coal reservoir characteristics,geological structure,hydrogeological condition,CBM later stage exploitation and utilization,have determinedwell pattern layout method and principle,accord.潞安矿区煤层气井井网布置采用350m×250m,根据区内两口试验井LA-016、LA-019裂缝实时监测技术取得的压裂裂缝半径、裂缝方位、裂缝影响高度,验证了井网布置的科学性和合理性,结合煤储层特征、区内构造、水文地质条件、煤层气后期开发与利用等因素,确定了在潞安矿区进行井网布置方法和原则,并结合实际情况来逐步完善,使其更具实用性。

3)method of highway network layout公路网络布局方法

1.Based on the characteristics of high urbanization area, and combine the method of system layout in city road, a newmethod of highway network layout is put forward.本文以高度城市化地区的公路网络为主要研究对象,讨论其布局方法,并根据高度城市化地区特点,结合城市道路系统规划方法,提出了新的公路网络布局方法。

4)scheme of lightning location net布网方案

5)method of lixiviant distribution布液方法

6)Boolean method布尔方法

1.ABoolean method is given to find all minimal augmented dominationg sets of a graph.本文提出了图的增广支配集、增广支配数的概念,这些概念与增广p一中心问题密切相关,给出了求任意图全部极小增广支配集的布尔方法,提出了一个线性时间的算法求树的增广支配数。


城域网(见计算机网络)城域网(见计算机网络)metropolitan area network, MANehengyuwQng城域网(metropolitan area netwo次,MAN)分布范围可覆盖几个街区到整个城市的计算机网络。见计算机网络。
