100字范文 > 复杂网络聚类方法 complex network clustering method英语短句 例句大全

复杂网络聚类方法 complex network clustering method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-22 10:35:12


复杂网络聚类方法 complex network clustering method英语短句 例句大全

复杂网络聚类方法,complex network clustering method

1)complex network clustering method复杂网络聚类方法

2)complex network analysis复杂网络分析方法


1.An Application of EPs-based Complex Network Analysis in Urban Traffic Network;基于EPs的复杂网络分析方法在城市交通网络中的应用

2.Analysis on the Complexity of Coal Logistics Network and its Optimization;煤炭物流网络的复杂性分析及优化方法研究

3.Domestic Information Services Research Concept Network Analysis Based on Complex Network Method基于复杂网络方法的国内信息服务研究概念网络分析

4.Analysis Method and Model of Combat Command Architecture Based on Theory of Complex Networks;基于复杂网络理论的作战指挥体系结构分析模型和方法

5.The Methodological Meaning of Small and Medium Enterprises Network: Based on the Complex System;中小企业网络的方法论意义:基于复杂系统的分析

6.Analysis on the Evolving Principle of the Internet at the AS Level Based on Complex Network;基于复杂网络的Internet AS层网络演化分析

7.The Growing Models of Complex Networks and the Partitional Method for Community Structure;复杂网络增长模型及社区结构划分方法

8.Algorithm for detecting community structures in complex networks复杂网络基于局部模块度的社团划分方法

9.The Construction and Characteristic Analyses of Kernel Subnet in Complex Networks;复杂网络核心子网的构造及特性分析

10.Select a setup method based on the complexity of your network.基于网络的复杂性选择设置方法。

11.A Method for Detecting the Overlapping Community Structure in Complex Network一种复杂网络中交连社团的检测方法

12.Two-phase software clustering method based on complex network theory基于复杂网络的二阶段软件聚类方法

13.Applying Complex Network Theory to Analyze and Optimize Mesh Network;复杂网络理论对Mesh网络结构的分析和优化

14.Research on Reliability of Countrywide Railway Network Based on Theory of Complex Network基于复杂网络的全国铁路网络连通可靠性分析

15.Analysis of IFG Knowledge Communication Network Based on Complex Network基于复杂网络的非正式团体知识交互网络分析

16.Analysis on the Evolution of Firm"s Interpersonal Relationships Network Based on Complex Network基于复杂网络的企业员工关系网络演化分析

17.Analysis on complex network correlation properties of urban transit network城市公交网络的复杂网络关联性质分析

18.Application of Complex Network Theory to Urban Transportation Network Analysis复杂网络理论在城市交通网络分析中的应用


complex network analysis复杂网络分析方法

3)complex system entropy cluster复杂系统熵聚类方法

1.Based on the analysis,we present a new technique,orcomplex system entropy cluster,for designing new TCM prescriptions,along with some research strategies for the application.本文对中药新药处方发现模式及其问题进行了分析,在此基础上,提出中药新药处方发现的新工具-复杂系统熵聚类方法,并详细阐述应用此方法进行中药新药处方发现的研究思路。

4)complex network复杂网络

1.Research oncomplex network topology model of network warfare;网络化战争中复杂网络拓扑结构模型研究

2.Applyingcomplex network theory to analyze mechanism of cascading large blackouts failure;用复杂网络理论分析电网连锁性大停电事故机理

parison method of product modularization based oncomplex network;基于复杂网络的产品模块化程度比较方法

5)complex networks复杂网络

1.Traffic Dynamics on Complex Networks;复杂网络上的交通动力学

2.Robustness analysis of supply chain based oncomplex networks;基于复杂网络的供应链鲁棒性分析

3.Poisson model of directedcomplex networks;有向复杂网络的Poisson模型

6)Network clustering网络聚类


