100字范文 > 取舍 choices英语短句 例句大全

取舍 choices英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-12 05:02:58


取舍 choices英语短句 例句大全



1.The pursuit of equivalent effect in literary translation is a process of recreating formal aesthetic elements of the original text, during which, the translator has to makechoices.本文以老舍的《茶馆》英译本说明 ,“戏剧性”是剧本语言体现的样式特征 ,也是戏剧翻译取舍的客观依据。


1.The Implicit Mechanism of Abandoned Item in Choice Sentences of "非得";“非得”类取舍句中舍弃项的隐含机制

2.A Reflection on the Appropriateness and Faithfulness of Abridging Translation after an Investigation;取舍之间——从一次调查看摘译及摘译时信息的取舍

3.It is difficult to decide between the two.很难在这两者之间做一取舍。

4.You"ll feel torn between the choices you have regarding relationships.天蝎座:感情的取舍让你很受折磨。

5.They analysed the data and then decided which to choose.他们在对资料进行分析后, 决定取舍。

6.The art of living is to know when to hold fast and when to let go.生活的艺术是要懂得取舍。

7.Peace seems to be something Americans can take or leave.和平好像是美国人能随意取舍的东西。

8.Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep搞创造允许犯错。搞艺术应知取舍。

9.There are plenty of materials you can choose from; the problem now is how to make your selection.可用的资料很多, 就看你如何取舍了。

10.Lust-Accept or Reject-About the Women Portrayed in Journey to the West;欲望的取舍——谈《西游记》女性形象的塑造

11.A Further Research on the Word "she" in "she jie qu zhu qi gong zhong er yong zhi";“舍皆取诸其宫中而用之”之“舍”字再论

12.The young man sacrificed himself for a noble cause.那个年轻人舍生取义。

13.Giving up fishes for bear s paw and sacrifice life for righteousness:a modern elucidation of traditional concept;舍鱼取熊掌与舍生取义——一个传统观念的现代阐释

14.In unexpected, largesse?由我这样的人来决定舍取,惊人的豪爽。

15.The sheep bunched up in the shed to keep warm.羊为了取暖在羊舍里挤在一起。

16.He always act the martyr when He has to do the housework他一做家务事就装成舍生取义的样子

17.He always acts the martyr when he has to do the housework.他一做家务事就装成舍生取义的样子.

18.If you persevere with the work, you"ll succeed in the end.如果你工作锲而不舍,最终会取得成功。



1.The formation of students ability consists mainly in extracurricular self-study, as Chinese teachers, they must know the reason, however, teachers can improve their teaching effect in students class study if they master the art ofchoice in Chinese teaching.课堂上的学习是有时限的,永远不可能达到计划规定的目标,学生的能力形成更多依靠的是课外的自我学习,作为中学语文教师,必须明白这个道理,掌握语文教学中的"取舍"艺术,只有这样才能提高课堂学习的效益。

3)accept or reject取舍

1.In order to correctly analyze these reasons and reveal the inherent defects of the system, and make a correct choice which about theaccept or reject of the system, following relationships should be rationally distinguished that between the civil protest system and judicial authority, the conflict of the relation of equality and balance between parti.理性地界定民事抗诉制度与司法权威、与当事人之间平等及平衡关系的冲突、与最高人民法院的作用和终审权的关系以及与外国相应立法之间的关系,能够有助于学理正确认识取消或弱化民事抗诉制度的诸多理由及其该制度的固有缺陷,并有助于立法对民事抗诉制度的取舍作出正确的选择。

4)using herbal efficacies rather than its properties舍性取用

5)rule of acceptance and rejection取舍规则

1.Electrical load forecast based on Lyapunov exponent method withrule of acceptance and rejection;基于引入取舍规则的Lyapunov指数法的电力负荷预测

6)choice sentence取舍句

1.Moreover,the "Bias-bias +VP" format of behavior meaning is able to formchoice sentence,while the "Bias-bias +VP" of result meaning is unable to formchoice sentence.另外,表行为义的“偏偏+VP”格式能形成取舍句,而表结果义的“偏偏+VP”格式不都形成取舍句。


取舍1.亦作"取舍"。 2.择用与弃置;选择。
