100字范文 > 备选方案 choice schemes英语短句 例句大全

备选方案 choice schemes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-17 16:03:04


备选方案 choice schemes英语短句 例句大全

备选方案,choice schemes

1)choice schemes备选方案


1.alternative [projects]供选择的(项目),备选(项目),备选方案 [项目]

2.Gather information about alternatives为备选方案收集信息

3.The Public Selection and the Public Welfare Property: the Investigation of the Alternatives;公共选择与公益物品备选方案的考察

parative Research for Prepared Schemes of International Container Pivotal Port of Shanghai;上海国际集装箱枢纽港备选方案比较

5.Simulation Modeling of Hospital Emergency Department Alternative Solution医院急诊科备选方案的仿真建模研究

6.In practice, decision-making involves choosing between competing alternative courses of action and selecting the alternatives that best satisfies the objectives of an organization.在现实中,决策就是在各备选方案中选出最能实现组织目标的备选方案。

7.Ideally, firms will consider all alternative course of action. However, in the real world, firms will consider only a few alternatives.理想地说,公司应考虑所有的备选方案,但在现实中,企业只考虑几个备选方案。

8.Analysis on Investment Safety of R&D Project Alternative Adjustment Decision;R&D项目阶段调整备选方案的投资安全性分析

9.The research of investment project for the best selection;投资项目动态财务评价备选方案的抉择研究

10.Planning involves making choice between alternatives and is primarily a decision-making activity.计划涉及从各备选方案中作出决策,因此主要是决策活动。

11.It also includes a consideration of possible alternatives, such as a concrete gravity dam or an earth-fill embankment dam.还要考虑到可能的备选方案,比如是选择混凝土重力坝还是选择填土筑堤大坝。

12.Study on Selection of Reserving Harbor for Coal Transport of S Group;S公司煤炭运输备用港选择方案研究

13.Equipments Selection in Multimedia Classroom;关于多媒体教室设备配置方案的选择

14.Fine Classification Method of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Selection Design面向机电设备选型设计方案的精细分类方法

15.Study of the Technics Equipment"s Development Blue Print in Chang Zhi Iron & Steel (Group) Co. Ltd. Puddling Factory;长治兴拓选矿厂工艺设备改进方案的研究

16.The Optimization Scheme on Suppository Preparation of Chinese Herbs of Endometritis of Cows制备奶牛子宫内膜炎中药栓剂的优选方案研究

17.The selected scenario failed to load. Select a different scenario.所选方案加载失败。请选择另一个方案。

parison and Selection for Equipment Renewal Plan in Production Management of Enterprise;设备更新方案的比较与选择在企业生产管理中的应用


alternative choice备选方案选择

3)select alternatives选择备选方案

4)equipment selection plan设备选型方案

5)ranking alternatives备选方案排序

6)identify alternatives辨识备选方案


