100字范文 > 择校 school choice英语短句 例句大全

择校 school choice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-14 19:36:42


择校 school choice英语短句 例句大全

择校,school choice

1)school choice择校

1.Studey on School Choice of Compulsory Education Stage in Jinan;济南市义务教育阶段择校问题研究

2.School Choice Problems Compared Research Home and Abroad;中外择校问题的对比研究

3.As for the issue ofschool choice by way of paying tuition,there have been different views on its merits and demerits in the field of education theory."择校"是我国义务教育领域的一大热点问题,有"收费择校""关系择校"和"权利择校"之分,尤其是"收费择校",教育理论界对此褒贬不一。


1.Choice of Public School or Private School:the Current Policies of School Choice in the US公立学校选择与私立学校选择——试析美国现行择校政策

2.Analysis of Factors Affecting Examinees" Selecting Colleges in the Local Colleges and Universities地方高等院校入校学生择校因素分析

3.An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Students College-Choice Behavior and College-Choice Satisfaction;高考考生择校行为与择校满意度关系的研究

4.Investigation into the Mental Health of the Students who Choose to Study in Non-designated Schools and theResult;高中择校学生心理健康状况与择校效果的研究

5.Some Reflections on How Disadvantaged Universities Meet with the Challenges Brought about by the Examinees University Selection in the Wave of Enrollment Enlargement;扩招中弱势高校化解择校冲击的思考

6.International Perspectives on the School Choice Phenomenon and the Policy Choice in China择校现象的国际观察与我国的政策选择

7.The Arguments of School Choice in America: Equity,Efficiency and Liberal Choice美国关于择校的争论:公平、效率与自由选择

8.Educational Choice and Selecting Education --should public high schools charge choice fees?;教育选择与选择教育——兼论公立高中是否该收“择校费”

9.Selecting School Education and Individual Human Capital Accumulation:School Choice Survey in Beijing and Empirical Attribution;择校教育与个体人力资本积累——北京市择校调查及实证归因

10.Ideal and Reality of School Choice:Frictions and Influencing Factors--Netherlands,England and Scotland择校理想与择校现实:差距及影响因素——以荷兰、英国、苏格兰为例

11.advised caution in choosing a school.建议审慎选择学校。

12.They go back to school, The Sun writes.他们选择重返校园。

13.Target Selection of Health School Campus Cultural Construction;论卫生学校校园文化建设的目标选择

14.Mangemeat by Law: The Essential Choice of Colleges in the 21th Century;依法治校:21世纪高校管理的必然选择

15.Management in accordance with law--inevitable choice for the construction and development of colleges and universities;依法治校:高校建设与发展的必然选择

16.Objective Choice of School-based Curriculum Development of Technical Colleges;论高职院校校本课程开发的目标选择

17.Board of Directors: A Pattern Choice of the Institutional Innovation of Higher Education;校董会:高校体制创新的一种模式选择

18.The Discussion on the Current Situation of Choice of Jobs and its Education in the Vocational Colleges;浅析高职院校学生择业观现状及择业观教育


selecting school择校

1.Based on the appearance ofselecting school,this article researches the new features of education consumption ,and brings new ideas on the research of the education consumption.以“择校”问题为视点 ,从择校消费来看教育消费的新变化 ,为研究教育消费问题拓展新思路。

2.Through observing the phenomenon ofselecting school, this article deals with the ineguality of Chinas compulsory education via using the time clue of past, present and future.以择校现象为基点 ,以过去、现在、未来为文章的主线 ,从实证与规范双重角度探讨了我国义务教育资源配置的不公平性。

3.Based on the analysis ofselecting school in primary education,some issues in the education will be exposed,which can provide some useful ideas for contemporary reform of primary education.文章通过对基础教育中择校现象的分析引出教育中的某些问题,希望能给当代基础教育的改革提供一些有益的思路。

3)choosing school择校

1.The government has changed the attitude from limiting the right ofchoosing school to making policies to realise it.在义务教育阶段,择校已成为一个不可回避的问题。

2.Student schoosing schools embodies fairness.学生的先天差异与教育的公平能够协调;学生“择校”体现了公平;教育价值应体现教育公平性。

3.It offers so-called rich soil the charge ofchoosing school.这为择校交费提供了“肥沃土壤”。


1.Theschool-choice-problems gradually became focal problem in educational innovation in 1980s.我国中小学“择校”问题从20世纪80年代开始逐渐成为教育改革的焦点问题。

2.While, since China s educational resources are distributed unevenly, schools differ from each other in educational service quality and quantity, therefore,school-choice and unauthorized collection of educational fees for it are common.然而由于我国教育资源分布的不平衡性,不同学校的教育质和量存在着客观差异,从而择校行为和由此而形成的乱收费行为成为了我国义务教育阶段的较为普遍的现象。

3.In early statehood,In order to rapidly train a number of talents useful for the socialist construction to replenish the building force,the phenomenon ofschool-choice was prevailing.建国初期,国家为了快速培养一批对社会主义建设有用的人才充实到建设队伍中去,择校现象普遍存在。

5)school-selecting disputes择校纠纷

1.The paper analyzes the causes of theschool-selecting disputes and tries to look for related countermeasures to solve the problem.随之而来的择校纠纷日益增多,迫切需要我们解决与择校有关的问题。

6)school choice policy择校政策

1.began to carry outschool choice policy at the stage of basic education to try to promote the diversification of education in the principle of guaranteeing educational equity, advocating "discrepant equality", admitting that all students have different gifts and each student can be excellent and successful.20世纪80年代末,英国开始在基础教育阶段实行择校政策,试图在保证教育公平的原则下促进教育的多样化,主张"有差异的平等",承认所有学生具有不同的天赋并且使每个人达到优秀和成功,在提出多样性学校选择范围的同时,提出所有学校取得成功的政策目标,强调好学校必须发挥示范和带动作用,与本地区其他学校、地方教育管理部门和企业界合作,改造薄弱学校,推动整体教育水平的提高,达到均衡发展的目标。


闻公择过云龙张山人辄往従之公择有诗戏用其【诗文】:我生固多忧,肉食常苦墨。轩然就一笑,犹得好饮力。闻君过云龙,对酒两静默。急携清歌女,山郭及未昃。一欢难力致,邂逅有胜特。喧蜂集晚花,乱雀啅丛棘。山人乐此耳,寂寞谁侍侧。何当求好人,聊使治要襋。使君自孤愤,此理谁相直。不如学养生,一气服千息。【注释】:原题:闻公择过云龙张山人辄往従之公择有诗戏用其韵【出处】:苏轼诗集 卷九
