100字范文 > 支出绩效 out-put effect英语短句 例句大全

支出绩效 out-put effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-16 23:03:51


支出绩效 out-put effect英语短句 例句大全

支出绩效,out-put effect

1)out-put effect支出绩效

1.According to the evaluating indexes of theout-put effect on medical treatment and sanitations as well as the degree of evaluation put forward by Budget Division of Ministry of Finance,the value of the performance rating like identity,differences and opposition was analyzed.以集对论为基础,依据财政部预算司提出的医疗卫生财政支出绩效评价指标和绩效评价等级级别,对绩效等级评价值进行同一性、差异性和对立性分析,建立了集对评价分析模型。


1.Research on Performance Evaluation of Local Agricultural Finance Projects;地方财政支农项目支出绩效评价研究

2.Research on the Efficiency of Financial Support for Agriculture in Zhangjiajie张家界市财政支农支出绩效问题研究

3.The Research on the Performance Assessment System of Public Educational Expenditure;中国财政教育支出绩效评价体系研究

4.A Study on the Performance Evaluation Index System of the Public Expenditure of Our Country;中国公共支出绩效评价指标体系研究

5.Performance of the Public Expenditure:Sober Consideration under the Flourishing Practice;公共支出绩效:“热”考评中的“冷”思考

6.Research on Index System of Forestry Fiscal Expenditure Performance Measurement;林业财政支出绩效评价指标体系研究

7.Discussion about the Performance Evaluation of Education Expenditure;教育财政支出绩效评价的解读与思考

8.How to Establish Effective Performance Evaluation System on Fiscal Expenditure;如何构建有效的财政支出绩效评价体系

9.Construction on Performance Evaluation System of Financial Expenditure Based on Logic Model: Taking the Agricultural Expenditure as an Example;构建基于逻辑模型的财政支出绩效评价体系——以农业财政支出为例

10.This needs to set up the performance evaluation system of public expenditure.这就需要建立公共财政支出绩效评价制度。

11.Research on Construction and Application of the Performance Assessment System of Fiscal Expenditure;财政支出绩效评价体系构建及其应用研究

12.Performance Assessment and Supervision Research on Public Finance Expenditure in China;我国财政支出绩效评价与监督问题研究

13.Research on the Expenditure Performance of Hunan Comprehensive Agricultural Development Funds;湖南省农业综合开发资金支出绩效研究

14.A Research on China s Departmental Budget Project Expending Performance Assessment;我国部门预算项目支出绩效评价问题研究

15.A Study on the Economic Evaluation of Government Project Expenditure in China;政府部门项目支出绩效的经济性评价研究

16.Study of Performance Audit on Public Expenditure of Chinese Government;关于我国政府公共支出绩效审计的研究

17.The Research on the Financial Expenditure Performance Evaluation of Chinese Compulsory Education;我国义务教育财政支出绩效评价研究初探

18.A Study of Evaluation System on the Project of Agriculture Supported by Finance;财政支农支出项目绩效评价体系研究


efficiency of expenditure achievement财政支出绩效

3)Public expenditure performance公共支出绩效

4)the performance management of fiscal expenditure政支出绩效管理

1.For a long time, our local government focus on fiscal income more but on fiscal expenditure less, and pay less attention tothe performance management of fiscal expenditure.长期以来,我国地方政府都把主要精力放在财政收入上,而对财政支出尤其是财政支出绩效管理的研究不够。

5)the function of fiscal expenditure performance政支出绩效函数

6)evaluation of the performance of public expenditure公共支出绩效评估


