100字范文 > 支出效应 Spending effect英语短句 例句大全

支出效应 Spending effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-18 00:12:52


支出效应 Spending effect英语短句 例句大全

支出效应,Spending effect

1)Spending effect支出效应


1.Analysis on the Effect of Public Expenditure and Relevant System Arrangement in China;公共支出效应分析及我国相关制度安排研究

2.Incentive to Innovation Independently--The Effect and Optimal Scale of Public Expenditure;激励自主创新:公共支出效应与最优规模

3.An Empirical Analysis of the Long run Effect of Public Expenditure on Economic Growth;我国GDP长期增长中公共支出效应的实证分析

4.An Empirical Study of the Extrusion Effect on Chinese Government Expenditure to Consumption Expenditure;我国政府支出对消费支出挤出效应的实证分析

5.The Multiplicative Effect Between the R&D Expenditureof the Government and Employment;政府R&D支出的就业乘数效应研究

6.Research of Public Expenditure Transition and Its Economic Development Effect;公共支出转型及其经济发展效应研究

7.The Dynamic Effect of Fiscal Technology and Education Expenditure in China;中国财政科教支出动态经济效应分析

8.Analysis of Scales and Effects of Public Health Expenditure In China;我国公共卫生支出规模与效应的分析

9.The Effect of Fiscal Expenditure on Hunan"s Regional Economic Convergence财政支出对湖南经济收敛的效应研究

10.Analysis on Effects of China Financial Expenditure on Farmer’s Income财政农业支出对农民收入的效应分析

11.Structure imbalance and effect weaken──probing into agriculture finance expense s effect on countryside economy development;结构失调与效应弱化——农业财政支出对农村经济发展的效应探析

12.Research on Construction and Application of the Performance Assessment System of Fiscal Expenditure;财政支出绩效评价体系构建及其应用研究

13.A Study on the Incentive Effect of Tax Expenditure on High-Tech Industry Development;税式支出对高技术产业发展的激励效应研究

14.The Definition of Chinese Local Public Expenditure Framework: An Analysis of Economic Growth;地方公共支出框架的界定:经济增长效应分析

15.Research on the Effects of Fiscal Expenditure on Reducing Regional Economic Difference;财政支出对缩小区域经济差距的效应研究

16.The Study of the Rural Economics Function of the National Public Expenditure on Agriculture in Chinese;农业财政支出对农村经济发展的效应研究

17.The Tax Policy Effect for Promoting Enterprises R&D Investments;激励企业R&D支出的税收政策效应研究

18.Impact of Fiscal Expenditure on Economic Growth in China:An Analysis of Its Multiplier Effect;我国财政支出对经济增长的乘数效应分析


Expenditure Switching Effect支出转移效应

3)benefit of outcome支出效益

1.Index system can evaluate ability of gathering fund,benefit of outcome, efficiency of using fund and potential capability of development.开展对财政支出效益评价是财政管理工作的一项重要工作,本文应用成本收益法思路,依据高校投入 产出的特点,建立了1套评价指标体系,通过高校筹集资金能力、产出效益、资金使用效率和发展潜力4个方面反映财政对高校支出效益。

4)Efficiency of Fiscal Expenditure支出效率

5)out-put effect支出绩效

1.According to the evaluating indexes of theout-put effect on medical treatment and sanitations as well as the degree of evaluation put forward by Budget Division of Ministry of Finance,the value of the performance rating like identity,differences and opposition was analyzed.以集对论为基础,依据财政部预算司提出的医疗卫生财政支出绩效评价指标和绩效评价等级级别,对绩效等级评价值进行同一性、差异性和对立性分析,建立了集对评价分析模型。

6)reinforcement effect支护效应


