100字范文 > 公共支出绩效评价 performance assessment of public expenditure英语短句 例句大全

公共支出绩效评价 performance assessment of public expenditure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-11 18:28:15


公共支出绩效评价 performance assessment of public expenditure英语短句 例句大全

公共支出绩效评价,performance assessment of public expenditure

1)performance assessment of public expenditure公共支出绩效评价

1.In this paper, the author, from six aspects--the main scope of budget accounting, budget accounting system, the accounting scope of budget accounting, the accounting basis of budget accounting, the centralized collection and payment system of national treasury,performance assessment of public expenditure, gives an analysis on China’s budget accounting system.通过预算会计主体范围、预算会计制度、预算会计核算范围、预算会计核算基础、国库集中收付制度、公共支出绩效评价六个方面对我国预算会计体系现状进行了评析。


1.A Study on the Performance Evaluation Index System of the Public Expenditure of Our Country;中国公共支出绩效评价指标体系研究

2.Analyzing and constructing the index system of evaluating the performance of public expenditure;解析与构建公共支出绩效评价指标体系

3.This needs to set up the performance evaluation system of public expenditure.这就需要建立公共财政支出绩效评价制度。

4.Research on the Performance Evaluation Index System of Local Fiscal Public Health Projects;地方公共卫生支出项目绩效评价指标体系研究

5.Study on Constructing Indicators for the Assessment of Public Educational Expenditure Performance;构建公共教育支出绩效评价指标体系的研究

6.Performance of the Public Expenditure:Sober Consideration under the Flourishing Practice;公共支出绩效:“热”考评中的“冷”思考

7.Study on Performance Examination in the Public Expenditure of Our Government;我国政府公共支出管理中的绩效考评研究

8.The system in public expenditure performance appraisal of Australia and Its Enlightenment;澳大利亚的公共支出绩效考评制度及启示

9.Countermeasures on Establishing the Modern Evaluation System of Public Expenditure Effects;建立现代公共支出绩效考评制度的对策研究

10.Performance Evaluation on China"s Public Financial Expenditure for Agriculture During 1998-1998—中国公共财政农业支出的绩效评估

11.Performance Evaluation of Financial Resources on Education in China中国教育财政支出的绩效评价——基于公平的视角

12.A Study of Evaluation System on the Project of Agriculture Supported by Finance;财政支农支出项目绩效评价体系研究

13.Research on Performance Evaluation of Local Agricultural Finance Projects;地方财政支农项目支出绩效评价研究

14.A Study of Performance Appraisal of Support for Sci-tech Industry by Public Finance of Shanxi;公共财政支持陕西科技产业发展的绩效评价研究

15.A Study of Performance Appraisal Indicators system of Support for Sci-tech Industry by Public Finance Based on Balanced Scorecard Approach;基于平衡计分卡的公共财政支持科技产业绩效评价指标体系研究

16.Strategy and Result-oriented Public Expenditures Performance Appraisal Model;战略与结果导向的公共支出绩效评估模型的构建

17.Performance Evaluation of Public Project Expenditure;关于建立公共工程项目支出绩效评估的几点思考

18.Influencing Factors in Public Expenditure Performance;政府公共支出项目绩效影响因素初探


evaluation of the performance of public expenditure公共支出绩效评估

3)evaluation system of public expenditure effects公共支出绩效考评

1.The article comes into the necessity and a series of policy suggestions that the modernevaluation system of public expenditure effects should be established rapidly in China.通过现代公共支出绩效考评制度与传统公共支出评价体系的比较以及对目前公共支出管理体系所存在问题的分析,得出了我国应加快建立公共支出绩效考评制度的必要性和一系列政策建议。

4)Public expenditure performance公共支出绩效

5)Performance appraisal of the fiscal expenditure in basic education基础教育支出绩效评价

6)Fiscal Expenditure Performance Evaluating财政支出绩效评价


