100字范文 > 高职文秘专业 Chinese secretary specialty of vocational colleges英语短句 例句大全

高职文秘专业 Chinese secretary specialty of vocational colleges英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-30 16:23:07


高职文秘专业 Chinese secretary specialty of vocational colleges英语短句 例句大全

高职文秘专业,Chinese secretary specialty of vocational colleges

1)Chinese secretary specialty of vocational colleges高职文秘专业


1.On Development of Students’ Vocational Consciousness in Classroom Instruction of Secretarial Major in Vocational Colleges高职文秘专业课堂教学中的职业意识培养

2.Research on the lmproving of the Overall Quality of Secretarial Students Through the Course of "Corporate Secretary of Writing"《企业秘书写作》对提高高职文秘专业学生综合素质的探讨

3.On Needs for SME Development and Trends for Secretary Major Development in Advanced Vocational Education中小企业发展需求与高职文秘专业的对策抉择

4.Cultivating Pattern and Curriculum Provision for Secretary Diploma in Vocational College;高职文秘专业人才培养模式与课程设置探析

5.The Design of Practice-Teaching of Secretary Discipline in Vocational Higher Education Based on The Cultivation of Ability;基于能力培养的高职文秘专业实训教学设计

6.Reform and explorations of Chinese secretary specialty s practice teaching;高职文秘专业校外实习教学的改革与探索

7.The Reform and Construction of Practice Teaching Model of Secretaire Specialty in Higher Vocational Education;高职文秘专业实践教学模式的改革与构建

8.On the Core Capability Cultivation of Secretarial Major Students in Higher Vocational Colleges;略论高职文秘专业学生核心能力的培养

9.On the Teaching Features of Public Relations in Secretary Major of Higher Vocational Education;高职文秘专业《公共关系学》教学特色探究

10."Two Transfers" Guides the Development of Higher Vocational Secretarial Speciality in Pearl River Delta Region以“双转移”引领珠三角高职文秘专业教育发展

11.On the diversified practical teaching pattern of secretarial major in HVE colleges高职文秘专业多元化实践性教学模式的思考

12.Studies on Action-oriented Curriculum Development for Secretarial Program in Higher Vocational Colleges--A Case Sudy of Secretary Practice高职文秘专业行动课程开发研究——以《秘书实务》为例

13.Problems and Measures of E-business Teaching for Vocational College Secretary Major高职文秘电子商务教学存在问题与对策思考——以本校高职文秘专业为例

14.A study of vocational certification education in the secretary major at higher vocational college;高职高专文秘专业职业资格教育探讨

15.Guidance of graduation thesis for higher vocational secretary speciality;谈高职院校秘书专业毕业论文的指导

16.On the Thinking of Secretary Major s Revolution in Vocational Institute;高职院校文秘专业改造和建设的思考

17.On Teaching Reformation of Modern Chinese Course for the major of Secretary浅谈高职高专文秘专业现代汉语的教学改革

18.Probeinto "the Curriculum Package of Higher Vocational Majors";关于高职专业课程包的探讨——以文秘专业为例


secretarial major in higher vocational education高职秘书专业

3)higher vocational secretarial speciality高职文秘

4)secretary major文秘专业

1.Features ofsecretary major and its talents cultivation;浅论文秘专业特色的形成与有效人才的培养

2.A study of vocational certification education in thesecretary major at higher vocational college;高职高专文秘专业职业资格教育探讨

3.The subjects arrangement ofsecretary major at advanced vocation al college;高职文秘专业的课程设置

5)secretary specialty文秘专业

1.Secretary specialty is offered to train applied professionals as Sec.文秘专业以培养应用型文秘人才为目标,它要求所从事的专业人员要具备一定的实践操作能力。

2.The disadvantage of the training ofsecretary specialty students\" professional quality and vocational competence is discussed in detail in the article,and many effective ideas and methods are also put forward for training objectives and training methods.本文浅析了当前文秘专业教学中对学生职业能力培养方面存在的不足,并对培养目标以及培养方式进行了论述。

6)secretarial major文秘专业

1.Modernsecretarial major opened by colleges and universities has great market potential and good prospects for development.高等院校开办现代文秘专业,有很大的市场潜力和很好的发展前景。

2.The education aim ofsecretarial major in Guangdong Institute of Science and Technology is fostering high level skilled secretarial students who can be competent for the job such as office work,business assistance.广东科学技术职业学院文秘专业以培养能够胜任中小企业办公室工作,协助领导处理商贸事务,为领导决策及实施提供服务的高级技能型秘书人才为目标。


