100字范文 > 高职文化 culture of higher vocational college英语短句 例句大全

高职文化 culture of higher vocational college英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-03 19:10:47


高职文化 culture of higher vocational college英语短句 例句大全

高职文化,culture of higher vocational college

1)culture of higher vocational college高职文化

1.Campusculture of higher vocational colleges is featured with coexistence of mainstream and diversity.具体途径有:以马克思主义为指导,坚定高职文化的社会主义方向;以中国特色社会主义共同理想增强高职文化的凝聚力;以民族精神和时代精神提升高职文化的精神底蕴;以社会主义荣辱观构建尚荣明耻的高职文化环境。

2)culture construction of higher vocational college高职文化建设

3)higher vocational culture高职教育文化

1.In a deeper sense,the development of higher vocational education is the development ofhigher vocational culture.高职教育发展从深层次来讲是高职教育文化的发展。

4)vocational college culture高职学校文化

1.On the basis of the development history of vocational college and the accumulation of its culture, the article analyzes the history and present ofvocational college culture.高职学校文化建设是高职学校实施教育不可或缺的重要环节。


1.Thinking on Abutting Joint about Higher Vocational College Culture Constructing and Corporate Culture;高职学校文化建设与企业文化对接的思考

2.A Research on the Amalgamation and Connection of Enterprise Culture and Higher Vocational College Culture企业文化与高职学校文化的融合与对接研究

3.Considerations on Individual Development of Polytechnic Culture;高职院校学校文化个性化发展的思考

4.The Synergistic Research of School Culture Construction in Newly Established Vocational Colleges;新升格高职院校学校文化的协同建设

5.The research on understanding and construction of Higher Vocational Colleges culture高职院校学校文化的理解与建设初探

6.Enhance Cultural Construction on Campus and Improve Student s Quality in Higher Vocational College;加强校园文化建设 提高高职学生素养

7.A Research on the Amalgamation and Connection of High Professional School Culture and Enterprise Culture高职校学校文化与企业文化的融合与对接研究

8.Promote Cultural Harmony between Colleges and Enterprises to Build up Vocational Characterized College Culture;推进校企文化融合 构建高职特色学校文化

9.On Building the Brand of Campus Culture;加强校园文化建设 打造高职学院品牌

10.Thought on the Border of College Chinese Teaching in the Higher Vocational College;高职院校大学语文课程边缘化的思考

11.Promoting the Construction of the Dormitory Culture of Vocational College Students;推进高职院校大学生寝室文化的建设

12.On Cultural Lead-in in Teaching English;高职院校英语教学中文化差异的导入

13.On Students" Cultural Quality Education in Higher Vocational Institutions论当前高职院校大学生文化素质教育

14.Build a Learning School Culture to Construct a Top Ranking Higher Vocational College;创一流高职院校需建构一流的学习型学校文化

15.Vocational Teaching Research on the Practical Writing Course in Senior Professional College;高职院校应用文写作课职业化教学探讨

16.Campus Culture and Its Construction in Universities --On Panyu Polytechnic Campus Culture Construction;高校校园文化及其建设——兼论番禺职业技术学院校园文化建设

17.On the Present Condition and Countermeasures of School Culture Construction in Newly Established Vocational Colleges;新建高职院校学校文化建设的现状及管理对策

18.The influence of athletics culture of college campus on the college students and teaching staff;高校校园体育文化对大学生及教职工的影响


culture construction of higher vocational college高职文化建设

3)higher vocational culture高职教育文化

1.In a deeper sense,the development of higher vocational education is the development ofhigher vocational culture.高职教育发展从深层次来讲是高职教育文化的发展。

4)vocational college culture高职学校文化

1.On the basis of the development history of vocational college and the accumulation of its culture, the article analyzes the history and present ofvocational college culture.高职学校文化建设是高职学校实施教育不可或缺的重要环节。

5)higher vocational campus culture高职校园文化

6)fundamental courses高职普通文化课

1.In the rapid developing period,with the influence of the reform in major course,the reform task onfundamental courses is getting more urgent.课程改革是高职发展的核心问题,在高等职业教育迅速发展时期,受到专业课程改革的影响,高职普通文化课改革的任务更为紧迫。


