100字范文 > 植被生态用水 ecological water use of vegetation英语短句 例句大全

植被生态用水 ecological water use of vegetation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-09 22:12:48


植被生态用水 ecological water use of vegetation英语短句 例句大全

植被生态用水,ecological water use of vegetation

1)ecological water use of vegetation植被生态用水


1.The analysis on the pattern of eco-water use of vegetation and the availability of green water in Sanmenxia area of Yellow River植被生态用水结构及绿水资源消耗效用——以黄河三门峡地区为例

2.Vegetative Eco environment Construction and Water Use of Eco environment --Taking Northwestern Area for An Example植被生态建设与生态用水——以西北地区为例

3.Study of the Ecology Water Demand of Vegetation Restore in the Arid and Semi-arid Prairie Area;干旱半干旱草原区植被恢复生态用水研究

4.The Impact of the Water Import on the Vegetation in the Heihe River黑河生态输水对流域植被的影响研究

5.Calculation of Ecological Water Requirement of Natural Vegetation in Shiyang River Basin石羊河流域天然植被生态需水量计算

6.Relationship between Ecological Water Demand and Vegetation Ecosystem Service in Beijing北京市植被生态需水量与生态服务功能的关系

7.Study on the Ecological Response of Hydrology on Land-Use/Forest Vegetation Change in Typical Watershed in Loess Plateau;黄土高原典型流域土地利用/森林植被变化的水文生态响应研究

8.The Response of the Ecohydrological Process to Vegetation Dynamics in Typical Steppe;典型草原区生态水文过程对植被动态的响应

9.Research on the Scientific Allocation Method for Water Resources Concerning Water Requirement of the Vegetation;考虑植被生态需水的水资源合理配置方法研究

10.Study on the Eco-Hydrological Function of Typical Forest Vegetation in the upper Stream of Huang Qian Reservoir;黄前水库上游典型森林植被水文生态功能研究

11.Physio-ecological Study of Submerged Vegetation Restoration in Hypereutrophic Lake;重污染湖泊沉水植被重建的生理生态研究

12.A Study on Ecological Construction and Restoration of Aquatic Vegetation in the Coastal Zones of the Xinyun Lake;星云湖湖滨带生态建设与水生植被恢复研究

13.Simulation of CO_2, Sensible and Latent Heat Fluxes in Typical Ecosystems Using a Coupled Biophysical/Dynamical Vegetation Model;应用生物物理—动态植被耦合模型对典型生态系统二氧化碳和水热通量的模拟研究

14.Spatial distribution and ecological adaptability of wetland vegetation in Yellow River Delta along a water table depth gradient.水深梯度下湿地植被空间分布与生态适应

15.Eco-hydrological Function of Mountain Vegetation in the Hei River Basin, Northwest China黑河流域山区植被生态水文功能的研究

16.Soil Water Eco-environment for Vegetation Recovery on the Loess Plateau of China;黄土高原植被恢复的土壤水分生态环境

17.The Effects of the Vegetation Degradation on the Ecological Process of the Surface Water of the Typical Steppe;植被退化对典型草原地表水分生态过程的影响

18.Ecohydrogeochemical Effects of Karst Vegetation in Guangxi;广西岩溶植被的生态水文地球化学效应


vegetation ecological water requirement植被生态需水

1.The research onvegetation ecological water requirements is concerned with multi-disciplines,such as ecology,hydrology,environtology,meteorology and so on.植被生态需水涉及到生态学、水文学、环境学、气象学等多学科问题,目前已成为研究热点。

3)vegetation ecology植被生态

1.Whether has continually exploiting confined groundwater to create the serious ecological environment problem, what has relations between the groundwater and thevegetation ecology, these are the questions which this area groundwater resources development must reply.苏贝淖流域地处鄂尔多斯盆地湖盆高原区,属于鄂尔多斯白垩系自流水盆地的一部分,研究表明该地区承压水的补给并不充沛,开采时需动用一部分弹性储存量,持续开采承压地下水能否造成严重的生态环境问题,地下水与植被生态有什么关系,这些都是该地区地下水资源开发必须回答的问题。

4)ecology vegetation生态植被

1.On the necessity of increasingecology vegetation in the residential district;浅谈住宅小区增加生态植被的必要性

5)Aquatic vegetation水生植被

1.Preliminary survey on aquatic vegetations in Baiyangdian Lake;白洋淀水生植被初步调查

2.Role of water level fluctuation on aquatic vegetation in lakes;湖泊水位变动对水生植被的影响机理及其调控方法

3.On aquatic vegetation succession of Lake Liangzihu from 1955 to 2001;梁子湖水生植被1955—2001年间的演替

6)ecological water requirement quota of vegetation植被生态需水定额


