100字范文 > 生态用水 ecological water use英语短句 例句大全

生态用水 ecological water use英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-06 01:57:16


生态用水 ecological water use英语短句 例句大全

生态用水,ecological water use

1)ecological water use生态用水

1.Experimental study onecological water use in a gully catchment of the loess plateau: effects of climate and land use change;黄土丘陵小流域生态用水试验研究——气候和土地利用变化的影响

2.Research on decision-making process and research levels and important concepts ofecological water use and demand;生态用水决策过程、研究层次及生态需水重要概念研究

3.Primary estimation ofecological water use in Weiganhe river plain oasis;渭干河平原绿洲生态用水量初步估算


1.The structure of water consumption should be rationalized with more water available for ecological purpose.用水结构趋于合理,生态用水逐步增加。

2.Vegetative Eco environment Construction and Water Use of Eco environment --Taking Northwestern Area for An Example植被生态建设与生态用水——以西北地区为例

3.Research on the Rational Allocation for Water Using of Economic and Ecosystem in NingXia宁夏经济用水与生态用水合理配置研究

4.Study on Reuse of Ecological Water and Wastewater Qilu Petrochemical Corporation;齐鲁石化公司生态用水与污水回用研究

5.Study on Optimized simulation and Coupled Model of Water Use for Economy and Ecology;经济用水与生态用水的优化模拟耦合模型研究

6.The Study of the Ecology Response and Ecology Water Guarantee after the Water Transfers in the Lower Reaches of the Tarim River;塔里木河下游应急输水后的生态响应及生态用水保障研究

7.Study on Situation and Sustainability Assessment of Ecological Water Use in Shanxi Province;山西省生态用水态势及其可持续性评价研究

8.On Water for Environment and Construction of Water Eco environment of Chengdu论成都的环境用水和水生态环境建设

9.A Study on the Evaluation of Water Utilization and Water Safety in the Ecological Camp生态营区中水利用和水安全评价研究

10.Probe into the Water-saving Strategy for the Ecological Consumption in Shanxi Province山西省生态建设用水的节水战略探讨

11.Ecohydrological Functions of Sympodial Bamboo Shoot Stands and Its Dynamics of Soil Fertility;丛生竹笋用林水文生态功能及其土壤肥力动态

12.Dissection of Landscape Ecology Thought in Theory of Geomancy and Application风水说中的景观生态思想探析与应用

13.Ecological Engineering of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia Crassipes) in the Watershed: Control and Utilization;流域水葫芦控制与利用生态工程研究

14.Study on Sewage Sight Utilization in Shenzhen City;深圳城市污水生态景观回用技术研究

15.Study on Sewage Treatment and Reuse Equipment Used in Ecotypic Domicile;生态住宅中污水处理回用装置的研究

16.Discusion on the Practice of City Park Waterscape in the Harmonious Ecology;论城市公园中和谐生态的水景观应用

17.The Ecological Restoration Experiment of the Watercourse of Shenzhen City s Drinking Water Sources;深圳市饮用水源地河道生态修复实验



ecological water生态用水

1.Innicial Exploration on Quota of Ecological Water in Tarim River;塔里木河生态用水调控定额初探

2.The deficiency of water must give rise to the problems of agricultural water andecological water.水资源的短缺,自然诱发了绿洲农业用水与生态用水的矛盾。

3.The issues aboutecological water use are summarized from its concept,background,estimation method and research advances.针对"生态用水"概念及使用混乱的现象,本研究对生态系统的需水、用水的概念进行描述和界定,并对背景和研究状况进行了综述,提出了不同生态系统的用水估算方法。

3)ecological use of water生态用水

1.Experimental study onecological use of water of a small catchment in Huangfuchuan area;皇甫川丘陵沟壑区小流域生态用水实验研究

2.Discussion onecological use of water research;关于生态用水研究的讨论

3.Analysis onecological use of water of Changchuan watershed in the Soft Rock Area of Middle Yellow River;黄河中游砒砂岩地区长川流域生态用水分析

4)ecological water demand生态用水

1.The volume ofecological water demand for forest and crop,the watercourse,conservation of water and soil,the wetlands and the city were calculated.本文首先收集了威海市的水资源、植被、土地利用、森林资源和水土保持等背景资料,对此进行合理整理和筛选,在分析与预测威海市水资源态势的基础上,讨论了生态用水和生态需水概念,并分析界定了威海市生态用水的组成,进而以植物蒸散理论、水量平衡理论等为基本依据,推算威海市林木耗水与需水系数,计算出林木生态用(需)水量、河道内生态需水量、水土保持生态需水量、湿地生态需水量以及城市生态需水量。

5)ecological water consumption生态用水

1.Advances in research ofecological water consumption of river basins since 1980 are reviewed.回顾了 2 0世纪 80年代以来 ,国内外在流域生态用水方面的研究进展 。

6)ecological use of water resources生态用水量

1.Eco-environmental investigation and calculation ofecological use of water resources by means of "3S" technique;基于“3S”技术的生态环境调查及生态用水量计算


节约用水节约用水water-savingJIeyue yOngShuI节约用水 (wlater—sa访ng)通过采用先进的用水技术,降低水的消耗,提高水的重复利用率,实现合理的用水方式,这是用水管理的一项基本政策。节约用水是社会经济发展的客观需要和必然产物。淡水资源的匮乏,已经引起一些国家和地区的普遍重视。日益严重的水资源短缺也正在深刻地影响着经济和社会的发展,这就不能不引起人们的强烈关注。面对这一现实,人们不得不在解决社会经济发展与水的供求关系两者之间矛盾的时候,改变过去单一的开源发展的做法,而采取节流、开源、保护并举的综合性措施,来满足社会经济发展对水的需求。因此,节约用水也就成了社会经济发展的客观需要(参见彩图插页第34页)。水 赢”是生.命水——就是生命(邢强供稿)节约用水措施要与取水许可制度和计划用水实施结合起来,建立资源、供水、节水三者之间相互联系,相互配合,以达到水供求关系的协调平衡,促进水资源的良性循环和永续利用。还可以充分保证用水户的合法权益,提高用水户的主动权、使命感和安全感。也可以在调整水源工程投资政策的同时,调动各方的积极因素,多方集资,促进新水源工程的实施。节约用水就是高效率用水,减少水损失和单位产品耗水量。对生活用水要推广节水器具,计量收费;对工业用水,应制定合理用水定额,厉行计划用水,推广节水工艺,降低耗水,提高水的重复利用率;对农业用水应强化管理(参见彩图插页第36页),改进灌溉技术,推广节水措施,降低单位面积用水量,大力提高单方水的生产率。同时,要贯彻有偿用水的原则,用水户应按规定交纳水费和水资源费,利用经济杠杆促进合理用水。还应该通过广播、电影、电视、报刊、画廊、展览、录像、宣传画以及中小学教材等多种形式,大力开展宣传教育活动,使广大群众、干部、青少年都了解水、保护水、节约水。节约用水是全民的义务,全社会都来关心水,建立一个节水型社会是完全可以实现的。(任光照)
