100字范文 > 植被生态 vegetation ecology英语短句 例句大全

植被生态 vegetation ecology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-25 20:01:32


植被生态 vegetation ecology英语短句 例句大全

植被生态,vegetation ecology

1)vegetation ecology植被生态

1.Whether has continually exploiting confined groundwater to create the serious ecological environment problem, what has relations between the groundwater and thevegetation ecology, these are the questions which this area groundwater resources development must reply.苏贝淖流域地处鄂尔多斯盆地湖盆高原区,属于鄂尔多斯白垩系自流水盆地的一部分,研究表明该地区承压水的补给并不充沛,开采时需动用一部分弹性储存量,持续开采承压地下水能否造成严重的生态环境问题,地下水与植被生态有什么关系,这些都是该地区地下水资源开发必须回答的问题。


1.Vegetative Eco environment Construction and Water Use of Eco environment --Taking Northwestern Area for An Example植被生态建设与生态用水——以西北地区为例

2.A Study on the Vegetation Ecology of Subalpine Timberline Ecotone;亚高山林线生态交错带的植被生态学研究

3.Assessment on the ecological economic value of vegetation restoration in Xiaoliang;小良植被生态恢复的生态经济价值评估

4.Changes of Vegetation Ecosystem NPP in YUYANG District of Northern Shaanxi陕北榆阳区植被生态系统净第一性生产力动态

5.Relationship between Ecological Water Demand and Vegetation Ecosystem Service in Beijing北京市植被生态需水量与生态服务功能的关系

6.Study on Ecological Restoration on Vegetation of Jinfu Expressway Slope;锦阜高速公路边坡植被生态恢复研究

7.Advance in Mountain Vegetation Ecology in the Warm-temperate Zone of China中国暖温带山地植被生态学研究进展

8.Calculation of Ecological Water Requirement of Natural Vegetation in Shiyang River Basin石羊河流域天然植被生态需水量计算

9.A Study on Soil-Vegetation Ecosystem of Chongqing Karst Region重庆岩溶区土壤-植被生态系统探讨

10.vegetation and econsystem mapping植被和生态系统制图

11.Adaptability of 10 Wild Groundcovers;十种野生地被植物生态适应性的研究

12.Valuation of Vegetation Ecological Services in Vulnerable Ecological Region;生态脆弱区植被的生态服务功能价值化研究

13.Ecological Adaptation of Vegetation and Characteristics of Plant Resources in Otindag Sand Land;浑善达克沙地植被的生态适应及植物资源特征

14.On Region Vegetation Recovering and Reconstruction in Mining Cities;矿业城市的区域植被恢复和生态重建

15.Study on Quantitative Ecology of Wetland Vegetation in Yuncheng Section, Fen River Watershed, Shanxi汾河运城段湿地植被数量生态学研究

16.Effect of vegetation on niche of mango anthracnose果园植被对芒果炭疽病生态位的影响

17.Current Situation and Trends of Research on Vegetation-Growing Eco-Concrete植被型生态混凝土的研究现状及趋势

18.The evaluation of ecological services from the vegetation ecosystems in the Taibai Mountains秦岭太白山植被的生态服务价值测评


ecology vegetation生态植被

1.On the necessity of increasingecology vegetation in the residential district;浅谈住宅小区增加生态植被的必要性

3)ecological vegetation carpet生态植被毯

1.Through establishing slope vegetation trial plot,the authors adopted some techniques such as liquid spray,ecological vegetation carpet,three-dimensional vegetation net,and analyze economic and ecologic benefits.通过建立边坡绿化试验小区,选择液体喷播、铺设生态植被毯、三维植被网等生态护坡技术,对各自的经济、生态效果进行分析,并对各类生态护坡技术进行评价。

4)vegetation ecology植被生态学

1.Mountainvegetation ecology was always as the main aspect of mountain ecology,at present was a independently branch subject in mountain ecology.而山地植被生态学始终是山地生态学研究重要的内容,目前已经成为一门独立的山地生态学分支学科。

5)vegetation ecological landscape植被生态景观

6)eco-vegetation project植被生态工程


