100字范文 > 法治化 legalization英语短句 例句大全

法治化 legalization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-06 11:12:21


法治化 legalization英语短句 例句大全



1.Thinking on the Legalization of the Non-profitable Social Intermediary Organization;非营利性社会中介组织法治化的思考

2.Onlegalization of the moral education in universities;高校德育工作法治化的现实剖析与思考


1.The status and role of legalization of political operation in political modernization;政治运行法治化在政治现代化中的地位和作用

2.Legal professionalization is the internal requirement for a state ruled by law.法律职业化是国家法治化的内在要求。

3.On the Constitutionality of Multi-party Cooperation and Political Consultation System;论多党合作与政治协商制度的法治化

4.Making Global Governance Legalization: A Challenge of Justifiability;全球治理法治化:一种对正当性的追问

5.Legalization of Government Management and the Political Reform in China;政府管理法治化与我国政治体制改革

6.Essence of the Political Progress:Party in Power Adhering to the Rule of Law;政治文明的核心:建设法治化的执政党

7.The orientation Of Ruling by Law Of The Socialism Political Civilization;社会主义政治文明的法治化目标取向

8.Legalizational Research on the Ralationship between the Centre Authority and the Regional Athnic Autonlmy中央与民族自治地方关系法治化研究

9.Scientification legalization and moralization of public administration;公共行政的科学化、法治化和道德化

10.Thinking about Comprehensive Management of Public Security with Rule of Law;新形势下社会治安综合治理的法治化思考

11.Governing by Law and Anticorruption;政治权力运行的法治化与对腐败的治理

12.Adminster the Police According to Law-Inevitable Choice of Adminstering Pubice Security Men s Team According to Law;依法治警——公安队伍建设法治化的必然选择

13.Concept Discrimination between Rule of Law and Legalization法治与法治化概念辨析——兼与刘永艳教授商榷

14.Thinking Innovation in Legalization Construction of China;法治化建设的思路创新——基于法经济学的法治化建设思路

15.Seek the Way of the Rule by Law in Legal System Build and Cultural Innovation;在法制建设和文化创新中寻求法治化之路——邓小平法治思想评析

16.On the Rule of Law and the Law Culture法治与法治文化——从法治文化看我国法治建设

17.The Effects of Chinese Traditional Legal Cultures on the Modernization of Rule of Law;中国传统法文化对法治现代化的影响

18.From the democracy institutionalized and written into law to the basic principle of ruling the country by law;从民主制度化、法律化到依法治国战略


rule of law法治化

1.On Special Power Relationship to Rule of Law;特别权力关系法治化研究

2.The Research of Rule of Law on Government Incentive Mechanism in Environmental Protection;政府环保激励机制法治化研究

3.In logic,the view that is opposed to the actionability of macroeconomic regulation behaviors is improper for it is contrary to the concept ofrule of law.国家宏观经济调控的正当性来源于两个方面:一是经济生活中的"市场失灵";二是宏观调控能够法治化。

3)rule by law法治化

1.To bring governance idea and good governance idea into the government performance evaluationrule by law process is one inevitable trend.把治理以及善治理念纳入政府绩效评估法治化过程是一个必然趋势。

2.At the same time, in terms of the position and function of the rule-by-law politics in the development of politics, therule by law in the political operation will be the well-chosen road for the socialism development of political civilization.在我国社会主义政治文明建设中政治运行法治化将是我国政治文明建设的必由之路。

3.The legislation of public supervision should be speeded up torule by law to public supervision gradually and to develop socialist democracy and political civilization.尽早尽快对舆论监督立法,实现舆论监督的逐步法治化,发展社会主义民主和社会主义政治文明,是贯穿社会主义现代化建设的一项长期战略任务,也是依法治国基本方略的必然要求。

4)Ruled by Law法治化

1.Theoretical Study and System Construction of Making Government Affairs Public toRuled by Law;关于我国政务公开法治化的理论探讨与制度构建

2.On Corporate Social ResponsibilityRuled by Law;公司社会责任法治化研究

3.The Investigation of Student AdministrationRuled by Law in Colleges and Universities;高等学校学生管理法治化研究


1.Study on the Issues of SocialNomocracy in Countryside;我国农村社会法治化问题研究

2.Investigation of the way to nomocracy of administrative procedure行政程序法治化路径研究

3.The nomocracy of investigation spirit is the first step in the process of realizing investigation nomocracy,which guides system construction and investigation practice.侦查理念法治化是侦查法治化的先导,引导着制度构建和侦查实践。

6)legalization of the politics政治法治化

1.The development of the socialistic political civilization in China must be based on law and thelegalization of the politics should be realized.政治文明与法治存在着密切联系,政治文明是法治得以建立的重要条件和坚强 支柱;法治是政治文明的核心内容和有力保障;中国建设社会主义政治文明,必须以法治为根本,实现政治法治化。


公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical methodgongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理
