100字范文 > 合法 legal英语短句 例句大全

合法 legal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-14 12:51:52


合法 legal英语短句 例句大全



1.The Research Of Farmer Benefits Run Offlegally;农民利益的合法化流失研究

2.The paper sets out analyzing the main attribution of administration and thelegal property of the regulations in the college or the university,expounds the necessity of normalizing the regulations and designing relavant systems.本文从对高校的行政主体属性和高校规章的法律属性的分析入手,阐述了对高校规章进行合法性规制的必要性及相关制度设计,力图通过对高校规章的合法性规制实现大学教学和生活的和谐状态。


1.legal [illegal] proceedings合法 [不法] 处置

2.The Analysis on the ContractViolating Law s Optional Requirements and the Illegal Contract;析合同内容的不合法与合同内容违法

3.a pound of flesh合法但极不合理的事

4.without lawful authority or reasonable excuse无合法权限或合理辩解

5.A contract is a formal agreement.合同是一种合法的协定。

6.calender spreading轧辊[涂层]粘合法

7.legal separation(夫妻的)合法分居

8.The law says(that)this is quite legitimate.从法律上说,这是合法的.

9.flame laminating火焰胶合法,火焰层压法

10.The law says this is quite legitimate.从法律上说, 这是合法的.

11.double coupling method双偶联法,双偶合法

12.unlawful possession非法所有,不合法所有

13.The legitimate (lawful) rights and interests are protected By law.合法权益受法律保护

14.Legality - Does the company trade legally in all aspects?合法性--是否合法贸易公司在各方面?

15.Distinguish between legal and illegal advertising methods on the Internet.区分互联网上合法和不合法广告形式?

16.The rightful heir should obtain his rightful inheritance.合法的继承人应获得其合法的继承权。

17.These drugs are legal illegal.这些药物是合法的不合法的。

18.6. Co-ordination of and Connection Between the Legal and Illegal Struggle.六、合法斗争与非法斗争的配合与联系。



1.To realize the justice of judicature, protect people and crack down crimes, the police must give much heed to the objectiveness andlegality when obtaining evidence.为了实现司法公正和保护人民、打击犯罪的目标,侦查取证必须注意客观性、合法性、结论的唯一性、遵守直接言词原则和传闻证据规则等。

2.Reasonable exercise of liberal judgment authority requires the public security executors to identify the relationship between"legality"and"reasonableness"during work and to take legal principles as prerequisite.“合理行使自由裁量权”要求公安执法者正确认识执法中“合法”与“合理”的关系,以合法原则为先;要求公安执法者在自由裁量权“度”的把握上应注重实现立法的目的、遵行公正公开原则的要求、考虑社会环境中正当的“情”与“理”。


1.Warmth Showed in Blood , Legitimacy Seeked in Self-control——Analysis of the Movie Godfather Trilogy “Gangsters Philosophy”;血腥中现温情 自制中求合法——电影《教父》三部曲中的“黑帮哲学”

2.Legitimacy Thinking on the Existence of Schools for Children of Peasant Migrants;关于“打工子弟”学校存在的合法性思考

3.This paper tries to find out the main reasons of distorted information in legal accounting,which may provide some reference for the research of policy on present accounting and have stronger reference value in preventing,managing the accounting information oflegitimacy distortedly.分析合法性会计信息失真的主要原因,可供当前会计法规政策研究参考,且对预防、治理合法性会计信息失真也有较强的参考价值。


1.The following issues should be considered by police officers in investigating and obtaining evidence: to make clear the standard or requirement the collected evidence is expected to meet;the process of the investigation and evidence-obtaining should belawful;the legal rights of the people concerned in the case should be respected and the collected evidence should be authentic.公安机关的人民警察在治安案件的调查取证工作中应注意以下几个问题:必须明确收集的证据应达到的标准或要求,调查取证过程必须合法,收集证据时不得侵犯当事人合法权利以及收集的证据必须充分确凿。

2.However,looking from our laws and the spirits of law of nations, the male s procreation right has reasonable basis andlawful reasons.但从我国法律及国际法精神看 ,男性生育权存在具有合理性和合法性 ,其生育行为能力受生理、伦理等因素的限制。


1.What we must do is the rules and regulations arelegitimate,the management behavior islegitimate.做到规章制度合法、管理行为合法。



《合法性视野下的苏联政治》Image:11748368190457351.jpg 《合法性视野下的苏联政治》

【作者】:周尚文 郝宇青【图书简介】 - 合法性视野下的苏联政治苏联解体和苏共败亡,引起人们对社会主义的前途和命运、社会主义国家民主政治的发展、社会主义国家共产党的领导方式和执政方式,乃至共产党的执政规律等诸多问题的深刻反思和研究。全书以其独特的视角、详尽的史实和逻辑的分析带给读者较多深层次的思考。本书就是这样的背景之下的产物。笔者们试图通过对苏联政治生活的探究、对苏联解体和苏共败亡原因的解读,寻找出共产党执政的某些规律。笔者们在这里首先要申明的一点是:对苏联解体、苏共败亡这样的世界历史性的大课题,可以有多种视角加以研究。本课题通过从苏共执政合法性的视角切入,探究苏联政治生活的奥秘,探求其衰亡的原因和教训。如果笔者们的研究工作能够就这一问题向读者提供一些有益的见解和启发,笔者们的心愿就算达到了。
