100字范文 > 修律 legal reform英语短句 例句大全

修律 legal reform英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-13 21:35:10


修律 legal reform英语短句 例句大全

修律,legal reform

1)legal reform修律


1.On Legal Development Itself And Conflicts During Revision;法律自身的成长与修律变革的冲突——对清末修律指导思想的分析

2.China s Adoption of Western Law:From a Perspectiveof Law Reform in the Late Qing Dynasty;从清末修律的局限性看中国对西方法律的借鉴

3.update a dictionary, file, law修订词典、 档案、 法律

4.Aliens and Immigration Laws Amendment Act外侨和移民法律修正法

5.amend a document, proposal, law修改文件、 建议、 法律.

6.A note that embellishes a melody.装饰音修饰旋律的音节

7.Legal Rhetoric and It"s Application in Law法律修辞学及其在法律实践中的运用

8.On the Influnence of Enforcing the New Lawyer Law to Amending the Criminal Procedure Law论《律师法》的修改对刑事诉讼法再修改的影响

9.The lawyer reasoned against any changes being made in the law.那位律师摆出道理, 反对对法律的任何修改。

10.On Realization of the Textual Functions in Legal Translation-from the Perspective of Forensic Rhetoric;从法律修辞的角度看法律翻译文本功能的实现

11.As soon as their party came into power they changed the law.他们的党一上台,他们就开始修改法律。

12.They are working against suggested changes in the law.他们在竭力反对修改法律的提议。

13.What do we call changes to the Constitution?问:宪法修正后的法律称为什麽?

14.Meeting of Legal Experts on Revision of Guidelines for Maritime Legislation修改海事立法指导方针法律专家会议

15.The mechanic is breaking the law and may be prosecuted.这位修理工触犯了法律,会受到起诉。

16.I wish to move an amendment to this law.我想提议修正这项法律条文。

17.Relaxation of monastic rules, as a dispensation from fasting.特免修道士戒律的放宽,如斋戒的免除

18.Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Bases of Local Self-government改变和修正地方自治基础法的法律


modification of laws修律修订

3)canons regular律修会修士

4)reforms and modification of laws变法修律

5)law revision法律修订

6)the law of training修养规律


