100字范文 > 宪法审查 Constitutional review英语短句 例句大全

宪法审查 Constitutional review英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-12 13:10:15


宪法审查 Constitutional review英语短句 例句大全

宪法审查,Constitutional review

1)Constitutional review宪法审查

1.The paper discusses the constitutional review based on this point of view, which indicates that there are two important value objects of constitutional review, the protection of human rights and t.宪法审查是保障宪法实现的有效机制。

2.From the view of the constitutional practice in the United States and Germany,the system of constitutional review .从美国和德国的宪法实践看,宪法审查制度是宪法影响冲突法的桥梁。

3.In this way,poland introduced the constitutional review system.波兰通过1982年的宪法修正案和1985年的《宪法裁判所法》引入宪法审查制度。


1.The Transformation of Poland Constitutional Review System--the Text Analysis of Poland Constitutional Tribunal Act;波兰宪法审查制度的变迁——对波兰《宪法裁判所法》的文本分析

2.It is not constitutional to censor the press.审查新闻是违反宪法的。

3.Constitutional Review on International Treaties in France;法国宪法实践中对国际条约的合宪性审查

4.An Inspiration for China s Construction of Unconstitutional Examination System from European Constitutional Courts;欧洲宪法法院给我国违宪审查制度建构的启示

5.Investigation System of Violation of Constitution and Its Pattern Selection inJudicialization of Constitution;宪法司法化中的违宪审查制度及其模式选择

6.Constitutional Restraints on the System of Constitutional Review of the US Federal Court--From the Perspective of Article Three of the US Federal Constitution美国联邦法院违宪审查的宪法限制——以《联邦宪法》第3条为视角

7.Judicial Review:an Inevitable Choice for the Mode for the Review of Constitutionality;司法审查:我国违宪审查模式的必由选择

8.Analysis of Unconstitutionality of the Bill of Property--Applying the Standard of the Constitutional Review;《物权法(草案)》违宪之再分析——违宪审查基准的运用

9.An Analysis on the Enforcement of the Chinese Constitution--On the examination system to the violation of the constitution;对我国宪法实施状态的分析——浅析违宪审查制度

mentary on Reasonableness Test Standard in the South African Constitutional Court;南非宪法法院的“合理性审查标准”介评

11.Inspiration from Interpretation of Constitution and Review of Constitutionality Case Before 1982 Constitution;1982年宪法以前的宪法解释与违宪审查案例之启示

12.A Comparison between Investigation System of Constitution Violation and its Practising Mode in USA,France and Germany;美、法、德违宪审查制度及实践模式比较

13.On the Gaming Between the Legislative Democracy andthe System of Review of Violating the Constitution;论立法民主性与违宪审查之制度博弈

14.From the Supreme Soviet to the Constitutional Court--Transformation and Enlightenment of Russian Constitutional Review从最高苏维埃到宪法法院——俄罗斯违宪审查制度的嬗变与借鉴

15.The Character and Status of the Censorship of Violation of the Constitution--Taking the Character of Constitntion As Bases;违宪审查机构的性质和地位——以宪法的性质为根据

16.Significance of European Constitutional Supervision Model to China;论欧洲违宪审查模式对中国宪法监督制度的借鉴意义

17.Out of Constitutional Review--The Path of Applying the Constitution in Lawsuits走出违宪审查的迷思——当今中国宪法进入诉讼的路径分析

18.On double standard theory and its reference to China in constitutional review of the Japanese constitution论日本宪法违宪审查中的双重基准理论对我国的借鉴


judiciary unconstitutional review system司法违宪审查制

3)constitutional review of criminal law刑法合宪审查

4)judicial review of constitutionality司法违宪审查

1.Since 1982, thejudicial review of constitutionality has being refused in China for the reason that it is confli.来,决策层总是以司法违宪审查制度与人民代表大会制度相抵触而拒纳,这是对人民代表大会制度的误读。

5)the examination of legislation of violation of the constitution立法违宪审查

6)Constitution of Review Committee宪法审查委员会


