100字范文 > 宪法诉愿 constitutional petition英语短句 例句大全

宪法诉愿 constitutional petition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-11 07:38:43


宪法诉愿 constitutional petition英语短句 例句大全

宪法诉愿,constitutional petition

1)constitutional petition宪法诉愿

1.In modern system of constitutional review, theconstitutional petition system which can directly protect citizens\" constitutional rights, provides a efficient system for the individual facing the state to seek the direct basic rights remedy, also plays a important role in maintaining the constitutional order.在现代违宪审查制度中,作为直接保护公民宪法权利的宪法诉愿制度为个人面对国家寻求直接的基本权利救济提供了有效的机制,也对维持宪法秩序发挥了重要的作用,已经引起了广泛关注。


1.Academic and Practical Analysis of Korean Constitutional Petition韩国宪法诉愿制度的理论与实践解析


3.action for amparo要求宪法保障的诉讼

4.On the Relationship between National Rights and Constitutional Litigation--On the Feasibility of Constitutional Litigation in the Unique Situation of China;国家权力与宪法诉讼的关系——论我国宪法诉讼的可能性

5.The diversification of the civil lawsuit and constitutional lawsuit proceedings;民事诉讼程序多元化与宪法诉讼程序的选择

6.US Appellate Court Rules Pledge of Allegiance Unconstitutional美国上诉法院裁决效忠誓约违宪

7.Initial Discuss on Construction and Perfection of Constitution Litigation System in Our Country;试论建立和完善我国的宪法诉讼制度

8.On Influence of constitutional litigation about the Enforcing Efficiency of Administrative Power;论宪法诉讼对行政权实施效率的影响

9.The Explanation of Payment Ways of Court Costs in the Eyes of Constitutional Government;从宪政视角解读《诉讼费用交纳办法》

10.Relief of the Right of Relief--Research on constitutional protection of the right of action;论救济权的救济——诉权的宪法保障研究

11.Criterion Analysis of Criminal Procedure System in Chinese Constitution;我国宪法中刑事诉讼制度的规范分析

12.Inappropriate and Non-normative:Considering the Criminal Procedue in the Light of Constitution;不当与失范:刑事诉讼的宪法维度思考

13.Liberty and Democracy:An Inquiry into the Values of Administrative Procedure;自由与民主:宪法诉讼的价值理念探幽

14.Research on the Judicial Implementation of Constitutional Rights国外宪法权利的司法实施研究——兼论行政诉讼在宪法实施中的作用

15.A Comment on the Theoretical Basis of the Indictability of Constitution --On the Constitution s Characteristics of Civil Society;试论宪法可诉性的理论基础——宪法的市民社会性质初探

16.Out of Constitutional Review--The Path of Applying the Constitution in Lawsuits走出违宪审查的迷思——当今中国宪法进入诉讼的路径分析

17.The appeal court rule that the action of the attorney general is unconstitutional.上诉法院裁定,检察总长的行为是违反宪法的。

18.Rereading 《The bill of rights》--The protection of litigation right in constitution law重读《权利法案》——关于诉讼权保障的宪法学思考


constitutional action宪法诉讼

1.The form of environmental action for public interest integrates administrative action for environmental public inter- est,civil action for environmental public interest andconstitutional action for environmental public interest,which put into practice with theoretical .环境行政公益诉讼、环境民事公益诉讼和环境公益宪法诉讼的形态划分不仅是理论与实践历史演进的产物,也是环境公益诉讼整体类型化的时代趋势。

2.There appears the privation of the constitution because of the deficiency of the review of constitutionality andconstitutional action.由于我国目前违宪审查、宪法诉讼机制还不完善,所以在司法实践中出现了“宪法私法化”现象。

3)Constitutional Litigation宪法诉讼

1.On Influence of constitutional litigation about the Enforcing Efficiency of Administrative Power;论宪法诉讼对行政权实施效率的影响

2.On theConstitutional Litigation System Established in China;论宪法诉讼制度在我国的确立

4)constitution litigation宪法诉讼

1.Theconstitution litigation is the most effective approach to safeguard the citizens rights.宪法诉讼是现代保障公民基本权利最为有效的方式。

2.To set up aconstitution litigation system of Chinese characteri.建立有中国特色的宪法诉讼制度不仅是我国宪法监督制度的现实要求,更是广大人民实现权利自救的有效途

3.Effective system ofconstitution litigation has not been set up in our country.宪法诉讼是宪政的重要标志之一,是中国摆脱宪政困境的出路。

5)constitutional lawsuit宪法诉讼

1.Americanconstitutional lawsuit policy has reflected the notion of check and balance of power and has realized a dynamic check and balance of power through the practice of judicial activism or judicial restraint in the process ofconstitutional lawsuit in Ameri.宪法诉讼作为违宪审查的一种主要形式,以权力分立制衡原则为政治理论基础,其直接功能就是实现政府权力的制约与平衡。

2.The establishment ofconstitutional lawsuit system is useful for the improvement of democracy and the performance of fundamental rights of citizens and the constitution, however, there is a long way to go in the study and practice when theconstitutional lawsuit comes into reality in our country.宪法诉讼制度的建立有利于民主的促进、公民基本权利的保障及宪法的实施等,但宪法诉讼在我国要真正走向现实还是一个需要不断探索和实践的艰巨过程。

3.QI Yu lings case has drawn a great deal of attention from the masses of people and this shows that the social public are expecting the establishment of the institution ofconstitutional lawsuit in China,which is of importance to the development of the system of constitutional government in out country.齐玉苓案倍受关注表明了社会公众对建立中国宪法诉讼制度的期待 ,宪法诉讼制度的建立对于中国宪政制度的发展具有重要意义。

6)constitutional Litigation right宪法诉权


