100字范文 > 韩国违宪审查 Korean constitutional review英语短句 例句大全

韩国违宪审查 Korean constitutional review英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-11 11:00:23


韩国违宪审查 Korean constitutional review英语短句 例句大全

韩国违宪审查,Korean constitutional review

1)Korean constitutional review韩国违宪审查


1.The Course of Constitutionalism--The judicial review of the South Korea:the investigation of the system and background;宪政的历程——韩国违宪审查:制度与背景之考察

2.The practice of the judicial review in the South Korea has gone through three models: the constitutional committee, the constitutional court and the Supreme Court.韩国的违宪审查实践曾经历了宪法委员会、宪法法院和最高法院这样三种模式。

3.On Survey and Perfection of Unconstitutional Review of China;中国违宪审查制度的审视与健全构想

4.The Function of Constitutional Review during the Process of Transition in Eastern Europe;论违宪审查在东欧国家转型中的作用

5.Barriers and Way out in the Establishment of Unconstitutional Review in China;我国建立违宪审查制度的障碍与出路

6.Examining Violation of Constitution in China--Is it possible and how to make it possible?;中国的违宪审查:是否可能,如何可能?

7.Judicial Review:an Inevitable Choice for the Mode for the Review of Constitutionality;司法审查:我国违宪审查模式的必由选择

8.An Inspiration for China s Construction of Unconstitutional Examination System from European Constitutional Courts;欧洲宪法法院给我国违宪审查制度建构的启示

9.An Analysis on the Enforcement of the Chinese Constitution--On the examination system to the violation of the constitution;对我国宪法实施状态的分析——浅析违宪审查制度

10.It is not constitutional to censor the press.审查新闻是违反宪法的。

11.Constitutional Restraints on the System of Constitutional Review of the US Federal Court--From the Perspective of Article Three of the US Federal Constitution美国联邦法院违宪审查的宪法限制——以《联邦宪法》第3条为视角

12.A Comparison of Political Ideas of America,France and China in their Respective Patterns for Examining the Unconstitutional;美国、法国和中国违宪审查模式的政治理念比较

13.On American Judiciary Unconstitutional Review System and Its Enlightenments;试论美国的司法违宪审查制及其对我国的启示

14.Political Nature and Enlightenment of Examination to Violation of Constitution in USA and France;美国和法国违宪审查的政治属性及启示

15.The building process of a judicial review system:France and China experiences compared;违宪审查的形成过程——法国和中国的经验比较

16.Japanese judicial review system of constitutionality was transplanted in from the United States.日本的违宪审查制度是从美国移植进去的。

17.Contrasting Japanese Judicial Review System with the Americans "从同美国的比较中看日本的违宪审查制

18.Alternative Thinking over Future Judicial Review of Unconstitutional Action in China;构建未来我国违宪审查制度的另一种思路


Judicial Review违宪审查

1.Chinese-style Judicialization Reform ofJudicial Review of Constitution违宪审查司法化的中国式改造

2.In Egypt,the Supreme Constitutional Court exercises the power of judicial review.埃及的违宪审查属于专门机关审查模式,由最高宪法法院行使违宪审查权。

3.From the foreign experience, the democratic system of majority is the premise of the system of judicial review,but is a measure of protecting the rights of minority from the infringement of majority.从国外经验看,违宪审查制度是以多数人民主制度为前提,又用以对抗多数人民主对少数人权利的可能侵犯。

3)review of constitutionality违宪审查

1.Judicial Review:an Inevitable Choice for the Mode for the Review of Constitutionality;司法审查:我国违宪审查模式的必由选择

2.The Initiating Mechanism of Review of Constitutionality the Establishment And Improvement of the Complaint Right for Violation of Constitution;违宪审查的启动机制——论违宪申诉权之建立健全

3.Americanreview of constitutionality is different from judicial examination.美国的违宪审查不能等同于司法审查,美国联邦主席同样享有在职权范围内解释宪法、进行违宪审查的权力,即行政审查。

4)Constitutional Review违宪审查

1.Discussion on the Causes and the Political Balance Functions ofConstitutional Review System of the United States;浅议美国违宪审查制度的成因及政治平衡功能

2.System Basis and Practice Operation ofConstitutional Review in USSR;前苏联违宪审查的制度基础及其实践运行

3.TheConstitutional Review in English cultural exact details;英国文化底蕴下的违宪审查制度

5)unconstitutional examination违宪审查

1.Theunconstitutional examination system is of great importance in enforcing the constitution and in judging and punishing unconstitional acts.违宪审查制度是保证宪法得以有效实施,裁定并处罚违宪行为的一项重要制度。

2.Due to the short period of the legal system in China,there are still some problems to be solved in the practice of theunconstitutional examination system.违宪审查制度是人类政治与法治史上最重要的制度之一,也是现代国家限制国家权力、保护公民权利最有效的手段。

6)unconstitutional review违宪审查

1.The generally recognized and accepted concepts of supremacy of Constitution, safeguard of basic human rights, and modern ruling of law and so forth have laid substantial foundation for establishing theunconstitutional review system in France.宪法至上、基本人权的保障、现代法治国这些观念被普遍认同与接受,是法国违宪审查制度建立的重要基础。

2.We have known that we must enforce constitution s supervision, developunconstitutional review and ensure constitution s authority.我们已经认识到,只有实施宪法监督,开展违宪审查,维护宪法权威,才能使宪法成为一部真正走入社会,走进公民生活,限制国家权力,保障公民权利的根本大法。

3.Applying constitution by court doesn t conflict with the absence of the right forunconstitutional review from court.法院适用宪法与法院不享有违宪审查权并不矛盾。


