100字范文 > 不对称国际税收竞争 asymmetric international tax competition英语短句 例句大全

不对称国际税收竞争 asymmetric international tax competition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-17 07:41:54


不对称国际税收竞争 asymmetric international tax competition英语短句 例句大全

不对称国际税收竞争,asymmetric international tax competition

1)asymmetric international tax competition不对称国际税收竞争

1.At first there is a theoretical analysis onasymmetric international tax competition.在现实世界中,因为各个国家的国家规模、要素禀赋不同,因此不对称国际税收竞争是一种常态。


1.Researches on the Choice of China"s Taxation Policy under the Circumstance of Asymmetric International Tax Competition不对称国际税收竞争下我国税收政策选择研究

2.Asymmetric International Tax Competition and Its Policy Implications;国际税收竞争的不对称性及其政策启示

3.On International Tax Competition and the Competitiveness of China s Tax System;论国际税收竞争与竞争性的中国税制

4.The Influence of International Tax Competition Upon the Choice of Our Tax Preferences;国际税收竞争对我国税收优惠制度选择的影响

5.Study on OECD Counteracting Harmful Tax Competition--On the Countermeasure to International Tax Competition;论OECD反有害税收竞争——兼论我国国际税收竞争对策

6.The Research on Chinese Tax Policy for FDI under International Tax Competition;国际税收竞争下中国FDI税收政策研究

7.International Tax Competition and Choice of Tax Policy in China;国际税收竞争与我国税收政策的选择

8.Theory and Practice of International Taxation Competition and Its Inspriation to China;国际税收竞争理论与实践对我国的启示

9.The Challenges and Strategies for Chinese Taxation against International Competition after Joining in WTO;加入WTO后我国面临国际税收竞争的挑战与对策

10.On Regulating International Tax Competition In the Age of Economic Globalization;论经济全球化下对国际税收竞争的法律规范

11.International Competition in Tax Revenue and Taxation Policy;论国际税收竞争及我国的税收政策选择

12.Discussing on the Resource to Unify the Enterprise Income Tax of China and Adapt Our Country to the International Tax Competition;我国企业所得税整合与应对国际税收竞争的策略探析

13.International Tax Competition and Tax Incentives Under the Background of Economic Globalization;经济全球化下的国际税收竞争与税收优惠

parative Study on China s Individual Income Tax in the International Tax Competition;国际税收竞争中的我国个人所得税比较研究

15.International Tax Competition,Capital Control and Adjustment of Enterprise Income Tax Burden;国际税收竞争、资本管制与企业所得税负担调整

16.Optimal Strategies and Tactics of International Tax Competition for China;我国进行国际税收竞争的最优战略与策略分析

17.Learn from Some Foreign Countries and Regulate the Regional Tax-Levying Competition of Our Country;借鉴国际经验 规范我国区域税收竞争行为

18.Influence of Tax Competition on Foreign Direct Investment;税收竞争对外国直接投资的影响分析


International Taxation Competition国际税收竞争

1.Theory and Practice ofInternational Taxation Competition and Its Inspriation to China;国际税收竞争理论与实践对我国的启示

2.This paper makes a study of international taxation competition from the point of view of macro-economic policy.从宏观经济政策的角度来认识国际税收竞争,认为上世纪80年代中后期世界范围内大规模的税制改革标志着国际税收竞争成为当代税收鼓励经济发展的基本形式,并进一步成为各国政府反经济周期的主要政策工具;国际税收竞争的焦点是公司所得税;国际税收竞争所引起的跨国利润转移为避税地的存在和发展奠定了物质基础。

3.The economic globalization urged the emerging of international taxation competition International taxation competition is the behavior of government through which exert jurisdiction of tax revenue.经济全球化的加快,改变了国际经济和贸易环境,也为国际税收竞争的出现提供了有利的条件。

3)International tax competition国际税收竞争

1.Optimal Strategies and Tactics of International Tax Competition for China;我国进行国际税收竞争的最优战略与策略分析

2.On Regulating International Tax Competition by Law;论国际税收竞争的法律调节

3.International Tax Competition and Choice of Tax Policy in China;国际税收竞争与我国税收政策的选择

4)Bad Taxation Competition恶性国际税收竞争

5)asymmetric competition不对称竞争

1.Firm transfer pricing decision underasymmetric competition;不对称竞争条件下的集团转移定价决策

2.Research on the Transfer Pricing of Firm in Existing Quantity Competition underasymmetric competition存在产量竞争的不对称竞争条件下集团转移定价研究

3.This thesis tries to resolve this problem through a model ofasymmetric competition between two manufacturers.以两厂商不对称竞争模型探讨市场结构与技术投资关系的问题,分析并找出在不对称竞争下,决定厂商技术投资动力的三项因子,即市场因子、能力因子和沉淀投资因子,以此解释企业技术投资随市场集中度提高而变化的现象。

6)competition asymmetry竞争不对称性


不对1.不答。 2.不合;不睦。 3.不够格。 4.不正常。 5.不正确,错误。
