100字范文 > 税收竞争 tax competition英语短句 例句大全

税收竞争 tax competition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-12 09:48:24


税收竞争 tax competition英语短句 例句大全

税收竞争,tax competition

1)tax competition税收竞争

1.Tax Competition, Region Game and Their Efficiency of Growth;税收竞争、地区博弈及其增长绩效

2.An Empirical Analysis of Tax Rates Verging upon a Median Value Causing by Tax Competition;税收竞争带来税率趋同现象的实证分析

3.Tax Competition Strategy among Chinese Local Governments;中国地方政府间税收竞争策略及其效应


1.On International Tax Competition and the Competitiveness of China s Tax System;论国际税收竞争与竞争性的中国税制

2.The Research on Chinese Tax Policy for FDI under International Tax Competition;国际税收竞争下中国FDI税收政策研究

3.Headquarter-based Economy,Regional Tax Competition and Revenue Transfer;总部经济、地区间税收竞争与税收转移

4.International Tax Competition and Choice of Tax Policy in China;国际税收竞争与我国税收政策的选择

5.Domestic vertical tax competition is the must of tax decentralization.国内纵向税收竞争是一国税收分权的必然产物。

6.Analysis of the pros and preferential tax policy and tax competition Inspiration;税收优惠与税收竞争政策利弊分析及启示

7.International Competition in Tax Revenue and Taxation Policy;论国际税收竞争及我国的税收政策选择

8.International Tax Competition and Tax Incentives Under the Background of Economic Globalization;经济全球化下的国际税收竞争与税收优惠

9.The Influence of International Tax Competition Upon the Choice of Our Tax Preferences;国际税收竞争对我国税收优惠制度选择的影响

10.Tax Competition Is a Basic Form of the Economic Development of Modern Taxation;税收竞争是当代税收鼓励经济发展的基本形式

11.The Choice of Our Foreign Tax Preference Policies under Tax Competition;税收竞争环境下我国涉外税收优惠政策的选择

12.Researches on the Choice of China"s Taxation Policy under the Circumstance of Asymmetric International Tax Competition不对称国际税收竞争下我国税收政策选择研究

13.Study on OECD Counteracting Harmful Tax Competition--On the Countermeasure to International Tax Competition;论OECD反有害税收竞争——兼论我国国际税收竞争对策

14.An Analysis on the Features of Tax Collection Competition and Policy Guidance in the Western Regions;西部地区税收竞争的特征及政策取向

15.Tax Competition,Exit-Voice and Entrepreneur Behavior;税收竞争、“退出——呼吁”与企业行为

16.Influence of Tax Competition on Foreign Direct Investment;税收竞争对外国直接投资的影响分析

17.An Appraisal of Harmful Tax Competition in OECD Report;OECD报告中的“有害税收竞争”评价

18.Coordination of the Revenue Competition between China and ASEAN Countries;中国-东盟国家之间税收竞争的协调


taxation competition税收竞争

1.Since the 1950s, financial competition undergoes fromtaxation competition to mixed competition of taxation and expenditure.自二十世纪50年代以来,财政竞争经历了从单纯的税收竞争到税收与支出的混合竞争阶段。

3)International Taxation Competition国际税收竞争

1.Theory and Practice ofInternational Taxation Competition and Its Inspriation to China;国际税收竞争理论与实践对我国的启示

2.This paper makes a study of international taxation competition from the point of view of macro-economic policy.从宏观经济政策的角度来认识国际税收竞争,认为上世纪80年代中后期世界范围内大规模的税制改革标志着国际税收竞争成为当代税收鼓励经济发展的基本形式,并进一步成为各国政府反经济周期的主要政策工具;国际税收竞争的焦点是公司所得税;国际税收竞争所引起的跨国利润转移为避税地的存在和发展奠定了物质基础。

3.The economic globalization urged the emerging of international taxation competition International taxation competition is the behavior of government through which exert jurisdiction of tax revenue.经济全球化的加快,改变了国际经济和贸易环境,也为国际税收竞争的出现提供了有利的条件。

4)harmful tax competition有害税收竞争

1.However,there are debates in the definition ofharmful tax competition and what harm it causes to economy.对于什么是有害税收竞争(harmful tax competition),有害税收竞争有何危害,学术界各家说法各异。

2.The other aim of such joint action is to combat the traditional tax haven s "harmful tax competition" in the form of low tax or tax free treatment.长期以来 ,市场经济发达国家为维护本国的税收权益 ,通过国际经济组织的联合行动 ,采取种种法律手段 ,推行避税地对策税制 ,以图抵制传统避税地以低税或免税为主要形式的“有害税收竞争”。

5)vertical tax competition纵向税收竞争

1.According to thevertical tax competition theory,under tax division system,the process of concentrating financial revenue will lead to the extremely high equilibrium tax rate unless central government takes effective corrective policies.纵向税收竞争理论认为,在分税制下,除非中央政府能够采取有效的矫正措施(corrective policies),否则其集中财政收入的过程可能导致实际的均衡税率过高。

6)the effect of tax competition税收竞争的影响


