100字范文 > 税收国际协调 international coordination in tax英语短句 例句大全

税收国际协调 international coordination in tax英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-13 00:10:03


税收国际协调 international coordination in tax英语短句 例句大全

税收国际协调,international coordination in tax

1)international coordination in tax税收国际协调

1.Thus, it entails the strengthening ofinternational coordination in taxation.经济全球化的发展使国家之间的经济联系日益扩大和深化,使各国间税收分配关系变得错综复杂,从而导致国际间的税收冲突或矛盾逐渐增多,由此提出了加强税收国际协调的必要性。


1.The Relationship between International Tax Coordination and Global Convergence of Accounting Standards;税收国际协调与会计准则全球趋同关系之辨析

2.International Regional Tax Coordination: Theoretical and Empirical Study;国际区域性税收协调:理论与实证研究

3.On the International Coordination of Tax and Its Impact on the International Political Impact论国际税收协调及其对国际政治的影响

4.Regional Tax Coordination and Its Impact on the Chinese Tax Policy;全球区域性税收协调与中国税收政策取向

5.Research on Developing Trend of International Taxation in 21~(st) Century;21世纪国际税收协定发展趋势研究

6.Literature Review of the Correlation between International Tax Agreements and FDI;国际税收协定与FDI相关性研究综述

7.Discussion on the Legal Attributes of Tax Treaty Dispute Arbitration论国际税收协定争议仲裁的法律特征

8.On Promoting the International Coordination of the Enterprise Income Tax System of China;关于我国企业所得税制国际协调问题

9.Research on Legal Problems of International Tax Treaty Shopping;滥用国际税收协定避税之法律问题研究

10.Coordination of the Revenue Competition between China and ASEAN Countries;中国-东盟国家之间税收竞争的协调

11.Proposals on Adjusting China s Taxation Preferential Policies under the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures;ASCM协议下调整我国税收优惠政策建议

12.Coordination of the Regional Economic Development and Our State Tax Policy;区域经济发展与我国税收政策的协调

13.East Union tax coodinatin--China under "10+1" framework;“10+1”框架下的中国-东盟税收协调

14.On Coordination of Conflict and National Jurisdiction of Taxation;试论国家税收管辖权及其冲突之协调

15.Tax vs. Economic Growth in ;我国税收与经济增长的协调关系

16.International Tax Competition,Capital Control and Adjustment of Enterprise Income Tax Burden;国际税收竞争、资本管制与企业所得税负担调整

17.The Application of the International Tax Convention to Partnerships;国际税收协定对跨国合伙企业的适用研究

18.Study on "Triangular Cases";国际税收协定中的“三角情形”法律问题研究


international tax coordination国际税收协调

1.The article points out that only when we adhere tointernational tax coordination in.文章指出,在国际经贸活动中,坚持国际税收协调,才能促进亚太地区繁荣与发展。

2.International tax coordination isdeveloping dynamically in terms of the extent, object, content and subject.随着世界经济进入了经济全球化,国际税收竞争加剧,跨国纳税人的逃避税活动也更加活跃,国际税收协调的必要性和重要性日益凸现。

3)international tax agreement国际税收协定

1.This article describes the implication, approaches and dangers of abusinginternational tax agreement.针对滥用国际税收协定的含义、危害及途径 ,提出了防范滥用国际税收协定的具体措施。

2.The appearance and rapid development of the electronic commercial affairs challenge the income classified rule of the traditionalinternational tax agreement.电子商务的出现和迅猛发展使传统国际税收协定所得分类规则遇到了前所未有的困难和挑战。

3.In order to defend our tax benefit,our domestic tax law and bilateralinternational tax agreement should be improved from the different stand of a capital.在国际税收协定中,营业代理人构成常设机构的要件有二,须同时具备:必须有非独立地位代理人的存在;必须有权并经常为缔约国另一方企业从事营业性质的活动。

4)International Tax Treaty国际税收协定

1.Research on Legal Problems ofInternational Tax Treaty Shopping;滥用国际税收协定避税之法律问题研究

2.Research on the Legal Issue ofInternational Tax Treaty;国际税收协定热点法律问题研究

5)International taxation convention国际税收协定

1.International taxation convention, a basic form harmonizing the international taxation relation with a history of more than a hundred years, now is facing many challenges in the globalization of economy.国际税收协定是国际税收协调的基本形式。

6)international taxation国际税收

1.This article discusses the law problems ofinternational taxation in the transnational electronic commercial affairs and tries to find out appropriate policies that our country should take.电子商务在为人们带来巨大收益的同时 ,也为税收带来新问题和新挑战 ,本文拟就跨国电子商务的国际税收法律问题和我国应如何制定相关对策作一些粗浅的探讨。

2.It does not echo the economic effeciency and fairness of theinternational taxation when these jurisdictions are used together.国际税收问题和各个国家的税收管辖权的确立密切相关。

3.Theinternational taxation system of Japan can be dated back to the period before the World War II.日本的国际税收制度萌芽于二战前,较为完整的国际税收体系形成于20世纪60年代初,并随着日本国家的税制改革和日本经济的发展而逐步完善。


