100字范文 > 双面成形 single side welding英语短句 例句大全

双面成形 single side welding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-18 11:07:03


双面成形 single side welding英语短句 例句大全

双面成形,single side welding

1)single side welding双面成形


1.The Research of Single Face Welding-Double Face Forming Automatic Welding Equipment;单面焊双面成形自动焊接设备的研制

2.Analysis on the Reason of and Measures to Prevent Bad Quality in Single Face Welding and Double Face Shaping;单面焊双面成形质量差的原因及防止措施

3.Forming Process Research on Joint Vertical Welding from Single-face to Double-face of Low-alloy Steel Plate低合金钢板对接立焊单面焊双面成形工艺研究

4.The Application of Mixed Gas Shielded Welding from One Side for Double Surface of Steel Sheet;混合气体保护单面焊双面成形自动焊在薄板中的应用

5.Numerical Simulation on Surface Deflection of Doublecurved Shallow Shell by Viscous Pressure Forming粘性介质压力成形双曲扁壳面畸变的数值模拟

6.Function-oriented Design and Theoretical Verification of Point-contact Tooth Surfaces of the Hypoid Gear Drive with the Formate Gear成形法大轮准双曲面齿轮传动点啮合齿面主动设计与理论检验

7.On the Teaching Law of Action Skills Formingin Passing Volleyballs Frontally with Hands;排球正面双手上手传球动作技能的形成规律及教学方法

8.Properties of Ti-Al Alloying Layer on Titanium Alloy Surface by Double Glow Discharge Plasma Aluminizing钛合金表面双层辉光渗铝形成钛铝合金层性能的研究(英文)

9.Manufacturing and Molding Technology of Aluminum Honeycomb Panel in Profiled Double-layer Metal Roof System异形双层金属屋面系统蜂窝铝板的加工成型技术

10.Soft-tissue and hard-tissue profile changes following orthodontic treatment of bimaxillary protrusion in adults with teeth extraction成人双颌前突错畸形患者拔牙正畸治疗后颅面软硬组织的变化

11.A study on skidding between roller and disk during double-sided roll forming of discal parts盘型件双面辗压成形过程中打滑缺陷的实验研究

12.double-pass wired glass machine双加料夹丝玻璃成形机

13.Modular peninsula. Size and shape of peninsula can be specified.模块式双面柜。可指定双面柜的大小和形状。

14.It is widely suitable for the industries such as medicine, food and electronic etc.压制成圆形及异形片剂(括双面印字)适用于制药、品(片、腾片)电子等行业。

15.7. Where the parties to the dispute have failed to develop a mutually satisfactory solution, the panel shall submit its findings in the form of a written report to the DSB.7. 如争端各方未能形成双方满意的解决办法,专家组应以书面报告形式向DSB提交调查结果。

16.Pop-ups: A pair of facing pages lies flat when they are close. As they are opened, the cut-out figures inside stand erect to produce a 3-D effect.立体造形:一对双对页闭合时,是一个平面,打开时,页内的轮廓图形弹起,造成立体效果。

17.Two or more layers of single- or double-wall corrugated board may be laminated together to form blocks or pads.两层或更多层的单面或双面瓦楞纸板可层叠在一起形成块状材料或衬垫材料。

18.Fluid stains form alternating high and low spots which reflect the surface energies of fluid and fiber.流体污垢形成或多或少的交错散布的斑点,这反映了流体与纤维双方面的表面能。


one-side welding with back formation单面焊双面成形

1.The welding technology of one-sided welding with back formation of 16MnR steel was for vertical position welding introduced such as backing weld, multi-pass welding, cosmetic welding, and the measures emphatically how to enhance weld quality of backing weld ofone-side welding with back formation were discussed.阐述了16MnR低合金钢板-板对接立焊单面焊双面成形的打底焊、填充焊、盖面焊的工艺过程及操作要领。

2.The results indicated that the once welidng depth of penetration was 12 mm andone-side welding with back formation was realized.试验结果表明:采用自动双丝焊技术焊接12mm厚纯铝板可一次性成形,单面焊双面成形。

3)welding by one side in shape by both sides单面焊双面成形

1.A particular device of location and compaction forwelding by one side in shape by both sides was designed according to the enterprise s requirement in steel plates butt joint.针对某企业需求的平板对接,为解决大型钢板焊接不易翻转的难题,设计了一种单面焊双面成形定位压紧小车。

4)double-sided roll forming双面辗压成形

5)both-side shaping technology双面成形技术

6)double-tapered builld package双锥面成形卷装


主要射出成形材料成形时应注意事项■主要射出成形材料成形时应注意事项品 名 注 意 事 项PVC聚氯乙烯 1. 产品种类范围非常广(硬质、软质、聚合物等),成型条件各有不同,从熔融至分解之温度范围很小,尤须注意加热温度。2. 附着水分少,但成型周期尽可能减少(50℃~60℃热风干燥)。3. 成型机方面,与材料直接接触的部位须电镀或采用不锈钢以防热分解所产生的盐酸侵蚀。射出压力2100kg/cm2程度。4. 所有塑料当中必须是细心注意温度调节。5. 浇口附近易产生流纹,故射出操作后,柱塞不要后退使浇口充分固化后再瞬间退后为宜。6. 加热之初温不宜高,特别注意熔融情形。第二级加热温度较高,且尽可能使成形周期缩短,比较安全。PA聚醯胺树脂 1. 成型温度比其它材料高,故采用油加热的成形机较适当。2. 吸湿性大,必须充分干燥。水分对成型品的品质影响甚大(80℃热风干燥约5~6小时)。3. 须退火以消除内部歪斜。PP聚丙烯 1. 同PE,但成形温度必须较高。熔融温度170℃,超过190℃则流动性大增,则毛边增加,易产生接缝及凹入情形。PC聚碳酸脂 1. 吸湿性比尼龙小,但若有些微之水分存在则成型品产生其它色泽或气泡,故必须密封干燥同时成形时也须预备干燥(120℃之温度4小时)。2. 加热温度超过320℃时则产生热分解,成品变色,故特别注意温度调节,又成型时的温度调节也非常重要,须特别注意其最低温度、最低时间。3. 须退火以消除内部歪斜(130℃~135℃,1小时程度为准)。
