100字范文 > 最小生态流量 minimum ecological discharge英语短句 例句大全

最小生态流量 minimum ecological discharge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-14 05:32:06


最小生态流量 minimum ecological discharge英语短句 例句大全

最小生态流量,minimum ecological discharge

1)minimum ecological discharge最小生态流量

1.Based on the analysis of the basic theory of wetted perimeter for the estimation of theminimum ecological discharge in river channels,the calculation procedures of wetted perimether method are introduced.在分析湿周法基本理论的基础上,探讨了湿周法确定河道最小生态流量的计算步骤。


1.Improved research on wetted perimeter method to calculate minimum stream ecological discharge对计算河道最小生态流量湿周法的改进研究

2.Minimum Instreaming Ecological Discharge by Using Improved Wetted Perimeter Method用改进湿周法计算河道内最小生态流量

3.Study on the Minimum Water Requirement of Eco-environment of the Yellow River Artery in Henan;黄河干流河南段最小生态环境需水量研究

4.A revised hydraulics method of calculating the ecological flow demand for small mountain rivers计算山区小型河流最小生态需水的水力学法

5.The Research about the Environmental Water Requirement of Small Watersheds Water and Electricity Exploitation;小流域水电开发生态环境需水量研究

6.Dynamic Minimum Interference Routing Algorithm Based on Profile in Traffic Engineering基于流量特征的动态最小干扰流量工程选路算法

7.1. The maximum current speed and SSC occour during spring ebb, and the minimum one occours during neap flood.1.最大流速和含沙量都发生在大潮落潮,最小流速和含沙量都发生在小潮涨潮。

8.Health diagnoses of eco-economy system in Zhifanggou small watershed on typical erosion environment;侵蚀环境小流域生态经济系统健康定量评价

9.The near-natural quantitative assessment system of small watershed ecosystems of Huaijiu River怀九河小流域生态系统近自然定量评价

10.Simulation Research on Flow Field Characteristics at Small Opening of Throttle Valve and Relation to Minimal Steady Flow Rate节流阀小开度下流场仿真和最小稳定流量研究

11.Bingzhongluo is the north end of Nujiang state, also the highest, vulnerable area.丙中洛是怒江州最北端,也是海拔最高、最偏远小镇。生态脆弱环境容量有限。

12.The Ecological Tourism Exploitation Research of Fanggan Small Watershed Ecological Area;房干小流域生态区生态旅游开发研究

13.Quantitative evaluation of eco-economic system health in the small watershed of Anjiagou in Dingxi City定西市安家沟小流域生态经济系统健康定量评价

14.Niche : Smallest unit of a habitat that is occupied by an organism.生态位: 生物体所占据生境的最小单位。

15.Characteristics and Ecological Effect of Flow Regime of Riverine Ecosystem;河流生态系统特征及流量变化的生态效应

16.UPQC Energy Flow Analysis and Capacity Calculation based on Minimum Energy Method基于最小能量法UPQC能量流动分析及容量计算

17.Rotational energy states have the least energy.转动能态具有最小的能量。



minimum ecological flux of river河道最小生态流量

1.Calculation ofminimum ecological flux of rivers for Haihe River Basin;海河流域河道最小生态流量研究

3)minimum instreaming ecological flow河道内最小生态流量

1.On the basis of summarizing the calculating methods ofminimum instreaming ecological flow at home and abroad,the improved wetted perimeter method is adopted to determineminimum instreaming ecological flow of upper reaches of Hangjiang River.在探讨总结国内外计算河道内最小生态流量(mini muminstreamecological flow)方法的基础上,针对汉江流域的实际情况,选用改进湿周法对汉江上游石泉、安康和白河3个水文断面的最小生态流量进行定量估算。

4)minimum ecological runoff最小生态径流

1.Connotation ofminimum ecological runoff and its calculation method;最小生态径流的内涵及计算方法研究

2.This article introduce some calculation method to calculateminimum ecological runoff of Manas River,such as the minimum continuous 30 days’ mean discharge method,7Q10 method,Tennant method,the environment function enactment method,w.通过国内外最小生态径流的各种计算方法,如最小连续30d平均流量法、7Q10法、Tennant法、环境功能设定法、水质目标约束法,利用玛纳斯河干流两个参证水文站的径流及水质资料对玛纳斯河最小生态径流进行计算,并对计算成果进行对比分析,并对不同方法的结果进行了评价。

5)the minimum ecological water requirement最小生态需水量

1.Eco-hydrology-based calculation ofthe minimum ecological water requirement for lakes;基于生态水文学原理的湖泊最小生态需水量计算

6)minimum flow最小流量

1.This article comprehensively analyses some malfunction,happened during commission and operation,on the feedwater system of the 700 MW unit of Zhuhai Power Station,and introduce some effective measures,such as the pump warming,theminimum flow control valve adjustment,extreme operation condition and the reliability of the feedwater system.分析珠海电厂700 MW发电机组锅炉给水系统调试和运行过程中出现的故障;针对给水泵的暖泵效果、最小流量调整、极端工况安全运行、提高工作汽源可靠性等方面提出可行的改造方案,并在实践中取得了良好的效果,提高了锅炉给水系统的可靠性。


河道洪水演进(见河道洪水演算法)河道洪水演进(见河道洪水演算法)neaao non郎hUi河道洪水演进yanJ县n见河道洪水演算法。
