100字范文 > 最小生态需水量 the minimum ecological water requirement英语短句 例句大全

最小生态需水量 the minimum ecological water requirement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-27 04:26:05


最小生态需水量 the minimum ecological water requirement英语短句 例句大全

最小生态需水量,the minimum ecological water requirement

1)the minimum ecological water requirement最小生态需水量

1.Eco-hydrology-based calculation ofthe minimum ecological water requirement for lakes;基于生态水文学原理的湖泊最小生态需水量计算

2)the lowest environmental river water demand河道最小生态需水量

3)lowest eco-environmental water demand最小生态环境需水量


1.Study on the Minimum Water Requirement of Eco-environment of the Yellow River Artery in Henan;黄河干流河南段最小生态环境需水量研究

2.The Research about the Environmental Water Requirement of Small Watersheds Water and Electricity Exploitation;小流域水电开发生态环境需水量研究

3.A Study of Ecological and Environment Water Requirements in Northern Interlacing Agro;北方农牧交错区生态环境需水量研究

4.Eco-environmental Water Demand about the Main Current of the Huifa River in River Course;辉发河干流河道生态环境需水量研究

5.Ecological environment water requirement priority and ecological environment water demand in MinQin Basin民勤盆地生态环境需水优先次序和需水量

6.Study on Water Environment Quality and Eco-environtal Water Requirement of Baiyangdian;白洋淀水环境质量综合评价及生态环境需水量计算

7.Study on Eco-Environmental Water Demand and Assessment of Eco-Environmental Vulnerability in Minqin Oasis of the Lower Reach of Shiyang River;石羊河下游民勤绿洲生态环境需水量及生态环境脆弱性评价

8.Study on Eco-environmental Water Requirement and Eco-environmental Early Warning of River System in TaiZhou;泰州市河流生态环境需水量及河流生态环境预警研究

9.Ecological & Environmental Water Requirement and Water Resources Reasonable Allocation for Region;区域生态环境需水量与水资源合理配置

10.Research on Eco-environmental Water Requirement and Optimization on Water Quality Management of River Network in Southern Jiangsu Province;苏南河网生态环境需水量及水质管理优化研究

11.Study on Water Requirement of Eco-Environment and Carrying Capacity of Water Resource in the Western Jilin Province;吉林西部生态环境需水量与水资源承载力研究

12.Discuss on Environmental and Ecological Water Consumption in Downstream of Huaxi Reservoir花溪水库坝下生态环境需水量的分析与研究

13.Study on Water Demand of Ecological Environment of Middle and Small River in High and Cold Area;高寒地区中、小河流生态环境需水问题的研究

14.Study of Eco-environmental Water Requirements Based on ANN and SVM for the Yellow River Estuary;基于ANN和SVM的黄河口生态环境需水量研究

15.Research on Eco-environmental Water Demand of Lake Wetlands in Lixiahe District;里下河地区湖荡湿地生态环境需水量研究

16.Theory and Engineering Application on Water Demand for Ecological Environment of a River System;河流生态环境需水量的理论研究及运用

17.Study on Eco-environmental Water Demand in Taohuajiang Valley, Guilin;桂林市桃花江流域生态环境需水量研究

18.Identification and Regulation of Eco-environmental Water Demand of Xianghai Wetland;向海湿地生态环境需水量的界定及调控


the lowest environmental river water demand河道最小生态需水量

3)lowest eco-environmental water demand最小生态环境需水量

4)minimum ecological water demand最小生态需水

5)instream minimum ecological water requirements河道最小生态需水

6)minimum ecological water requirement of lake湖区最小生态需水


植物需水量植物全生育期内总吸水量与净余总干物重(扣除呼吸作用的消耗等)的比率。由于植物所吸收的水分绝大部分用于蒸腾,所以需水量也可认为是总蒸腾量与总干物重的比率。如用每形成 1克干物质需要蒸腾水分的克数表示,则称蒸腾系数。如稻的蒸腾系数为680,小麦为540,玉米为370(见表)。系数愈大则水分利用效率愈低。蒸腾系数的倒数,即植物每蒸腾失水1000克所形成干物质的克数称蒸腾效率,其值越大则水分利用效率越高。一般植物的蒸腾效率为1~8。各种作物的水分利用效率不同。一般四碳植物的需水量低于三碳植物。这与两者的地理起源不同,形态、结构、生理、生化特性以及由此所决定的光合效率不同有关(见光合作用)。四碳植物由于有较高的光合固碳效率,一般气孔频率低于三碳植物,因而增大了气孔对水分的阻力,减少了蒸腾失水,提高了水分利用效率。同一种作物的需水量,还常因其他条件变化而异,如在土壤缺乏氮、磷、钾等无机营养时,水分利用效率降低,需水量增加。参与水分代谢的水分称生理需水。由于土面或棵间蒸发以及因径流与渗漏等而需要消耗的一定量水分,则并不被吸入植物体内参与水分代谢,只具有调节生态环境中水平衡的作用,因而可称为生态需水。灌溉时计算的作物需水量实际上是生理需水与生态需水的总量。作物需水量的测定,对计算农业用水、灌溉定额以及选择适合干旱地区栽培的作物类型等都具有重要意义。
