100字范文 > 最小流量阀 minimum flow valve英语短句 例句大全

最小流量阀 minimum flow valve英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-14 04:13:26


最小流量阀 minimum flow valve英语短句 例句大全

最小流量阀,minimum flow valve

1)minimum flow valve最小流量阀

1.The realization of feed water pump outletminimum flow valve control in DCS of the first term project in Ningxia Daba Power Generation Co.,Ltd宁夏大坝发电有限责任公司I期给水泵出口最小流量阀控制在DCS中的实现


1.The realization of feed water pump outlet minimum flow valve control in DCS of the first term project in Ningxia Daba Power Generation Co.,Ltd宁夏大坝发电有限责任公司I期给水泵出口最小流量阀控制在DCS中的实现

2.Simulation Research on Flow Field Characteristics at Small Opening of Throttle Valve and Relation to Minimal Steady Flow Rate节流阀小开度下流场仿真和最小稳定流量研究


4.Study on Flow Characteristics for Minimum Flow Regulating Valve with Labyrinth Channel迷宫式最小流量调节阀的流动特性研究

5.Research on Servo Valve Nozzle Eyelet Flow Character Measurement System;伺服阀喷嘴小孔流量特性测量系统的研制

6.The PCV valve sticks in the open, maximum-flow position.把PCV阀固定在开启位置即最大流量位置。

7.flow control and overload relief valve流量控制过载溢流阀

8.a pedal that controls the throttle valve.控制节流阀流量的杠杆。

9.Coated waterway in the seat area is smooth, free of cavities and unobstructed thru port to maximize flow.阀体流道上无凹槽且光滑,同类产品中其流阻最小。

10.automatic pressure and flow control valve自动压力流量控制阀

11.A Balancing valve is used to regulate and measure the rate of flow of water.流量平衡阀用于调节和测量水的流量。

12.They are suitable in the hydraulic system with high pressure, high flow rate and low pressure drop.该阀非常适合用于高压大流量,压力损失小的系统。

13.It is a compact unit with a fine adjusting value, to permit replacement without having to remove the flowmeter from the pipe run.该仪表体积小,带流量调节阀,仪表可以不拆出管道而直接更换锥管。

14.In parallel installations, the larger valve handles the requirements for maximum flow down to its low flow capacity.这种并联安装方式中,大阀门处理降到低流量空穴下的最大流量需求。

15.This paper puts forward a new method of determining the greatest no_ load flow rate for servo valve, selecting effective area and defining flow rate for a pump according to load locus.给出了根据负载轨迹确定伺服阀的最大空载流量、缸的有效面积以及油泵流量的方法。

16.It allows maximum flow from the air supply valve; it makes people easy to breath by appropriate air supply in dangerous working condition.供气阀流量大,呼气阻力小,且可大流量调节,使作业人员在任何险恶环境下,工作轻松自如。

17.UPQC Energy Flow Analysis and Capacity Calculation based on Minimum Energy Method基于最小能量法UPQC能量流动分析及容量计算

18.flow dividing valve分流阀(单一液流按一定比例自动分成两个支流的流量控制阀)


minimum flow regulating valve最小流量调节阀

1.To study the flow characteristics ofminimum flow regulating valve,a labyrinth channel in the valve is divided into two parts-the series and the parallel type channels.将迷宫式最小流量调节阀的流道分解为串联型和并联型流道,首先对其节流降压特性分别进行模型试验,分析流体在流道中的压力分布特性,然后根据压力分布特性,对串联型流道进行优化设计和试验,最后通过模型试验,研究了两种流道的阻力特性。

3)overflow valve minimum stable current capacity溢流阀最小稳定流量

4)minimum flow valve to the pump给水泵最小流量阀

1.Two steam-driven pumps to pump striptease at the same time the phenomenon of vibration analysis jump pump reasons,and introduced theminimum flow valve to the pump mechanism and the work of its manual operation of the valve to operate attention should be paid to issues.针对两台汽动给水泵同时振动大跳泵的现象,分析跳泵原因,并介绍给水泵最小流量阀的工作机理及运行中对其手动截止阀进行操作时应注意事项。

5)minimum flow最小流量

1.This article comprehensively analyses some malfunction,happened during commission and operation,on the feedwater system of the 700 MW unit of Zhuhai Power Station,and introduce some effective measures,such as the pump warming,theminimum flow control valve adjustment,extreme operation condition and the reliability of the feedwater system.分析珠海电厂700 MW发电机组锅炉给水系统调试和运行过程中出现的故障;针对给水泵的暖泵效果、最小流量调整、极端工况安全运行、提高工作汽源可靠性等方面提出可行的改造方案,并在实践中取得了良好的效果,提高了锅炉给水系统的可靠性。

6)minimum flow rate最小流量

1.A method of controlling the recirculatary valve forminimum flow rate of feed-water by using the hysteresis function method has been put forward for preventing occurrence of cavitation in feed-water pumps.提出了采用回滞函数法控制给水泵最小流量再循环阀的方法。


