100字范文 > 视网膜血管性病变 Retinal papilla in blood vessel英语短句 例句大全

视网膜血管性病变 Retinal papilla in blood vessel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-12 21:00:19


视网膜血管性病变 Retinal papilla in blood vessel英语短句 例句大全

视网膜血管性病变,Retinal papilla in blood vessel

1)Retinal papilla in blood vessel视网膜血管性病变


1.A study of retinal papilla by acquired immunodeficiency syndrome获得性免疫缺陷综合征视网膜血管性病变

2.The Relation of Retinal Vasculopathy and Coronary Artery Disease;视网膜血管病变与冠心病冠脉病变程度的相关性研究

3.A Correlation Analysis of the Relationship of Diabeticretinopathy with Serum Pipid糖尿病视网膜病变与血脂相关性分析

4.Analysis of Clinic Signifcant on Post-Ocular Vascular Hemodynamics of Patients with Diabetic Retinopathy;糖尿病视网膜病变球后血管血流动力学分析

5.The Effect and Mechanism of Genistein on Retinal Neovascularization and Visual Function;Genistein对缺血性视网膜病变血管新生的抑制作用及其机制的研究

6.Association of the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Polymorphism with Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy;血管内皮生长因子基因多态性和糖尿病视网膜病变的关系

7.Vitreous Levels of Angiopoietin-2 in Patients with Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy;增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变患者玻璃体中血管生成素-2的表达

8.The Relationship between Angiotensin Converting Enzyme and Diabetic Retinopathy;血管紧张素转化酶与糖尿病视网膜病变的相关性研究

9.Vitreous levels of proliferative angiopoietin-2 in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy增生性糖尿病视网膜病变患者玻璃体中血管生成素-2的表达

10.Application of VEGF inhibitors in diabetic retinopathy血管内皮生长因子抑制剂在糖尿病性视网膜病变中的应用

11.Relationship of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 and ischemic retinopathy低氧诱导因子-1与缺血性视网膜病变

12.An Empirical Study on Morphological Changes in Retinal Microvascular Vessels in Radiation Retinopathy of Rats;大鼠放射性视网膜病变微血管形态学改变的实验研究

13.retinocerebellar angiomatosis小脑视网膜血管瘤病

14.Pars Plana Vitrectomy Assisted by Bevecizumab(Avastin) for Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy抗新生血管药物联合玻璃体切割视网膜复位术治疗严重增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变观察

15.Pericytes apoptosis in patients with diabetic retinopathy糖尿病视网膜病变时血管周细胞的凋亡

16.The Effect of Erigeron Breviscapus (Vant) Hand-mazz in a Mouse Mode of Oxygen Induced Retinopathy灯盏细辛对小鼠氧致血管增殖性视网膜病变的预防及治疗作用

17.Research on Different Therapies of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Experimental Rabbit Retinal Vasculitis;不同中医内治法对实验性家兔视网膜血管病变的干预研究

18.Expression of netrin-1 mRNA in retina with experimental retinal neovascularization induced by oxygen轴突导向因子-1 mRNA在氧诱导血管增生性视网膜病变中的表达


traumatic retinal vasculopathy外伤性视网膜血管病变

3)retinal vasculopathy视网膜血管病变

1.Inhibitory effect of erigeron breviscapus(va-nt.) hand-mazz on the earlyretinal vasculopathy induced by exogenous VEGF in rats;灯盏细辛抑制外源性VEGF诱导的大鼠早期视网膜血管病变

4)angiopathic retinopathy血管病性视网膜病

5)Oxygen induced retinopathy(OIR)氧致血管增殖性视网膜病变

6)hypertensive retinopathy高血压性视网膜病变

1.Tongmaimingmu Formula for treatinghypertensive retinopathy in 32 cases;通脉明目方治疗高血压性视网膜病变32例疗效观察

2.The effect ofhypertensive retinopathy treated with Chinese traditional medicine combined with western medicine;中西医结合治疗高血压性视网膜病变疗效观察


