100字范文 > 视网膜血流 retinal blood flow英语短句 例句大全

视网膜血流 retinal blood flow英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-27 12:28:25


视网膜血流 retinal blood flow英语短句 例句大全

视网膜血流,retinal blood flow

1)retinal blood flow视网膜血流

1.A dynamic study onretinal blood flow in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus following treatment of jolethin;卵磷脂络合碘治疗2型糖尿病视网膜血流动力学观察

2)Heidberg retinal flowmetry视网膜血流仪

3)Retinal vessels视网膜血管

1.Research on retinal vessels detection method based on the model of the retina vascular network;基于眼底视网膜血管网络模型的血管提取方法


1.retinocerebellar angiomatosis小脑视网膜血管瘤病

2.congenital abnormality of retinal vessel先天性视网膜血管异常

3.The clinical effection of sheathotomy on branch retinal vein occlusion.视网膜血管鞘膜切开治疗视网膜分支静脉阻塞

4.Estrogen replacement therapy and retinal vascular caliber雌激素替代疗法与视网膜血管管径

5.Retinal Vessel Image Segmentation and Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Retinal Vessel视网膜血管图像分割及眼底血管三维重建

6.Non-symmetry in the calibre of retinal blood vessels正常视网膜血管直径的非对称性研究

7.The effects of premature light exposure on the development of new retinal vessels in a mouse model of oxygen-induced retinopathy提前光照对氧诱导视网膜病小鼠模型的视网膜血管发育的影响

8.A novel automated segmentation method for retinal blood vessel network一种新的视网膜血管网络自动分割方法

9.25 eyes with circular choroid atrophic area around papilla,periphery retina and retinal vascularity remained normal.其中25只眼有视盘周围环形脉络膜萎缩区,周边视网膜及视网膜血管正常。

10.Analysis of Sight Recovery Related Factors of Vitreous Hemorrhage Resulted by Retinal Vascular Disease Pro-Vitrectomy;视网膜血管疾病致玻璃体积血术后视力恢复相关因素分析

11.The choroid coat carries many blood vessels to supply the retina.脉络膜通过许多血管为视网膜供应血液。

12.The dark-brown vascular coat of the eye between the sclera and the retina.眼睛巩膜和视网膜之间深褐色的血管网.

13.Role of Angiogenin in Retinal Neovascularization血管生成素在视网膜新生血管中的作用

14.The Inhibitory Effects of FK228 on Retinal Neovascularization;FK228抑制鼠视网膜新生血管的实验研究

15.Inhibitory effect of captopril on retinal neovascularization in miceCaptopril抑制鼠视网膜新生血管的形成(英文)

16.Inhibitory Effects of NTF2 on Retinal Neovascularization in vitroNTF2对视网膜新生血管的抑制作用

17.Development of medical research for the inhibition of retinal neovascularization抑制视网膜新生血管药物的研究进展

18.Occlusion of the central retinal artery causes marked pallor of the retina and collapse of the vessels.视网膜中央动脉阻塞,而使视网膜呈明显的灰白色并使血管萎陷。


Heidberg retinal flowmetry视网膜血流仪

3)Retinal vessels视网膜血管

1.Research on retinal vessels detection method based on the model of the retina vascular network;基于眼底视网膜血管网络模型的血管提取方法

4)retinal ischemia视网膜缺血

1.Mechanism of the damage of glutamate onretinal ischemia and relative therapeutic strategies;谷氨酸对视网膜缺血的损害机制和相关治疗策略

2.Functions of Qi-Replenishing Vision-Improving Pill onReactive Vessel Substances of Retinal Ischemia Rabbits;益气明目丸对视网膜缺血兔血管活性物质的影响

3.Objective To study the effect of Yiqimingmu pill on ATPase and LD ofretinal ischemia rabbit, and probe into its mechanism.目的通过动物实验观察益气明目丸对视网膜缺血兔三磷酸腺苷酶(ATPase)和乳酸(LD)的影响,探讨其作用机制。

5)retinal hemorrhage视网膜出血

1.Relative factor clinical analysis of newbornretinal hemorrhage;新生儿视网膜出血的相关因素分析

2.Theretinal hemorrhage absorption,visual acuity,and hemorheological index were evaluated and compared before and after treatment in two groups.观察并比较2组用药前后视网膜出血吸收、视力、血液流变学等情况。

6)retina ischemia视网膜缺血

1.METHOD Thirty ratretina ischemia models were made by artery ligation,divided into a treatment group of 20 rats treated with injected versulin and a control group of 10 rats treated with injected DMSO.方法30只Long-Evans大鼠用动脉结扎法造成视网膜缺血模型,其中治疗组20只腹腔注射芹黄素,对照组10只注射溶媒二甲基亚酚。


