100字范文 > 视网膜血管 Retinal vessels英语短句 例句大全

视网膜血管 Retinal vessels英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-16 13:22:45


视网膜血管 Retinal vessels英语短句 例句大全

视网膜血管,Retinal vessels

1)Retinal vessels视网膜血管

1.Research on retinal vessels detection method based on the model of the retina vascular network;基于眼底视网膜血管网络模型的血管提取方法


1.retinocerebellar angiomatosis小脑视网膜血管瘤病

2.congenital abnormality of retinal vessel先天性视网膜血管异常

3.The clinical effection of sheathotomy on branch retinal vein occlusion.视网膜血管鞘膜切开治疗视网膜分支静脉阻塞

4.Estrogen replacement therapy and retinal vascular caliber雌激素替代疗法与视网膜血管管径

5.Retinal Vessel Image Segmentation and Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Retinal Vessel视网膜血管图像分割及眼底血管三维重建

6.Non-symmetry in the calibre of retinal blood vessels正常视网膜血管直径的非对称性研究

7.The effects of premature light exposure on the development of new retinal vessels in a mouse model of oxygen-induced retinopathy提前光照对氧诱导视网膜病小鼠模型的视网膜血管发育的影响

8.A novel automated segmentation method for retinal blood vessel network一种新的视网膜血管网络自动分割方法

9.25 eyes with circular choroid atrophic area around papilla,periphery retina and retinal vascularity remained normal.其中25只眼有视盘周围环形脉络膜萎缩区,周边视网膜及视网膜血管正常。

10.Analysis of Sight Recovery Related Factors of Vitreous Hemorrhage Resulted by Retinal Vascular Disease Pro-Vitrectomy;视网膜血管疾病致玻璃体积血术后视力恢复相关因素分析

11.The choroid coat carries many blood vessels to supply the retina.脉络膜通过许多血管为视网膜供应血液。

12.The dark-brown vascular coat of the eye between the sclera and the retina.眼睛巩膜和视网膜之间深褐色的血管网.

13.Role of Angiogenin in Retinal Neovascularization血管生成素在视网膜新生血管中的作用

14.The Inhibitory Effects of FK228 on Retinal Neovascularization;FK228抑制鼠视网膜新生血管的实验研究

15.Inhibitory effect of captopril on retinal neovascularization in miceCaptopril抑制鼠视网膜新生血管的形成(英文)

16.Inhibitory Effects of NTF2 on Retinal Neovascularization in vitroNTF2对视网膜新生血管的抑制作用

17.Development of medical research for the inhibition of retinal neovascularization抑制视网膜新生血管药物的研究进展

18.Occlusion of the central retinal artery causes marked pallor of the retina and collapse of the vessels.视网膜中央动脉阻塞,而使视网膜呈明显的灰白色并使血管萎陷。


Retinal blood vessel视网膜血管

1.Retinal blood vessel is used as a human biologic characteristics for personal verification in this paper.本文利用人体生物特征的视网膜血管作为个人身份鉴别的特征 ,在建立高层次保密和安全应用的理论依据的研究中 ,提出了一种形态识别的相关网点法 ,包括方法的构思和依据 ,图像特征交点的提取 ,网点质心和最远网点的水平方位对准 ,图像相关网点匹配的判定 ,并给出了形态识别的结

2.A correlative node method for the application of high level secret and security is proposed, including the ideal of the method, the extraction of nodes as feature in the image of retinal blood vessels, the alignment in horizontal with the centroid and the furthest node, the matching criterion of nodes between images.利用人体生物特征的视网膜血管进行个人身份鉴别的研究 ,提出了一种高层次保安识别应用的相关网点法 ,包括方法的构思、视网膜血管图像特征交点的提取、网点质心和最远网点的水平方位对准以及图像相关网点匹配的判定 。

3)blood vessel caliber视网膜血管管径

4)retinal neovascularization视网膜新生血管

1.Inhibitory effects of erythropoietin receptor antibody onretinal neovascularization in mice;促红细胞生成素受体抗体抑制小鼠视网膜新生血管形成

2.Advance in medicine therapy forretinal neovascularization;视网膜新生血管的药物治疗研究进展

3.Inhibition of GM6001 onretinal neovascularization in neonatal rats with retinopathy;GM6001抑制视网膜新生血管形成VEGF和MMP2的表达

5)retinal neovascularization视网膜血管新生

1.Suppression of experimentalretinal neovascularization utilizing soluble Tie2 fusion protein;可溶性Tie2融合蛋白玻璃体腔注射对实验性视网膜血管新生和缺血性视网膜病变的影响

2.Suppression of anti-FLK1 monoclonal antibody to experimentalretinal neovascularization;FLK-1单克隆抗体抑制实验性视网膜血管新生的实验研究

3.Recent studies have implicated that vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) overexpression is sufficient to cause intraretinal and subretinal neovascularization.检测视网膜的VEGF可以探讨视网膜血管新生的情况。

6)Morphology changes of reti nal vessels视网膜血管形态


毛细血管后阻力血管毛细血管后阻力血管postcapillary resistance vessel指微静脉和小静脉,对血流的阻力比微动脉小,但管壁平滑肌收缩仍可增加其血流阻力。
