100字范文 > 抱怨语 complaints英语短句 例句大全

抱怨语 complaints英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-23 18:02:05


抱怨语 complaints英语短句 例句大全




1.A Comparative Analysis of Complaint Strategies in Direct Complaints between Chinese and American College Students;中美大学生直接抱怨语中抱怨策略的对比分析

2.A Pragmatic Analysis of Complaints in English as L1 and as L2 and Chinese as L1英汉抱怨语及当英语为二语时抱怨语的语用分析

3.To utter or say in a complaining or clamorous tone.大声抱怨地说以抱怨或吵嚷的语气说话

4.He is always corning late.他老是迟到。(带有抱怨的语气)

5.He is always coming late他老是迟到(带有抱怨的语气)

6.A Study on the Use of Speech Act of Complaints in Advanced Chinese-English Interlanguage中国高级英语学习者中介语抱怨言语行为研究

7.An Impression Management View of Chinese Complaining;从印象管理角度研究汉语抱怨言语行为

8.On the Pragmatic Politeness Strategies of Direct Verbal Complaints Between Russian and Chinese俄汉直接抱怨言语行为语用学礼貌策略分析

9.An Exploration of Cultural Differences in Viewing Complaints among American and Chinese Students;中美学生对待抱怨言语行为的文化差异探究

10.Factors affecting the degrees of severity in the realization of the speech act of complaint;影响中美学生抱怨话语严厉程度的因素分析

11.She did nothing except complain while she was here.她在这里时除了抱怨还是抱怨。

12.He"s always having a grouch about something.他总是发脾气抱怨这个抱怨那个.

13.Stop grumbling! You"ve got nothing to complain about.别抱怨了! 你没什麽可抱怨的.

14.He"s a great one for complaining, ie He constantly complains.他是个抱怨大王(他总抱怨).

15.To complain, especially in a whining manner.抱怨抱怨,尤指以哀诉方式

16.He has every reason to complain.他有充分的理由抱怨,抱怨也是当然。

17.Effects of Explicit Instruction of English Complaint Strategies on Pragmatic Competence Development of EFL Learners抱怨策略的明示教学法对英语学习者语用能力的影响

18.Everyone moaned because it"s a really hard one with lots of technical words,每个人都抱怨这本书太难学,因为书里面有很多专业术语,


English complaints英语抱怨

3)direct complaints直接抱怨语

1.A Comparative Analysis of Complaint Strategies in Direct Complaints between Chinese and American College Students;中美大学生直接抱怨语中抱怨策略的对比分析

plaints can be classified intodirect complaints and indirect complaints .抱怨语可分为直接抱怨语与间接抱怨语。

3.Based on the detailed analysis of the data obtained from discourse completion tasks,this paper aims to study thedirect complaints in Chinese,especially on complaining strategies,realizations,level of speech act,distribution and typical linguistic expressions of complaining strategies in each situation.文章通过话语补全测试(DCT)的方法收集语料,探讨汉语直接抱怨语的抱怨策略、表达方法、言语行为层面,以及各情景的抱怨策略分布及其典型语言表达。

4)indirect complaints间接抱怨语

plaints can be classified into direct complaints andindirect complaints .抱怨语可分为直接抱怨语与间接抱怨语。

5)the speech act of complaints抱怨言语行为


1.The paper has made detailed analysis on readerscomplaints about contexts,origin,functions and cultural management,from which we can see to them clearly that thecomplaints are objective problems that cannot be avoided.对读者抱怨的涵义、产生、作用、管理等方面进行阐述,让人们更加清楚地认识到抱怨是无法回避的客观现实问题,也是补救服务活动中缺陷的良好信息来源。

2.By means of an open-ended questionnaire,the present study makes an investigation of the attitudes towardscomplaints of three groups of students,i.本研究以敞开式问卷的形式对中美两国的三组学生(美国的本族语学生、中国的英语专业学生和非英语专业学生)对抱怨这一言语行为的态度进行了调查,具体分析他们怎样看待抱怨,在抱怨的情境、抱怨的对象以及抱怨的方式等问题上有何异同。

3.The policy-makers of an enterprise ought to treat the Cutomers Complaints carefully and clairvoyantly and then turn thecomplaints as a challenge into an opportunity of making money.企业应当将顾客的抱怨转变为获得顾客忠诚、新产品开发的机会。


