100字范文 > 抱怨管理 Complaint management英语短句 例句大全

抱怨管理 Complaint management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-12 03:14:21


抱怨管理 Complaint management英语短句 例句大全

抱怨管理,Complaint management

1)Complaint management抱怨管理

1.A Study on Customer Complaint Management Systems in Customer Satisfaction-Oriented Service Firms;顾客满意导向的服务企业顾客抱怨管理体系分析

2.This paper analyzes the main reasons which lead to complaining behaviors of library readers,discusses the methods of managing complaints and non-complaints,then presents an architecture of readers\" complaint management system.分析导致图书馆读者抱怨行为的主要原因,并探讨投诉型和非投诉型读者抱怨管理的有效方法及读者抱怨的积极意义,提出加强抱怨管理,建立读者抱怨管理体系的框架。


1.He complained that the supervisor was always picking on him.他抱怨管理人总是专门跟他找茬。

2.Study on Customer Complaint Management Based on System Dynamics;基于系统动力学的顾客抱怨管理研究

3.An applying research on CRM S complaints management under new information technology;新信息技术下CRM的抱怨管理应用研究

4.Study of the Application of Service Marketing and Customer Complaint Management in Routing Company;柔婷公司服务营销与顾客抱怨管理的应用研究

plaint Management of High-quality Service Year Activity in Leshan Power Supply Bureau乐山电业局优质服务年活动中的抱怨管理

6.The Framework and Tactic of Information System in Customer Complaint Management用户抱怨管理信息系统的框架和策略研究

7.A Study on Customer Complaint Management Systems in Customer Satisfaction-Oriented Service Firms;顾客满意导向的服务企业顾客抱怨管理体系分析

8.He has every reason to complain.他有充分的理由抱怨,抱怨也是当然。

9.he complained sourly that the new rules only benefitted the managers.他酸酸地抱怨说新规矩只对管理人员有好处。

10.Nativists fret about America"s inability to secure its own borders.本土主义者抱怨美国对自己边境管理的无能。

11.For some time people have been muttering about the way she run the department人们对她的管理方式私下抱怨已有时日

12.For some time people had been muttering about the way she ran the department.人们对她的管理方式私下抱怨已有时日.

13.For some time people have is muttering about the way she run the department.人们对她的管理方式私下抱怨已有时日。

14.An Impression Management View of Chinese Complaining;从印象管理角度研究汉语抱怨言语行为

15.Their complaints are well-founded.他们的抱怨是有理由的。

16.Her complaints went unheard.无人理会她的抱怨。

17.You have no grounds for complaint/for complaining.你没有抱怨的理由.

18.There is no real reason for complaint.没有什么可抱怨的理由。


customer complaints management客户抱怨管理

3)Handling customer complaints抱怨处理

4)a suBject for complaint抱怨的理由


1.The paper has made detailed analysis on readerscomplaints about contexts,origin,functions and cultural management,from which we can see to them clearly that thecomplaints are objective problems that cannot be avoided.对读者抱怨的涵义、产生、作用、管理等方面进行阐述,让人们更加清楚地认识到抱怨是无法回避的客观现实问题,也是补救服务活动中缺陷的良好信息来源。

2.By means of an open-ended questionnaire,the present study makes an investigation of the attitudes towardscomplaints of three groups of students,i.本研究以敞开式问卷的形式对中美两国的三组学生(美国的本族语学生、中国的英语专业学生和非英语专业学生)对抱怨这一言语行为的态度进行了调查,具体分析他们怎样看待抱怨,在抱怨的情境、抱怨的对象以及抱怨的方式等问题上有何异同。

3.The policy-makers of an enterprise ought to treat the Cutomers Complaints carefully and clairvoyantly and then turn thecomplaints as a challenge into an opportunity of making money.企业应当将顾客的抱怨转变为获得顾客忠诚、新产品开发的机会。


1.Politeness Strategies for the Speech Act of Complaint in Chinese;汉语抱怨言语行为的礼貌策略

2.We surveyed thecomplaints from outpatient and emergency treatment and analyzed the existing problems in our management.调查门、急诊病人的抱怨资料 ,结合管理中存在的问题进行分析 ,强调医院管理者要把病人的抱怨放在心上 ,有针对性地改进自己的工作 ,尤其注重服务质量的改善和提高。

3.Findings show that when complaining in English,thecomplaints produced by CLE differ from those by native speakers not only in qua.本文以敞开式问卷对中美两国三组学生(英语专业、非专业、及美国本族语学生)的抱怨言语行为进行了调查,具体分析他们在抱怨策略、用词等方面的差异,结果表明英语专业学生在用英语抱怨时,与本族语学生的抱怨话语不仅有质的区别,还有量的差异,他们不能根据受抱怨者的身份和地位调节抱怨的参数。


