100字范文 > 牙种植 Dental implantation英语短句 例句大全

牙种植 Dental implantation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-30 23:50:34


牙种植 Dental implantation英语短句 例句大全

牙种植,Dental implantation

1)Dental implantation牙种植

1.Correlation between anatomic structure of the inferior alveolar nerve canal and dental implantation;下颌管的解剖结构与牙种植关系的研究

2.Bio-Oss and autotransplantation of adjacent fragmentary bone in dental implantation;Bio-Oss和邻近自体碎骨移植在牙种植术中的应用


1.Clinical study of delayed immediate implant in esthetic zone前牙区延期即刻牙种植术的临床研究

2.Clinical study on delayed flapless implants placement after bone powder grafted immediately in postextraction sockets牙槽窝即刻植骨延期不翻瓣牙种植的疗效评价

3.Clinical Application of Reconstruction of Grafting,Simultaneous Implantation and Immediate Loading with Anterior Bone Loss and Tooth Effect前牙区骨缺损伴缺牙患者植骨同期行牙种植即刻负重的临床应用

4.Experiment Study of Using Non-submerged HBIC Implants in Animal;HBIC非埋置式牙种植体即刻种植的动物实验研究

5.A Comparative Study to the Displacement of Natural Tooth and Tooth Implant under Dynamic Loads;动态载荷下天然牙与牙种植体位移的比较研究

6.Clinical Efficacy of Immediate Loading in Anterior Implants前牙区牙种植即刻修复的临床应用研究

7.Periapical cyst removed and Adjacent Immediate Implant Surgery Over the same period:Report of a case邻牙根尖周囊肿摘除术同期即刻牙种植1例

8.A clinical study :A new simplify implant treatment for severly atrophied posterior mandible下颌磨牙区牙槽骨中重度萎缩牙种植修复的临床研究

9.Study on Surface Modification and Properties of Tooth Implant Materials;牙种植体材料表面改性及其性能研究

10.Analysis of Osteocalcin in the Peri-implant Sulcular Fluid;牙种植体龈沟液中骨钙素的检测分析

11.Three-dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Immediate Dental Implant Loading;牙种植体即刻负载的三维有限元研究

12.A Preliminary Study on Dental Implant Restoration and the Repair Mode with Different Bone Density;不同骨质牙种植体修复及其方式初探

13.A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that a periodontist places into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge.种植牙是一种通过专科医生植入颌骨的人工牙根,用以镶复牙冠或牙桥.

14.any of several tropical American palms bearing corozo nuts.果实叫做象牙果的一种热带美洲种植的植物。

15.The application of implant reinforcing anchorage to depress the elongated opposed teeth for the mandibular implant prosthesis种植支抗压低上颌磨牙与下颌种植修复

16.Study on the Implant Esthetic Abutment of the Maxillary Premolar;上颌双尖牙区种植体美学牙龈基台研究

17.Clinical effect of dental implant in the restoration of 30 cases dentition defect种植牙修复牙列缺损30例临床效果观察

18.Research progress in the mandibular molar implant restoration with frontal resorption种植修复下颌磨牙区牙槽骨吸收的研究与进展


dental implant牙种植

1.Research of guided tissue regeneration applied indental implantation;引导组织再生术在牙种植中的应用

2.The production and application of a one-off bone collector with two suction tips using indental implantation;一次性双吸引器头牙种植骨收集器的制作和应用

3.Objective:To evaluate the osteogenetic activity of bone chips recovered fromdental implant surgery and to discuss the possibility as a source of seed cells in bone tissue engineering.牙种植二期手术时原缺损处已覆盖成熟骨质,组织学显示为密质骨。

3)dental implants牙种植

1.The Influence of different exposure intensity on bone mineral dentisy analiysis ofdental implants by radiovisiograph;牙种植区不同曝光强度RVG骨密度测量结果比较

2.Patient s satisfaction withdental implants therapy-A 20 months retrospective research;牙种植患者主观满意度的调查


1.The Application of Fiber-reinforced Resin Bonded Bridge in Anterior Teeth Transitional Repair afterImplant纤维强化树脂粘接桥在前牙种植过渡修复中的应用

2.ObjectiveTwo three-dimensional finite element models of a human mandibular second premolar and an implant of full crown restoration under equal conditions and the supporting tissues have been established to compare the displacement differences between natural teeth and implants,so as to provide theoretical references to the tooth-implant-supported fixed denture.研究目的建立下颌第二前磨牙和相同部位牙种植全冠修复体及其支持组织的三维有限元模型,采用三维有限元法比较分析天然牙与种植义齿位移的差异,为临床天然牙-种植体联合修复的应用提供理论参考依据。

5)dental implant牙种植体

1.Study on the stress distribution of bone around cylinderdental implant on different teeth of mandible by 3D finite element analysis;下颌骨典型牙位圆柱状牙种植体周围骨应力分布的三维有限元分析

2.Clinical Effects of Three Systems of Dental Implants;3种类型牙种植体的临床应用

3.Clinical application of two-stage titaniumdental implants;二段式纯钛人工牙种植体的临床应用

6)dental implantation牙种植术

1.Objective The clinical application of guided tissue regeneration indental implantation and bone graft in alveolar cleft were evaluated.目的评价膜引导组织再生技术 (GTR)在牙种植术及唇裂齿槽嵴裂植骨术中的应用。


