100字范文 > 种植床 dental implant bed英语短句 例句大全

种植床 dental implant bed英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-10 09:55:22


种植床 dental implant bed英语短句 例句大全

种植床,dental implant bed

1)dental implant bed种植床

1.Objective:To evaluate the distortion rate ofdental implant bed in the jaw by the orthopantomography.方法:对132颗种植床进行颌骨曲面断层摄影,利用直径5。


1.Aesthetics utilization of autogenous bone from implant bed combined with β-tricalcium phosphate种植床自体骨复合人工骨在种植美学中的应用

2.Clinical application of autogenous bone graft in closed maxillary sinus augmenta种植床自体骨移植在上颌窦闭合式提升中的临床应用

3.To provide the image anatomic data of implant site of zy go-buccal flange ossointegrated implant obturator for patients with large defect of maxillary.为临床上颌骨大型缺损后颧颊翼种植体义颌修复的种植床提供影像解剖学资料。

4.Clinical Observation of Immediate Implantation with ITI conventional ITI implantsITI常规种植体即刻种植的临床观察

5.Her special field is implant-retained facial prostheses and implant dentistry.目前主要从事种植外科临床工作,兼顾种植修复。

6.Clinical study on immediate implantation of BLB implants in aesthetic zoneBLB种植系统用于即刻种植修复的临床探讨

7.Clinical application of sinus lift accompanying bone graft supplement implantation上颌窦底提升加植骨及同期种植术的临床应用

8.Rose and Rosa rise to raise reed, rice and rose.罗丝和罗莎起床种植芦苇`稻子和玫瑰。

9.Experimental and Clinical Study for Bone Regeneration in the Bone Defect Around Implant;种植周骨缺损修复的基础——临床研究

10.The Evaluation to the Clinical Effect of Implant Dentures in Periodontitis Patients牙周炎患者种植义齿的临床疗效评价

11.Clinical Study of immediate placement implanting dental implants into extraction sockets338枚即刻种植义齿的临床疗效观察

12.Preliminary Clinical observation of small-diameter implants.临床应用小直径种植体初步疗效观察

13.Clinical study of delayed immediate implant in esthetic zone前牙区延期即刻牙种植术的临床研究

14.Primary assessment of the clinical effection of CDIC implant techniqueCDIC种植技术临床应用效果的初步评价

15.Observation of the CDIC implant"s clinical effects547枚CDIC种植体的临床效果观察

16.Clinical Study of Immediate Dental Implant and Immediate Prosthesis of Anterior前牙即刻种植即刻修复临床应用研究

17.Clinical Application of Plant Titanium Screw in Intermaxillary Traction and Fixation种植钛钉行颌间牵引固定的临床应用

18.Orthodontic clinical application of mini-implant anchorage微小种植体支抗在正畸临床中的应用




1.Application of orthogonal design inplanting of environmental proection concrete;正交设计在环保型绿化混凝土种植中的应用

2.Planting and Cultivated Technology of Danyu 86 in Heze;丹玉86在山东菏泽的种植表现及其栽培技术

3.Studies on Efficient Forage Planting Technology on Saline-alkali-land in Northern Yinchuan Area;银北地区盐碱地耐盐牧草高效种植技术的研究


1.The Survey and Analysis of Planted State of Traditional Chinese Medicine in North-Anhui District;皖北地区中药材种植现状的调查及分析

2.The Significance and Measurement of Widely Planting Alfalfa in the High and Cold Mountainous Area of Liang shan;凉山高寒山区推广种植紫花苜蓿的意义及措施


1.The Clinical Application of Homemade Implantation System to an Individual Missing Tooth;国产种植体在个别牙缺失的临床应用

2.Study of Autologous Implantation of Cryopreserved Ovarian Tissues in Female Rabbits;兔冷冻卵巢组织自体多点种植的研究

3.Study of nitrogen silicon zirconium-hydroxylapatite as a coating on pure titaniumimplantation氮硅锆-羟磷灰石涂层应用于纯钛种植体的实验研究


1.Implantation Behaviour of Si-Ca-P-Mg System Bioactive Glass and its Coating;Si-Ca-P-Mg系生物活性玻璃涂层的种植行为

2.Clinical Study of Maxillary Sinus Lift and Placement ofImplants with Bone Graft;上颌窦侧壁抬升植骨种植的临床研究

3.Pro/E software and Hypermesh software in constructing 3-D FE model of different thread geometry of dental implant;Pro/E软件和Hypermesh软件在建立螺纹型牙种植体即刻负载有限元模型的联合应用


种植1.栽种培植。 2.引申为积累功德。
