100字范文 > 人工种植牙 dental implantation英语短句 例句大全

人工种植牙 dental implantation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-30 18:34:58


人工种植牙 dental implantation英语短句 例句大全

人工种植牙,dental implantation

1)dental implantation人工种植牙


1.A Study on the Stress Distributive Patterns at the Bone Interface Around Artificial Dental Implants;人工种植牙—骨界面应力分布规律的研究

2.Nowadays, pure titanium has been widely used as an implant material.纯钛是目前广泛应用于临床的人工种植牙植入材料。

3.A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that a periodontist places into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge.种植牙是一种通过专科医生植入颌骨的人工牙根,用以镶复牙冠或牙桥.


5.The Application of GBR in Immediate Implant引导骨再生在人工牙骨内即刻种植中的应用

6.Study of Repairing Bone Defects with Autogenous Nonvascular Iliac Bone Graft and Simultaneous Implantation;自体骼骨游离移植同期种植体植人修复骨量不足区牙缺失的研究

7.Plantation Workers" International Federation种植园工人国际联合会

8.A large estate or farm on which crops are raised, often by resident workers.种植园种植庄稼的大型种植园或农场,经常由居住的工人种植

9.Reconstruction of human mandible 3D model and simulation of dental implant人体颌骨三维模型重建及种植牙的仿真

10.Analysis of current situation of intraocular lens implantation内蒙古牙克石林区人工晶状体植入术现状分析

11.Clinic effects of 3 types of artificial bone on teeth autotransplatation: result of 2 years clinical obeservation人工骨用于自体牙移植2年临床效果分析

12.Trade Unions International of Agricultural, Forestry and Plantation Workers农业、林业和种植园工人工会国际(农林业和种植园工人工会)

13.Clinical study of delayed immediate implant in esthetic zone前牙区延期即刻牙种植术的临床研究

14.Clinical study on delayed flapless implants placement after bone powder grafted immediately in postextraction sockets牙槽窝即刻植骨延期不翻瓣牙种植的疗效评价

15.Aesthetics utilization of autogenous bone from implant bed combined with β-tricalcium phosphate种植床自体骨复合人工骨在种植美学中的应用

16.Preparation of Tissue Engineered Compund Artificial Bone Graft Loading Titanium Dental Implant;负载骨融合式牙种植体的组织工程骨构建实验研究

17.Trade Union International of Agricultural and Forestry and Plantation Workers农林种植园工人国际工会

18.Clinical Application of Reconstruction of Grafting,Simultaneous Implantation and Immediate Loading with Anterior Bone Loss and Tooth Effect前牙区骨缺损伴缺牙患者植骨同期行牙种植即刻负重的临床应用


artificial tooth implant人工牙种植体

3)Artificial planting人工种植

1.The researches and the artificial planting of the plant were reviewed,and some problems were put forward.作者通过简述肉苁蓉资源利用现状 ,及药用价值分析 ,提出人工种植的紧迫性以及研究现状、问题及前景。


1.The reviews on chemical components,pharmacological activities,pharmacodynamics,toxic & side effects andcultivation of mahuang were carried out in this paper.对麻黄的化学成分、药理作用、药效学、毒副作用及人工种植等国内外研究状况进行了回顾,并提醒消费者和生产者在重视麻黄的药用价值的同时,注重使用安全性,建议生产者有序地开发和利用麻黄资源。


1.Study on the Fingerprints of Rheum palmatum Planted in Kangding Area;康定地区人工种植掌叶大黄的HPLC指纹图谱研究

2.The research circumstance of how does callus of cistanche deserticola s seed formatted in lab,the picking methodology for cistanche deserticola seeds and persium seeds and experimentation aboutplanting cistanche deserticola are introduced in this paper.研究了肉苁蓉种子的室内愈伤组织形成,肉苁蓉种子及其寄主白梭梭种子的采集方法,肉苁蓉的人工种植试验。

6)artificial implants人工种植体

1.The preparation,microstructure and biocompatibility were studied for the(hydroxylapatite-zirconia)(HA/ZrO_2) biocomposite applied toartificial implants of human load-bearing parts.对适用于人体承重部位的人工种植体羟基磷灰石-二氧化锆生物复合材料的制备工艺、微观结构及生物相容性进行了初步研究。


