100字范文 > 单牙种植体 Single-tooth implant英语短句 例句大全

单牙种植体 Single-tooth implant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-19 11:41:26


单牙种植体 Single-tooth implant英语短句 例句大全

单牙种植体,Single-tooth implant

1)Single-tooth implant单牙种植体

2)Single tooth implant单牙种植


1.The effect of correlative risk factors on esthetic outcome of soft tissue for implant-supported single tooth restoration in anterior maxilla上颌前牙区单牙种植软组织美学的相关因素分析

2.The Effects of Guided Bone Regeneration with Coralline Hydroxyapatite on Gingival Morphology of Single Implant Prostheses应用羟基磷灰石生物陶瓷引导骨再生对单牙种植修复体周围牙龈的影响

3.A clinical evaluation of the two-implant-supported single crowns in molar restoration:A five years observation双种植体支持磨牙单冠修复的5年临床效果

4.Clinical evaluation of two-implant-supported single molar restoration单磨牙缺失应用双种植体修复的效果评价

5.The Esthetic Results Clinic Evaluation of Periodontal Pack in Implant-support Prosthetics牙周塞治剂应用于单颗前牙种植术后软组织美学修复的临床研究

6.Conclusion: The prosthesis of incisor immediate implant is practical and effective.结论:即刻烤瓷冠修复单个前牙种植体是一种切实可行的方法。

7.The Three Finite Element Analysis of the Mandibular First Molar Restoration with Two Implants Support One Crown;双根单冠种植修复下颌第一磨牙的三维有限元分析

8.The Analysis of the Finite Element-aid Design of Fixed Bridge Supported by Implants in Restoring the Single Side Distal Free-end Edentulism;有限元分析辅助单侧后牙游离端缺失种植固定桥修复的设计

9.Assessment Research on the Inter-proximal Papilla Height of Single Implant-supported Maxillary Central Incisor种植修复单个上颌中切牙龈乳头高度的评估性研究

10.The clinic effect of immediate single-tooth implants and non-functional provisional crowns in the anterior maxilla单个上前牙即刻种植即刻非功能修复的临床疗效观察

11.Effects of Different Shape of Occlusal Screws on Stability for Single Implant-Supported Crowns不同形态面固位螺钉对种植牙单冠稳定性的影响

12.Establishment of 3-D finite element model of fixed bridge supported by implants in restoring mandibular single side distal free-end edentulism下颌单侧后牙游离端缺失种植固定桥三维有限元模型的建立

13.Clinical study of delayed immediate implant in esthetic zone前牙区延期即刻牙种植术的临床研究

14.Clinical study on delayed flapless implants placement after bone powder grafted immediately in postextraction sockets牙槽窝即刻植骨延期不翻瓣牙种植的疗效评价

15.Clinical Application of Reconstruction of Grafting,Simultaneous Implantation and Immediate Loading with Anterior Bone Loss and Tooth Effect前牙区骨缺损伴缺牙患者植骨同期行牙种植即刻负重的临床应用

16.To study the clinical effects of prosthesis in immediatd implant at singe anodontia incisor compared with traditional temporary resin veneer crown.目的:对比分析单个前牙种植体的传统临时冠修复和即刻烤瓷冠修复的临床效果。

17.A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that a periodontist places into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge.种植牙是一种通过专科医生植入颌骨的人工牙根,用以镶复牙冠或牙桥.

18.any of several tropical American palms bearing corozo nuts.果实叫做象牙果的一种热带美洲种植的植物。


Single tooth implant单牙种植

3)dental implant牙种植体

1.Study on the stress distribution of bone around cylinderdental implant on different teeth of mandible by 3D finite element analysis;下颌骨典型牙位圆柱状牙种植体周围骨应力分布的三维有限元分析

2.Clinical Effects of Three Systems of Dental Implants;3种类型牙种植体的临床应用

3.Clinical application of two-stage titaniumdental implants;二段式纯钛人工牙种植体的临床应用

4)dental implantation牙种植体

1.Therapeutic effect of closed maxillary sinus floor lifting and immediatedental implantation;闭合式上颌窦底提升同期牙种植体植入术疗效研究

5)Dental implants牙种植体

1.Influence of cortical bone thickness on the natural frequencies of the dental implants;密质骨厚度影响牙种植体稳定性的有限元固有频率分析

2.Influence of thread design on the primary stability of immediately loaded dental implants;螺纹形态对牙种植体初期稳定性影响的有限元研究

3.Experimental Studies on osseointegration of dental implants in osteoporosis;骨质疏松状态下牙种植体骨整合改变的实验研究

6)Single-implant dental implants单个牙种植


