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农科 Agriculture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-20 13:28:45


农科 Agriculture英语短句 例句大全



1.Investigation and Enlightenment of Satisfaction about Majors forAgriculture College Students;农科类大学生专业满意度调查及其启示

2.Research on Pattern of Training Talents ofAgriculture Science for Undergraduates at Research Agricultural University;研究型农业大学农科本科人才培养模式研究


1.ATEE Association for the Advancement of Agricultural Sciences in Africa非洲农业科学促进会(非洲农科会)

2.International Agricultural Students Association of the Americas国际美洲农科学生协会

3.Research on Pattern of Training Talents of Agriculture Science for Undergraduates at Research Agricultural University;研究型农业大学农科本科人才培养模式研究

4.Construction and Development of Agricultural Product Processing Subjects in Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences;吉林省农科院农产品加工学科建设和发展方向

5.Studies on Playing the Leading Role of Provincial Academies in the Development of Local Science and Technology;省级农科院在地方农业科技发展中的领军作用

6.The study or science of agriculture.农艺农业研究或科学

7.Food, Agriculture and Rural Development Section粮食、农业和农村发展科

8.Agricultural Development Division [Agriculture and Fisheries Department]农业发展科〔渔农处〕

9.Accelerating the Progress of Agricultural Science and TechnologyThrough Harmonizing Its Supply and Demand;协调农业科技供求 加速农业科技进步

ments on the Informationization of Agricultural ScientificResearch and Agricultural Scientech Development;浅析农业科研信息化与农业科技发展

11.The Relationship of Agricultural Science and Technology Periodicals with Bringing Forth New Ideas in Agricultural Science and Technology;农业科技期刊与农业科技创新的关系

12.Bakossi Expelled Farmer"s Committee巴科西失所农人委员会

13.Country Parks Management Division [Agriculture and Fisheries Department]郊野公园管理科〔渔农处〕

14.Wholesale Markets Management Division [Agriculture and Fisheries Department]批发市场管理科〔渔农处〕

15.Marine Parks Division [Agriculture and Fisheries Department]海岸公园科〔渔农处〕

16.Capture Fisheries Division [Agriculture and Fisheries Department]捕捞渔业科〔渔农处〕

17.scientific research of agricultural mechanization农业机械化科学研究

18.National Agricultural Scientific Institutions in Japan日本国立农业科研机构


agricultural sciences农业科学

1.Chinese Agricultural Sciences calling for Scientific and Technological Review Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences;中国农业科学呼唤科技评论

2.This paper has provided several retrieval tools inagricultural sciences for agricultural research workers:retrieval periodicals,sci-tech report,retrieval tools published both China and abroad,that are of high practical value.为农业科学研究人员提供了几种农业科学信息资源的检索工具:检索刊物、科技报告、国内出版和国外出版的检索工具,具有很高的实用价值。

3.Utilizing the data of Essential Science Indicators (ESI), the article analyzed the scientific impact ofagricultural sciences from 1998 to .利用美国汤森科技信息集团开发的基本科学指标数据库(ESI)中农业科学领域的文献数据,分析了1998年1月-12月间世界农业科学领域具有高影响力的国家/地区、研究机构、科学家等。

3)agricultural technology农业科技

1.It is a time that Chinasagricultural technology develops outside when China enters WTO.加入WTO后,我国农业科技实施“走出去”发展正当其时。

2.Under the situation of construction of innovative Nation and socialist new countryside,agricultural technology is confronted with important chances and challenges.在建设创新型国家和建设社会主义新农村的新形势下,农业科技面临重大机遇和挑战。

3.As the farmer s income growth is the systematic engineer involving every aspect,we shall focus on the enhancement of independent innovation ability ofagricultural technology,accelerate transformation and application ofagricultural technology achievement and continuous improve contribution rate of technology with the guidance of scientific development concept.增加农民收入是一项涉及方方面面的系统工程,其中最根本的是要坚持以科学发展观为指导,着眼于增强农业科技自主创新能力,加快农业科技成果的转化应用,不断提高科技的贡献率。

4)agricultural researchers农科教师

1.This paper analyzed 1 688 quotations in 389 pieces of thesis byagricultural researchers in Foshan university.选取佛山科学技术学院农科教师1985~1998 年发表的389 篇论文所引用的338 种期刊共计1 688 条引文进行统计分析。

5)Agricultural machinery scientific research农机科研

6)Agricultural science and technology农业科技

1.A Probe on the Intercommunion of Agricultural Science and Technology from Wei-Jin to the Northern and Southern Dynasties;魏晋南北朝时期农业科技文化的交流及其思考

2.Consideration and requirement analysis of agricultural science and technology training at present;现阶段农业科技培训的需求分析与思考

3.Accelerate the Formation and Transformation of Agricultural Science and Technology Achievements with Market-Based Mechanism;用市场机制加速农业科技的成果化及成果转化


