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重农 emphasizing agriculture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-26 16:09:28


重农 emphasizing agriculture英语短句 例句大全

重农,emphasizing agriculture

1)emphasizing agriculture重农

1.Game analysis of the change of the thought of "emphasizing agriculture but restraining commerce";“重农抑商”思想嬗变的博弈分析

2.His thoughts ofemphasizing agriculture is fairly systematic,i.既有出于对广大劳动人民的同情,也有受中国传统重农以及孙中山重农思想的影响,更直接的还在于其所处的经济环境的限制以及军事生存的需要。


1.The Comparison of Physiocrates and Chinese Ancient Agriculture Priority Ideas;重农学派与中国古代重农思想的比较

2.Physiocracy and Market Tendency of French Agriculture from 18 to 19 Centuries;重农主义与18~19世纪法国农业市场化

3.The agriculture farm tax and excise tax was still heavy, aggravating the burden of the farmer consumedly.农业赋税繁重,大大加重了农民的负担。

4.Value Modern Agriculture & Avoid Belittling and Abandoning Agriculture;重视现代农业,摒弃轻农、弃农思想

5.Agriculture is as important as Industry.农业和工业一样重要。

6.Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction农村重建联合委员会

7.Another thing we have learned from experience is the importance of developing agriculture.再就是重视发展农业。

8.The serious problem is the education of the peasantry.严重的问题是教育农民。

9.To Bring up the New Peasants is the Key to the New Countryside Construction;培育新型农民是新农村建设的重中之重

10.It is of significance to study agricultural geology for agricultural production.研究农业地质对农业生产有重要意义。

11.The Research on the Reconstruction of Peasant Association under the Construction of Socialism New Rural Area;社会主义新农村建设中农会重建研究

12.Research on influencing factors of farm households willingness of agricultural land transfer-A case study of Bishan County in Chongqing;重庆市璧山县农户农地流转意愿研究

13.Reconstruction of Psychological Contract for Farmers in the Process of Harmonious Rural Construction;和谐农村建设中农民心理契约的重构

14.IT Application in Agriculture--An Important Path of New Rural Construction;农业信息化——新农村建设的重要路径

15.Reconstruction Peasants Association:New Energy of Village Development in China;重建农会:我国农村持续发展的新能量

16.Paying Attention to the Farmers Technology Demands and Strengthening the Science-Technology Extension;重视农民技术需求 加强农业科技推广

17.Stressing Farmers Self-investment in Agriculture;重视农业生产经营主体对农业的投入

18.Xian-nong Tan is the Important Carrier of Chinese Agricultural Culture;先农坛——中国农耕文化的重要载体


stress agriculture重农

1.盙uanzi ·light and heavy”,from the view that merchants control the market, exploit the farmers,thus struggle against the emperors for profits and bring about political results, fully illustrates the conflicts between the merchants and emperors, and puts forward the systematic ideas ofstress agriculture, restrain commerce.《管子·轻重》从商贾控制市场盘剥农民与君主争利及其带来的政治后果出发 ,全面论述了商贾与君主的矛盾 ,从而提出了系统的重农抑商思想 ,比如 ,不征徭役保证农时 ,保证农业成本 ,排斥商贾对粮食市场操纵 ,控制农民的生产过程以打击商贾的高利贷盘剥 ,使用政治强权直接剥夺商贾的财富等。

3)attach importance to agriculture and commerce重农兼重商

4)Chongqing rural重庆农村

1.Study of energy consumptition in family ofChongqing rural;重庆农村不同家庭能源消费研究

5)Farming as the Essential重农轻牧

1.Grassland Use in Northern China and the Concept of "Farming as the Essential";“重农轻牧”思想与中国北方草地资源的利用

6)thought of emphasizing agriculture重农思想

1.Thought of emphasizing agriculture in Warring States Period have two different systems:one is thethought of emphasizing agriculture of Fajia represented by Book of Lord Shang and Guanzi,the other is traditionalthought of emphasizing agriculture represented by Lü Shi Chun Qiu.战国时期的重农学说有两个不同的体系:一是以《商君书》、《管子》为代表的法家重农学说,一是以《吕氏春秋》为代表的传统重农思想。


