100字范文 > 支农 support agriculture英语短句 例句大全

支农 support agriculture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-12 09:07:10


支农 support agriculture英语短句 例句大全

支农,support agriculture

1)support agriculture支农

1.Finance to compensate for risktaking in agriculture is a feasible method tosupport agriculture, and by this means, many countries have gained successes.在我国加入世贸组织的新时局下 ,探讨财政支农 ,尤显必要。


1.Strengthening the Supervision and Improving the Effect of Expenditure Used to Support Agriculture;加强财政支农支出监管 提高财政支农支出效益

2.The Inquiry into the Relationship between Fiscal Expenditure on Agriculture and Pure Income of Rural Farmers;财政支农支出与农民纯收入关系研究

3.3 content that help up are as follows: Religion, support agriculture, cure, help deficient up.三支一扶的内容如下:支教、支农、支医、扶贫。

4.Rural credit shortage, non-farming use of rural funds and agri-credit service: Issues and counter-measures;农村资金短缺、资金非农化与信贷支农

5.Contribution of Fiscal Expenditure on Supporting Agriculture to Promote Western Agricultural Economic Growth;财政支农支出对西部农业经济增长的贡献

6.An Analysis on the Effect of Financial Expenditure for Supporting Agriculture of Jilin Province on Agricultural Economy吉林省财政支农支出对农业经济影响作用研究

7.The Effects of Public Financial Support to Agriculture on Farmer"s Income in Guangxi广西财政支农支出对农民收入影响的协整分析

8.The Empirical Analysis on the Long-term Impact of Agriculture-related Fiscal Expenditures on Agricultural GDP财政支农支出对农业GDP长期影响的实证分析

9.A Study of Evaluation System on the Project of Agriculture Supported by Finance;财政支农支出项目绩效评价体系研究

10.Research on Performance Evaluation of Local Agricultural Finance Projects;地方财政支农项目支出绩效评价研究

11.Study on the Local Financial Expenditure Structure of Fund for Agriculture;地方财政支农资金支出结构优化研究

12.Financial Investment in Agriculture and its Structural Optimization in China;我国财政支农支出结构及其优化分析

13.Research on the Efficiency of Financial Support for Agriculture in Zhangjiajie张家界市财政支农支出绩效问题研究

14.Sustained Income Crowth in Agriculture --Ultimate Aim for Finance to Support Agriculture农业可持续增收——财政支农的终极目标

15.A Study on the Relations between Finance Expenditure Supporting Agriculture of Xinjiang and Peasant s Income;新疆财政支农与农民收入的关系分析

16.The Study of the Farmers Income Growth and Government Supporting in Hunan;湖南省农民增收与政府支农政策研究

17.An Empirical Study On Agriculture Financial Input Relates to Peasants Income Increase;国家财政支农与农民增收的实证研究

18.Empirical Research of the Fiscal Expenditure on Supporting Agriculture for Agriculture Economic Growth;财政支农与农业经济增长的实证分析


To Support Agriculture支农哺农

3)government expenditure for supporting agriculture支农支出

1.An analysis on the economic effect ofgovernment expenditure for supporting agriculture in China——study on primary industries according to the different time series;中国财政支农支出的经济带动作用研究——基于产业层面的时间序列分析

4)Medical supports for rural areas卫生支农

5)the credit supportion in the agricul ture信贷支农

6)agricultural support农业支持

1.Study on the Public Financial Agricultural Support and its Efficiency of Hunan Province;湖南农业支持的效率机制与政策取向研究

2.A Study on Region Comparison of Agricultural Support Policy in China;我国农业支持政策的地区比较研究

3.The Brazilian agriculture plays an important role in its national economy status,under the environment of support to agriculture in the world,the Brazilian government has its own characteristics to itsagricultural support policy.本文应用OECD的分析方法体系对巴西的农业支持水平进行了评估分析,指出了巴西农业政策的特点,并提出对中国的借鉴建议。


