100字范文 > 汉晋时期 Han and Jin Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

汉晋时期 Han and Jin Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-17 23:55:43


汉晋时期 Han and Jin Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

汉晋时期,Han and Jin Dynasty

1)Han and Jin Dynasty汉晋时期

1.To begin with, the paper summarizes the situation of local education inHan and Jin Dynasty, which primarily consists in local prefectural state and private schools.汉晋时期是中国作家文学的形成阶段,同时也是中国教育发展的转折期和兴盛期。


1.On Ailao Regional Characteristics of the Hans Immigration during the Han and Jin dynasty;论汉晋时期哀牢区域汉族移民的特点

2.Study on The Agricultural Natural Disaster During Zhou, Qin, Han and Jin Dynasties and The Strategies of Agricultural Disaster Reduction;周秦汉晋时期农业灾害和农业减灾方略研究

3.A Preliminary Study on Han-Jin Figurines of Hu People in the Reaches of Yangtze River;汉晋时期长江流域出土胡人俑的初步考察

4.A Study on the Environmental Changes of the Ancient Lou-lan Oasis from the Han to the jin dynasty (2~(nd) Century B. C-the End of 4~(th) Century A.D);汉晋时期楼兰古绿洲环境变迁动态研究

5.The Core Values of Tujia Philosophy from Pre-Qin Dynasties to Han and Jin Dynasties;先秦至汉晋时期土家族哲学的核心价值观研究

6.On the Pottery Buildings Excavated in the Graves of Han and Jin Dynasties around the Three Gorges Arcas;对三峡地区汉晋时期墓葬所出陶楼的认识

7.Research on the Form of "Prestigious-Favorable" Feudal Official from Last Phase of Han to Jin Dynasty汉末魏晋时期“威惠”型官吏形态研究

8.Study on Agricultural Development in Southern ShannXi during Qin-Han and Wei-Jin Dynasties;秦汉魏晋时期陕南地区农业开发研究

9.A Brief Review of the Education in Wei Dynasty,Jin Dynasty and Southern and Northern Dynasties;继汉开唐:魏晋南北朝时期的教育简述

10.Hu-Han Culture Conflict in Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties;浅析魏晋南北朝时期的胡汉文化冲突

11.The Hu-Han Policy of Xianbei Rejime in the Wei-jin and Southern and Northern Dynastie魏晋南北朝时期鲜卑政权的胡汉政策

12.Evolution of Wei and Jin Metaphysic Resources in the Han Dynasty;论魏晋玄学思想资源在两汉时期的先期整合

13.The Diachronic Study on Metrological Measure Words from Pre-Qin to Han、Wei、Jin and Nan-bei Dynasty;先秦到汉魏晋南北朝时期度量衡量词历时研究

14.The substitution of Wei royalty for Han royalty and Jin royalty for Wei royalty were importing and profound political affairs.曹魏代汉和晋代魏都是魏晋南北朝时期重大的政治事件,影响深远。

15.Research on the Kinship and Clanship during the Period of the Qin, Han, Wei, Jin, and Northern & Southern Dynasties;秦汉魏晋南北朝时期家族、宗族关系研究

16.The Dietary Culture Communication between Hu and Han in North Area during Wei、Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties;魏晋南北朝时期北方地区的胡汉饮食文化交流

17.A Comparative Study of Family Learning between Han Dynasty and Wei, Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties;两汉与魏晋南北朝时期家学的比较研究

18.The Structure of National Regimes and the Fusion of Hu-Han in the Wei-Jin and South-Northern Dynasties;民族政权构成与魏晋南北朝时期的胡汉融合


Qin-Han and Wei-Jin dynasties秦汉魏晋时期

3)Chinese Han-Jin Dynasty中国汉晋时期

4)Chin Han Jin and Southern & Northern dynasty秦汉两晋南北朝时期

5)Wei and Jin Dynasties魏晋时期

1.The Western Han,Eastern Han,Wei and Jin Dynasties were an important period in which the traditional Chinese medicine came into being.两汉、魏晋时期,正是中国传统医学形成的重要时期,而在这个时期有所开拓、有所创新的一些著名医家,却没有张扬自己,而是走隐迹的道路,淡化自己、隐匿自己。

2.TheWei and Jin Dynasties is a period of ideological emancipation.魏晋时期是我国古代一个思想解放时期,当时女性的地位貌似也发生了很大的改变,但是从女性贞节观方面将魏晋时期女性的地位与之前的秦汉时期及之后的隋唐时期相比较,就会发现,魏晋时期女性地位并没有什么超越之处。

3.In Spring of 1990, More than 300 tombs of theWei and Jin Dynasties were found near the Nanwucheng Cucheng in Pingyi county, Shandong province, yielded 110 bronze mirrors that may have seen the prosperity of bronze mirror production of the period in this area.1990年春,在山东省平邑县南武城故城附近发现汉、魏晋时期的墓葬三百余座,出土铜镜110面,据其主题纹饰特征分为13类。

6)Wei and Jin Dynasty魏晋时期

1.Ruan Ji is a poet living inWei and Jin Dynasty.魏晋时期诗人阮籍的《咏怀诗》因其意旨隐晦遥深而历来注解众多,但解读阮籍诗歌不能绕开他曲折抒发心志而大量使用的兴寄意象。

2.〈New Interpretation of Old-Saying〉 is a famous and important novel in Wei and Jin dynasty which reflects the people s customs of life and mind at that time.《世说新语》是南朝宋刘义庆的一部重要的志人小说,反映了魏晋时期士人的生活和思想习俗,从中我们也可以看到魏晋时期女性自我意识的觉醒,她们追求自由,敢于冲破封建礼教的束缚,她们追求平等,敢于打破男权一统的局面。


秦灭魏之战(见战国七强兼并战争)秦灭魏之战(见战国七强兼并战争)Qin State"s Battle to Destroy the Wei StateQin Mie Wei zhi Zhan秦灭魏之战(Qin state,5 Battle to Destroythe Wei State)战国末年,秦统一六国战争中的重大作战。见战国七强兼并战争。
