100字范文 > 汉晋春秋 Han Jin Chun Qiu英语短句 例句大全

汉晋春秋 Han Jin Chun Qiu英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-02 15:48:31


汉晋春秋 Han Jin Chun Qiu英语短句 例句大全

汉晋春秋,Han Jin Chun Qiu

1)Han Jin Chun Qiu汉晋春秋

1.In Xingyang,he composed his representative worksHan Jin Chun Qiu,which was a famous annals for its unique orthodox history viewpoint that denied the authority of the Wei Dynasty.在郡期间,他撰写了其代表作《汉晋春秋》,该书由于提出了晋承汉统的独特正统史观而名垂史册。

2)the state of Jin春秋晋国


1.Research on Prosperity and Destructionof Hua and Geographical Position of Hua in Times Chunqiu;春秋滑国兴灭暨地望考——春秋晋国诗歌创作历史文化背景研究之四

2.In the Spring and Autumn Periods, the Jin Kingdom practiced a unique system which started the state-controlled field distribution.春秋时的晋“作爰田” ,开创了由国家来实施大规模分户授田之先河。

3.Accordingly, Wei & Jin’s ‘Chun Qiu Jue Yu’ leads to the rule of men and autarchy of Chinese law.因此,魏晋“春秋决狱”最终导向了中国法律的人治、专制化。

4.An Analysis of Legal Significance of "An Adjudication of Shuxiang;试析"叔向断狱"的法律意义——兼论春秋时晋国的法律制度

5.Essence Orbit of Hua and Yi Harmony in Earlier Stage of the Spring and Autumn Period from Chong Er"s Exile从重耳流亡看春秋前期戎狄与晋国融合的精神轨迹

6.A Chronological Study on Jin Emperors Aggression from Late Zhou Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn Period;晋襄公、灵公灭国夺邑系年辑证——西周末年至春秋时期晋灭国夺邑系年辑证之五

7.A Textual Research by Year on the Extermination of Countries and Seize of Towns by Duke Dinggong and Chugong of Jin Nation--the Tenth textual research by year on the extermination of countries and seize of tow ns by Jin Nation from late years of West Zhou Dynasty to Spring and Autumn Period;晋定公、出公灭国夺邑系年辑证——西周末年至春秋时期晋灭国夺邑系年辑证之十

8.A chronic research on the overthrow and territorial takeover of other kingdoms by Jindaogong and Pinggong;晋悼公、平公灭国夺邑编年辑证——西周末年至春秋时期晋灭国夺邑编年辑证之七

9.A Textual Reseach on the Chronological Years in which Duke Jinjing Defeated the Enemies States and Occupied Their Cities --the Sixth Commentary on which from Last Years of the Reign of West Zhou to the Spring and Autumn Period;晋景公灭国夺邑系年辑证——西周末年至春秋时期晋灭国夺邑系年辑证之六

10.An Investigation on the Military History of Jin Wu Gong s Territorial Expansion;晋武公灭国夺邑系年辑证——西周末年至春秋时期晋灭国夺邑系年辑证之二

11.A Chronological Study on Jin Emperor s Aggression from the Late Regime of West Zhou to Spring and Autumn Periods Part IV;晋文公灭国夺邑系年辑证——西周末年至春秋时期晋灭国夺邑系年辑证之四

12.Both Being the Posterity of Zhou Dynasty:the Combing of Relational Source between Wu and Jin kingdoms--One ofthe Discussions about the Relationship between Wu and Jin Kingdoms during the Spring and Autumn Period同为周后:吴、晋国家关系的源头爬梳——春秋时期吴、晋国家关系论述之一

13.Fight on Huai River--Tussle among Wu, Chu, Jin Kindom in the Huai River basin in Late Spring and Autumn Period on the relationship between Wu Kingdom and Ethnic Minority tribe living in the area of Huai River which flows across Xuzhou;淮上的争夺——春秋后期,吴、楚、晋在淮河流域的角逐及吴国与徐淮夷关系的论述

14.A Research into the Land Communication between the State of Wu and Jin in the Late Spring and Autumn Period;从季札出使看春秋晚期吴晋的陆路交通

15.Political thought in Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods of China春秋战国时期政治思想

16.An Analytical Confucianism Melt into the Law of the Wei and Jin Dynasties Inevitability从“春秋决狱”到“纳礼入律”——浅析儒家思想融入魏晋北朝诸律的必然性

17.How to Evaluate the Legal Meaning of PenaI Code Casted by the Zheng and Penal Pot Casted by the Jin during the Periods of the Dynasty of Spring and Autumn;如何看待春秋期间郑铸刑书、晋铸刑鼎的法律意义

18.Xi shi was a famous beauty of Yue kingdom during the Spring and autumn period of Chinese history.西子是春秋战国时期越国著名的美女。


the state of Jin春秋晋国

3)Qin and Han Dynasties春秋战国秦汉时期

1.A developmental account of the history inQin and Han Dynasties;春秋战国秦汉时期“史”的发展演变

4)the Spring and Autumn Period春秋

1.A Study on the Retainer System and Its Duty inthe Spring and Autumn Period;试论春秋时期的家臣职官系统及其职司

2.Changing of Rhetoric Style fromthe Spring and Autumn Period to the Warring States;春秋至战国时期修辞风格的嬗变

5)Chun Qiu《春秋》

1.A Textual Research on Ye Mengde’s Writings aboutChun Qiu;叶梦得《春秋》类著述考论

2.A Brief Discussion on the style ofChun Qiu and its Estimate Manner;《春秋》体例及“一字贬褒”笔法简析

6)Spring and Autumn Period春秋

paring the Military System betweenSpring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period;春秋和战国军事对比略谈


