100字范文 > 概括性 generality英语短句 例句大全

概括性 generality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-06-30 09:12:33


概括性 generality英语短句 例句大全



1.Therefore, the legislators increase the flexibility andgenerality of the legislative language in order to broaden the application scope of legal regulations.一是立法语言概括性的特点,用有限的法律条文尽可能的去包罗更为广泛的法律行为。


1.Two broad explanations come to mind.有两点概括性的解释。

2.This article is a succinct summary.这篇文章概括性很强。

3.The last paragraph is a succinct summary.最后这段话概括性很强。

4.This is, of course, only a simple generalization.当然,这只是一种简单的概括性说法。

5.Such classification tends to detract from generality.这样的分类方法缺乏概括性。

6.A general statement will suffice.一份概括性的声明就行了。

7.On the Summary of the Entries in The Chinese Dictionary(Unabridged)《汉语大字典》义项概括性问题再议

8.Typical photography instant is of generality,subjectivity and modeling.典型的摄影瞬间具有概括性、主观性和造型性。

9.The Expression in the Eyes of "侧目" in Chinese--The generality and the concretilty of the meaning of a word;汉语中“侧目”的眼神——词义的概括性与具体性

10.The theory of schema, having highly-recapitulative and constructional force, has dimensional functions of memorizing.图式理论是认知心理学的重要概念,具有很强的概括性和解释力。

11.That is a summary and ironical end.那是一个具有概括性和讽刺意味的结局。

12.The Research on the Extent and Way of Generally Getting Information from Administrative Conterpart by Government;政府概括性获取相对人信息的权限及方式研究

13.It has the nature of randomness, generality, problem solving, radiativeness, directionality and creativity.它具有随机性、概括性、问题性、辐射性、指向性和创造性。

14.This paper has summarily described the actuality and history of innovation management.对全球性技术管理研究现状与历史演变进行了概括性的描述。

15.Relative Age For Criminal Responsibility--Discuss about the necessity of adding general regulations;再论相对负刑事责任年龄——兼论增加概括性规定的必要性

16.What I"ve said is only some general tips or ideas for practical sills.我所说的只是训练实际技能的一些概括性提示或想法。

17.Design patterns are exemplary, generalizable solutions to specific classes of design problems.设计模式是针对某类特定的设计问题,可供效仿的概括性解决方案。

18.A paper is an organized description of hypotheses, data and conclusions, intended to instruct the reader.科技论文是集假说、据和结论为一体的概括性描述,以此向读者论述。



1.It is characterized by two aspects,that is,first,attaching great importance to the fostering of spirit with features ofgeneralization,intuition and image;second,having rich content with features of ideology,literature and knowledge.它有两大特色:一是注重精神成人,融概括性、直观性、形象性于一体;二是内容丰富多彩,融思想性、文学性、知识性于一体。

3)rational summary理性概括

1.It s a scientific andrational summary of china and the other socialist countries historical experience in exploring and developing stage.它是对中国和其他社会主义国家探索发展阶段历史经验的科学总结和理性概括 ,是经济文化落后的中国进入社会主义的历史前提 ,也是我国社会主义发展必然要经历一个很长的初级阶段的历史根

4)versified generalization诗性概括




连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
