100字范文 > 笼统 generality英语短句 例句大全

笼统 generality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-29 00:41:25


笼统 generality英语短句 例句大全



1.The indeterminacy in glosseme level comprises ambiguity, vagueness, fuzziness andgenerality.义位的不确定性包括歧义、含混、模糊和笼统。

2.Semantic opacity covers such issues as ambiguity,vagueness andgenerality.语义不明确包括多义(歧义)、模糊与概括(笼统)。

3.This article finds out the differences among fuzziness of language,generality and ragueness of speech by companing them with each other.本文通过对语言的模糊性和言语中的笼统和含糊的对比 ,找出三者之间的区别。


1.Don"t be hasty in generalization.不要急于笼统地下结论。

2.He spoke in very general terms.他的话说得很笼统。

3.That was a large statement.这是一种笼统的见解。

4.So we should not be afraid of all changes.所以不要笼统地说怕变。

5.make a sweeping generalization, accusation, etc做出笼统的推论、 指责等.

6.So we cannot indiscriminately oppose all types of participation and intervention.所以不能笼统地反对参与,也不能笼统地反对干预。

7.His description was too general to be of much use.他的描述很笼统, 用处不大.

8.But as it"s still too early for that yet, a general term of reference will have to do in the meantime.现在还早得很呢,不妨笼统称呼。

9.Vague answers never contented him.笼统的答复永远也不能让他满意。

10.Unfortunately the treaty is full of generalities, and fails to get down to specific遗憾的是条约很笼统,订得不具体

11.make(a statement,etc)less general or extreme使(言语等)不过于笼统或极端

12.They just asked some general questions.他们只问了一些挺笼统的问题。

13.(derog)(of statements,etc)without any exceptions;(too)general(指言语等) 无例外的,(过于)笼统的

14.Unfortunately the treaty be full of generality , and fail to get down to specific遗憾的是条约很笼统, 订得不具体

15.His description be too general to be of much use他的描述很笼统, 用处不大

16.The superior"s measurments are often equally vague.上级的衡量往往是平均而笼统的。

17.Special mapping is a rather nebulous term.专用地图是一个比较笼统的术语。

18.Unfortunately the treaty is full of generalities, and fails to get down to specifics.遗憾的是条约很笼统, 订得不具体.


To be too general and floating笼统浮泛

3)to speak in general terms笼统地说

4)general feedback笼统反馈

1.In addition, this paper tried to measure whether thespecific feedback and thegeneral feedback on content provided by teacher could pushthe learners to enhance their writing content.此文以实证方式探讨教师书面修正性反馈对中国非英语专业大学生写作的影响,具体地检测教师书面反馈中的直接反馈和在错误处标注错误类型的间接反馈是否引发学习者提高写作语言的准确性但却降低其复杂度,同时测量教师就作文内容给出的详细和笼统反馈能否促使学习者改进作文内容。

5)general pressure testing笼统测压

6)general injection well笼统注水井

1.Technical research application ofgeneral injection well layered testing;笼统注水井分层测试技术研究与应用


