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概化 generalization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-05 15:29:30


概化 generalization英语短句 例句大全



1.The paper puts forward that UML not only is the vivid method to depict specialization andgeneralization but also can produce programmatical codes automatically.概化/特化是扩充实体联系模型的主要概念,在数据库设计中它们的形象化描述是重要的。

2.This study mainly explored the effects of event prototypes with differentgeneralization degrees formed during the course of the principle study on solving problems.探讨原理学习过程中形成不同概化程度 /问题原型对解决不同适宜程度问题的影响。

3.By analyzing several possiblegeneralizations in the anonymization for incremental updates,an important monotonicgeneralization principle is proposed to prevent privacy disclosure in re-publication.针对现实数据集动态增加和多次发布的隐私保护需求,本文在分析增量更新数据匿名若干概化方式基础上,提出了防止数据重发布过程中发生隐私泄漏的单调概化原则,并利用该原则,设计一个基于划分的增量数据重发布k-匿名算法k-APPRP。


1.UML Expression of EER Model;EER模型中概化/特化的UML表达

2.ny new embodiment of a familiar idea.对熟悉概念的具体化。

3.Introduction to Culture and Economy of Latin America拉美文化与经济概论

4.Introduction to Culture & Economy of Latin America拉美洲文化与经济概论

5.Conceptualization of the Meaning of Cause-Effect Sentence Introduced by "Because";Because-因果句的语义概念化

6.Concept Lattice Simplification Based on Rich Concept Set and Their Application;基于富概念集的概念格模型简化及应用

7.About "the Generalization,the Vision,the Commercialization" in Product Design论产品设计中的概念化、视觉化、商品化

8.This becomes even more difficult as we move from conceptualizing to operationalizing.)概念化转到行动化,难度更大。

9.Overview on Development of Chemical Industry Informatization in --化工行业信息化发展概况

10.The concept, operations and mean value of grey number"s whitening transformation灰数白化变化的概念、运算与均值

11.A Query on the Term of "Culture" Used in the Human Quality Curriculum in College Education关于文化素质教育中“文化”概念的质疑

12.Globalization and Inequality:Issues of conceptualization and of explanatory全球化与不平等:概念化与解释的论题

13.Ethnic Group Culture:Redefining the Concept of Minnan Culture;族群文化:闽南文化概念的重新界定

14.On the Lexicalization,Grammaticalization and Cognitive Explanation of "Yigai"(一概);“一概”的词汇化、语法化以及认知阐释

15.The Compare on the Lexicalization,Grammaticalization of"Yilii"(一律) and"Yigai"(一概);“一律”与“一概”的词汇化、语法化比较初探

16.The New Concept and Explanation of Culture,Environment Culture;文化、环境文化概念的新界说及阐释

17.Enterprise Management New Concept:E-enterprise and E-management;企业管理新概念:E化企业与E化管理

18.The Information Culture Compares with Cultural Concept in Network the Analysis;信息文化与网络文化的概念比较分析


chemical concept化学概念

1.The representation ofchemical concepts is an important topic in educational psychology for chemistry.化学概念表征是化学教育心理学的重要研究对象。

2.Learningchemical concepts is the basis of good learning of chemistrv.化学概念的学习是学好化学的基础,针对师范生的学习特点,分析形成化学概念的心理过程,有效地采用相应的教学策略,将能更好地帮助他们学好化学。

3.Based on the main views of Constructivism Learning theory, this paper presented four ways for making the teaching ofchemical concepts easier: using students prior knowledge; creating teaching situation to help students understand the concepts; constructing the concepts in learning activities; and describing the concepts with the aid of graphic drawings.根据建构主义学习理论的主要观点,尝试提出了以建构主义为指导搞好化学概念教学的四条途径:了解并充分利用学生头脑中的原有概念进行教学;创设教学情景促进学生概念的形成;在对话与协作中建构概念;通过绘制概念图促进学生对概念及其关系的理解。

3)Generalizability Theory概化理论

1.Application ofGeneralizability Theory to Chinese Oral Proficiency Test for Beginners;概化理论在汉语初学者口语测验中的应用

2.A Study of Life Satisfaction Scales Applicable to Chinese Adolescent Students by theGeneralizability Theory;“青少年学生生活满意度量表”的概化理论研究


1.GT and IRT are the more powerful method to estimate rating of subjective items than CTT.本文分别介绍了三大测量理论(经典测量理论、概化理论、项目反应理论)对于主观题评分质量的估计方法,并对其优劣进行了比较。

5)chemical concepts化学概念

1.In this article the writer tells the differences of sixteen linking but differentchemical concepts that are frequently used but easily confused.对常见的、容易混淆的、有联系又有区别的十六个化学概念进行辨析。

2.The understanding and mastering ofchemical concepts is theessential condition to improve students logical thinking ability.化学概念是化学学科建立和发展的基础,是中学化学学习的主要内容。

6)river network generalization河网概化

1.In this essay,the river system in JiaXing area is schematized as a research object,the normal principle of theriver network generalization is introduced,and two hydrodynamic models,according to two different densities ofriver network generalization,are presented respectively.以嘉兴市水系河网作为研究对象,介绍了河网概化的原则,并根据两种不同的河网概化密度建立了两套水动力模型,运用该两种模型对水位流量变化特性进行对比分析。


概括化强化物概括化强化物generalized reinforcer概括化强化物(generalized:einforeer)能在多种情境中强化多种行为的强化物。如金钱对儿童和成人都起强化作用,可激励人做好事,也可诱使人做坏事。一个中性刺激物如与多种一级强化物相联系,其强化作用最终会概括化,而成为那些一级强化物的代替者,强化多种行为。(蒋兆灿撰车丈博审)
