100字范文 > 强迫型人格障碍 compulsive personality disorder英语短句 例句大全

强迫型人格障碍 compulsive personality disorder英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-04 14:47:34


强迫型人格障碍 compulsive personality disorder英语短句 例句大全

强迫型人格障碍,compulsive personality disorder

1)compulsive personality disorder强迫型人格障碍

2)Compulsive personality disorder强迫性人格障碍

3)OCD[英][,?? si: "di:][美]["o "si "di]强迫障碍

1.Objective:To explore the feature of family environment and rearing styles of parents of children with Tourette syndrome(TS) and obsessive compulsive disorder(OCD).目的:探讨共患强迫障碍(OCD)的Tourette综合征(TS)儿童的父母养育方式及家庭环境特点。

2.OBJECTIVE To observe the relationship between the change of clinical symptoms and polysomnographic variables in obsessive and compulsive disorder (OCD) before and after treatment with chloimipramine so that the polysomnographic model could be established.目的观察用氯丙米嗪 (LPM)前后患者的临床症状变化和睡眠图指标变化的关系 ,探索强迫障碍的多导睡眠图模式。


1.Investigation of the Comorbidity of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Axis Ⅱ and Research on Related Psychological Factors;强迫障碍与人格障碍共病及相关心理因素的研究

2.The Clinical Analysis on Psychotherapy of 15 Cases with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.心理治疗强迫性障碍15例临床分析

3.The wound gradually skinned over我们勉强通过一障碍物。

4.Clear Away “Significant Obstacles” and Heighten Actual Effect of School Moral Education;消除“意义障碍” 增强学校德育的实效性

5.able to act at will; not hampered; not under compulsion or restraint.能够任意动作;不受阻碍;不在强迫或者抑制之下。

6.Some obstacles will be removed; others will force researchers to change directions.有些障碍可以移除,有些则会迫使研究人员改弦易辙。

7.General Hospitals and the Doctors in the View of Panic Disorders从惊恐障碍看生物心理社会医学模式的必要性和紧迫性

8.Epidemiology of acute respiratory distress syndrome in the patients with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in China:Analyse of the 1087 MODS patients with the multi-centered,prospective method多器官功能障碍综合征患者急性呼吸窘迫综合征流行病学调查

9.insufficiency of accommodation调节障碍 调节障碍

10.cross the barrier of...越过…的障碍,突破…的障碍

11.Yoshida san: The language barrier can be quite tough, so gaining ability to understand Japanese is highly recommendable.语言是个很棘手的障碍,强烈建议学好日语。

12.Experimental Study of the Effect of Obstruction on Methane-Coal Dust Explosion Intensity;障碍物对甲烷—煤粉爆炸强度影响的实验研究

13.On Legal Basis,Obstacle and Adjustment for Reinforcing County Rights for Its Prosperity--Taking Jiangsu Province as a Case;扩权强县的法律依据、障碍与调整——以江苏省为例

14.Strengthened buildings no barrier design to adapt social development顺应社会发展 加强建筑物的无障碍设计

15.Cultural barrier refers to the heterogeneous barrier between different cultures.文化屏障是一种强调不同文化之间的异质性的障碍。

16.obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)强迫观念-强迫行为症

17.set up a barrier between在...中间设置障碍

18.remove a barrier between拆除在...中间障碍


Compulsive personality disorder强迫性人格障碍

3)OCD[英][,?? si: "di:][美]["o "si "di]强迫障碍

1.Objective:To explore the feature of family environment and rearing styles of parents of children with Tourette syndrome(TS) and obsessive compulsive disorder(OCD).目的:探讨共患强迫障碍(OCD)的Tourette综合征(TS)儿童的父母养育方式及家庭环境特点。

2.OBJECTIVE To observe the relationship between the change of clinical symptoms and polysomnographic variables in obsessive and compulsive disorder (OCD) before and after treatment with chloimipramine so that the polysomnographic model could be established.目的观察用氯丙米嗪 (LPM)前后患者的临床症状变化和睡眠图指标变化的关系 ,探索强迫障碍的多导睡眠图模式。

4)obsessive-compulsive disorder强迫障碍

1.Objective:To explore psychosocial factors related toobsessive-compulsive disorder.目的:探讨与强迫障碍发生相关的心理社会因素。

5)Compulsive Personality Disorder/acup ther强迫性人格障碍/针灸疗法

6)compulsive personality强迫型人格


强迫型人格障碍强迫型人格障碍anankastic personality disorder强迫型人格障碍(anankastie personalitydisorder)人格障碍类型之一,具有这类型人格的人古板扣谨,循规蹈矩,缺乏灵活性,过度追求尽善尽美,遇事犹豫不决。性格的基本特征是:(l)对人缺少温暖和亲切的表示(2)不够宽宏大度,当得不到回报时,不愿花费时间、金钱或赠品。(3)追求十全十美,常因不符合个人的标准而影响计划的完成。(4)拘泥于细节,过分注意规章、秩序、组织或日程等,以致影响了活动的主要方面。(5)坚持要求别人也按照他的方式行事。(6)对工作过分专注,以致个人没有闲暇消遣或进行社会交往。(7)犹豫不定,逃避作出决定或尽量拖延。因反复考虑优先顺序而不能及时着手工作。(8)不能舍弃无用的东西,即便已天任何价值。(9)过分自责,顾虑重重,道德观念刻板,不能变通。这种人不同于其他人格障碍,常自感苦恼而求治。自感缺少人生乐趣,希望情绪上能放松和更自由地流露。非指令性心理治疗、集体心理治疗和行为疗法可能奏效,但治疗过程较长 (赵亚忠撰刘协和审)
