100字范文 > 强迫性人格障碍 Compulsive personality disorder英语短句 例句大全

强迫性人格障碍 Compulsive personality disorder英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-02 12:58:58


强迫性人格障碍 Compulsive personality disorder英语短句 例句大全

强迫性人格障碍,Compulsive personality disorder

1)Compulsive personality disorder强迫性人格障碍

2)compulsive personality disorder强迫型人格障碍

3)Compulsive Personality Disorder/acup ther强迫性人格障碍/针灸疗法

4)obsessive-compulsive disorder强迫性障碍

1.Objectives: To study the correlated factors of executive function in patients withobsessive-compulsive disorder.目的:探讨影响强迫性障碍患者执行功能的因素。


1.The Clinical Analysis on Psychotherapy of 15 Cases with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.心理治疗强迫性障碍15例临床分析

2.Investigation of the Comorbidity of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Axis Ⅱ and Research on Related Psychological Factors;强迫障碍与人格障碍共病及相关心理因素的研究

3.Clear Away “Significant Obstacles” and Heighten Actual Effect of School Moral Education;消除“意义障碍” 增强学校德育的实效性

4.General Hospitals and the Doctors in the View of Panic Disorders从惊恐障碍看生物心理社会医学模式的必要性和紧迫性

5.Epidemiology of acute respiratory distress syndrome in the patients with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in China:Analyse of the 1087 MODS patients with the multi-centered,prospective method多器官功能障碍综合征患者急性呼吸窘迫综合征流行病学调查

6.The wound gradually skinned over我们勉强通过一障碍物。

7.Cultural barrier refers to the heterogeneous barrier between different cultures.文化屏障是一种强调不同文化之间的异质性的障碍。

8.congenital aplastic anemia先天性再生障碍性贫血

9.mixed gonadal dysgenesis混合性性腺发育障碍症

10.pure gonadal dysgenesis单纯性性腺发育障碍症

11.The associations with psychiatric disorders were stronger for migraine with aura than for migraine without aura.有先兆的偏头痛比无先兆偏头痛具有和精神障碍更强的相关性。

12.Constitutional Obstacles and Its Approach of China Noncustodial Criminal Compulsory Measures Reconstruction;我国非羁押性刑事强制措施重建的宪法障碍及对策

13.The Treatment and Prognosis of Moderate Aplastic Anemia in Children儿童中型再生障碍性贫血的非强烈免疫抑制治疗及预后

14.Clinical Analysis of the Efficacy of Intensive Immunosuppressive Therapy in 68 Children With Severe Aplastic Anemia68例儿童重型再生障碍性贫血强化免疫抑制治疗的疗效分析

15.functional disorders of platelet血小板功能障碍性疾病

16.nutritional diseases and disorders营养性疾病及营养障碍

17.achondroplastic dwarf软骨营养障碍性矮小

18.progressive lipodystrophy of orbit进行性眶脂肪营养障碍


compulsive personality disorder强迫型人格障碍

3)Compulsive Personality Disorder/acup ther强迫性人格障碍/针灸疗法

4)obsessive-compulsive disorder强迫性障碍

1.Objectives: To study the correlated factors of executive function in patients withobsessive-compulsive disorder.目的:探讨影响强迫性障碍患者执行功能的因素。

5)Obsessive compulsive disorder强迫性障碍

1.We found that a drug abuser on rehabilitation through labour treatment had obsessive compulsive disorder.在吸毒劳教人员中发现强迫性障碍患者一例。

6)Attentive disorders of OCD强迫性注意障碍


强迫1.亦作"强迫"。 2.施加压力使服从;迫使。
