100字范文 > 难治性强迫症 Refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder英语短句 例句大全

难治性强迫症 Refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-19 19:11:22


难治性强迫症 Refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder英语短句 例句大全

难治性强迫症,Refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder

1)Refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder难治性强迫症

parative study of paroxetine and clomipramine in treatment of patients with refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder;帕罗西汀与氯米帕明治疗难治性强迫症对照研究

2.Curative effects of quetiapine as synergist in the treatment of patients with refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder;奎硫平作为增效剂治疗难治性强迫症疗效观察

3.A random and comparative study of sertraline combining with quetiapine in the treatment of refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder舍曲林合并奎硫平治疗难治性强迫症对照研究


1.A random and comparative study of sertraline combining with quetiapine in the treatment of refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder舍曲林合并奎硫平治疗难治性强迫症对照研究

2.Follow-up Study of Multiple Target and Stereotactic Operation on Patients with Refractory Obsessive-compulsive Disorder立体定向多靶点联合毁损术治疗难治性强迫症的随访研究

3.Clinical analysis of Risperidone and Clomipramine in the treatment of refractory obsessive-compulsive disorders利培酮合并氯丙咪嗪治疗难治性强迫症临床分析

4.Patient: Doc, can you cure me of compulsive lying?病人:医生,你能治好我的强迫性说谎症吗?

5.obsessional compulsive neurosis执著强迫性神经官能症

6.repetition compulsion【心理】强迫性复现症

7.obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)强迫观念-强迫行为症

8.New Approaches in Treatment of Obsesive-compulsive Disorder: a Case Report;强迫症治疗新进展(附病例报告一例)

parative Study of Sertralin and Chlorimine in Treatment of Obsessive-compulsive Disorder舍曲林与氯丙嗪治疗强迫症对照研究

10.Association between SAPAP3 gene polymorphism and obsessive compulsive disorderSAPAP3基因多态性与强迫症的关联性分析

11.It is a difficult journey, incorporating moments of sadness, humor and elation as the children undergo a significant transformation within 12 weeks.《有儿难》将深入探讨两种儿童最常见的心理问题:强迫症和厌吃症。

12.Meta-analysis Research of Internal Mental Therapy Effects about Obsessive-compulsive Disorder;国内强迫症心理治疗效果的元分析研究

13.A comparative study of sertraline and clomipramine in the treatment of children obsessive-compulsive disorder舍曲林与氯丙咪嗪治疗少年强迫症的对照研究

14.Meta-analysis of comparative study on citalopram and clomipramine in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder西酞普兰与氯米帕明治疗强迫症Meta分析

15.A Comparative Study on Sertraline and Clomipramine in Treatment of Obsessive-compulsive Disorder舍曲林与氯丙咪嗪治疗强迫症的对照研究

16.Risperidone Plus Citalopram Therapy in Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.利培酮合用西酞普兰治疗强迫症对照观察

17.Exposure and Ritual Prevention of Obsessive-compulsive Disorder:A Case Study一例严重强迫症的暴露与仪式行为阻止治疗

18.Curative Effect of Clomipramine with Risperidone on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder氯米帕明合并利培酮治疗强迫症的对照研究


Non-refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder非难治性强迫症

3)Refractory obsessive-compulsive neurosis难治性强迫性神经症

4)treatment of obsessive compulsive neurosis强迫症的治疗


6)Refractory depression难治性抑郁症

1.Control study of Paroxetine combined quetiapine on refractory depression;帕罗西汀合并喹硫平治疗难治性抑郁症对照研究

2.The Clinical Analysis of Citalopram in the Treatment of Refractory Depression;西酞普兰治疗难治性抑郁症的临床分析

3.Controlled study of venlafaxine combined with quetiapine in refractory depression;万拉发新合并奎硫平治疗难治性抑郁症对照研究


