100字范文 > 难治性腹水 Refractory ascites英语短句 例句大全

难治性腹水 Refractory ascites英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-04 14:38:34


难治性腹水 Refractory ascites英语短句 例句大全

难治性腹水,Refractory ascites

1)Refractory ascites难治性腹水

1.Effect observation of navel administration with Chinese traditional medicineon refractory ascites induced by hepatocirrhosis and nursing measures;中药敷脐治疗肝硬化难治性腹水的效果观察与护理


1.Value of serum plasma pro-brain natriuretic peptide in the diagnosis of refractory ascites due to cirrhosis血浆脑钠肽原对肝硬化难治性腹水的判断价值

2.The efficacy of mannital combined with dopamine for the treatment of refractory ascites in cirrhosis甘露醇联合多巴胺治疗肝硬化难治性腹水的疗效观察

3.Influence of Prostaglandin E_1 on Renal Hemodynamics of Patients Suffered from Liver Cirrhosis with Refractory Ascites前列腺素E_1对肝硬化难治性腹水患者肾脏血流动力学的影响

4.Clinical Research of Chinese Medicine Paved on the Umbilicus and Enema in the Treatment of Refractory Cirrhosis Ascites with Azotemia;麝黄膏脐敷合中药灌肠对难治性腹水诱发氮质血症的疗效及对RAAS、ANP的影响

5.The Effectiveness of Applying She-huang-gao on the Umbilicus with the Chinese Medicine Enemas in Treating Refractory Cirrhosis Ascites Inducing Azotemia and Their Effects on NO, ET and Endotoxin.;麝黄膏脐敷合中药灌肠对难治性腹水诱发氮质血症的疗效及对NO、ET、内毒素的影响

6.Clinical observation of Yiqi Huoxue Xiaogu decoction on patients with cirrhotie ascites owing to hepatitis B益气活血消臌汤治疗难治性乙型肝炎肝硬化腹水的临床观察

7.Intraperitoneal Injection of Huachansu for 36 Cases of Malignant Ascites华蟾素腹腔内注射治疗癌性腹水36例

8.Intra-abdominal abscess develops during infliximab treatment of refractory Crohn"s disease:a report of one caseInfliximab治疗难治性克罗恩病并发腹腔脓肿1例

9.Application of ultrafiltration and reinfusion into abdominal cavity in treating stubborn ascites腹水超滤浓缩腹腔回输在顽固性腹水治疗的应用

10.Treatment Experience of the Patients with Refractory Ascites in 57 Cases Treated by Ultrafiltration of Ascites and Peritoneal Reinfusion腹水超滤浓缩腹腔回输治疗顽固性腹水57例体会

11.Treatment of 20 Patients with Liver Cirrhosis Refractory Ascites by Using Reinfusion of Ultrafiltration and Concentration Ascites to Abdominal Cavity腹水超滤过浓缩后腹腔回输治疗肝硬化顽固性腹水15例报告

12.Clinical Observation on Continuous Drainage of Abdominal Cavity in the Treatment of Thirty-eight Patients with Refractory Ascites持续腹腔引流治疗顽固性腹水38例的临床观察

13.Effects of percutaneous placement of central venous catheter on RAAS in hepatic cirrhosis patients with refractory ascites腹腔置管治疗顽固性腹水对血浆RAAS的影响

14.Parenteral nutrition and laparoscopic therapy in chylous ascites肠外营养和腹腔镜下手术治疗乳糜性腹水

15.Holmium laser lithotripsy under laproscope for refractory hepatolithiasis stones腹腔镜下钬激光碎石术治疗难取性肝胆管结石

16.Effect of individual treatment of recarrent epithelial ovarian cancer with ascites复发性卵巢上皮癌腹水的个体化治疗

17.Obstinate hepatocirrhosis ascites treated with progesterone:a report of 16 cases黄体酮治疗顽固性肝硬化腹水16例

18.Oberserveation on the therapeutic effect of rmh-TNF in treating malignant ascitesRmhTNF治疗恶性腹水疗效观察


intractable ascites难治性腹水

1.Clinical study on colon dialysis time and depth of cannula for hepatic cirrhosis patients withintractable ascites;肝硬化难治性腹水结肠透析时间和插管深度的临床研究

3)refractory malignant ascites难治性恶性腹水

1.A clinical trail of Vp-16 intraperitoneal chemotherapy in the treatment ofrefractory malignant ascites;足叶乙甙腹腔灌注治疗难治性恶性腹水临床观察

4)refractoriness macular edema难治性黄斑水肿

1.Vitrectomy with triamcinolone acetonide forrefractoriness macular edema;玻璃体切割术联合曲安奈德治疗难治性黄斑水肿的疗效分析




难治性癫痫难治性癫痫intractable epilepsy癫痫发作频繁,给予适当的抗痫药物后,药物血浆浓度在有效范围,仍不能控制发作者。多见于有下列危险因素者:有癫痫家族史;围生期异常;高发年龄小;合并有精神发育迟滞;长期未经正规治疗;发作频数、发作形式为婴儿痉挛、肌阵挛及复杂部分性发作者。若正规系统治疗仍不能奏效者,可考虑行手术治疗。
