100字范文 > 青年民工 youth migrant worker英语短句 例句大全

青年民工 youth migrant worker英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-05 00:05:49


青年民工 youth migrant worker英语短句 例句大全

青年民工,youth migrant worker

1)youth migrant worker青年民工

1.Analysis of causes ofyouth migrant workers mental disease and its psychological nursing;青年民工精神障碍的原因分析及心理护理


1.On the restrictive factors and their solutions of young migrant workers starting an undertaking in their hometown;青年民工返乡创业的制约因素分析及其对策

2.The young intellectuals and students, the young workers and peasants in Yenan are all united.延安的知识青年、学生青年、工人青年、农民青年,大家都是团结的。

3.An Analysis of the Human Capital Investment Model for Young Migrant Peasants;青年农民工的人力资本投资模型分析

4.Issues on the Tendency of Young Farmer Worker Turns Problem;对青年农民工“问题化”倾向的思考

5.A Preliminary Study on the Phenomenon of Young Peasant Workers "Cultural Feedback" in the New Era;新时期青年农民工“文化反哺”现象初探

6.The Countermeasures" Research on Continuing Education for Young Migrant Workers来沪青年农民工继续教育的对策研究

7.The Process of the Research on the Young Peasant Workers" Employment Quality青年农民工就业质量问题的研究进展

8.Proactive Mechanisms of Young Female Peasant Workers Merged into the Urban Community青年女性农民工城市融入的主动策略

9.Analysis of Young Migrant Workers" Surviving State--Taking the Young Migrant Workers in L County of Anhui Province as an Example青年农民工生存状态分析——以安徽省L县外出务工青年为例

10.Discussion on young peasant-workers citizen awareness and its cultivation;公民意识诘难青年农民工及其培养刍议

11.On the growth of Jiang Zemin s thought on youth and youth workfrom those of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping;江泽民对毛泽东邓小平青年和青年工作思想的发展

12.The Safeguard and Social Gurantee of Young Migrant Workers Rights and Interest--An Investigation of Young Migrant Workers in Tangshan Coal Mining Industry;青年农民工自身权益的维护与社会保障——对唐山市采煤业青年农民工的调查

13.The Study of Young Migrant Workers Mental Health Status and Education in Shanghai;上海市青年农民工的心理健康现状及教育研究

14.Social Exculsion and Urban Inclusion of the Youth Peasant Workers;社会排斥与青年进城务工农民的城市融入

15.Research and Discussion on Educational Level Actuality of Labor Force s Worker;我国青壮年农民工学力现状与问题探讨

16.The Investigation and Research on the Present Cultural Life Situation of China s Young Agricultural Labourers;我国青年农民工文化生活现状的调查研究

17.Adaptation of Young Peasant Workers to Urban Life:Discoveries from Practical Sociology Research;青年农民工的城市适应:实践社会学研究的发现

18.A Sociopsychological Analysis of the Transgression of Young Migrant Workers from Rural Areas;青年农民工越轨行为的社会心理学分析


young peasant workers青年农民工

1.Thereforeyoung peasant workers,in order to realize urbanization,have to integrate their living fields by getting rid of the rural living habits and gaining cultural and social knowledge.青年农民工身处乡村场域、同乡网络场域和城市场域中,他们实际融入城市场域的情况以及他们在不同的场域塑造的不同惯习影响着他们的城市化进程,他们在各场域中获得资本的情况也关系到他们能否尽快融入城市场域。

2.The contemporaryyoung peasant workers have developed the basic capability of "cultural feedback",and they have the duty to promote the adaptability of rural adults in the modern society by "cultural feedback".当代青年农民工已初步具备“文化反哺”的能力,并有责任通过“文化反哺”提高农村成人社会的现代社会适应能力。

3.The adaptation ofyoung peasant workers to urban life is affected by the interactions between their provincial, imagined, urban and practical worlds.青年农民工适应城市的实践受到乡土世界、想象世界、城市世界和实践世界交互作用的影响,其形态和逻辑被四个世界型塑。

3)youth peasant worker青年农民工

1.This article starts withyouth peasant workers in coal mining enterprises,systematically analyzes this group by using sociological theory and proposes some methods to solve the problem.从煤炭采掘业的青年农民工入手,系统剖析了这一群体,运用社会学原理对青年农民工群体予以分析,并提出一些解决问题的举措。

4)young migrant workers青年农民工

1.Under the impact of the financial crisis,young migrant workers are more vulnerable to unemployment then before.在金融危机的冲击下,青年农民工更容易陷入失业困境。

2.Theyoung migrant workers work hard for the city\"s economic development,they have made a positive contribution.青年农民工辛勤的劳动为城市经济的发展和建设做出了积极的贡献,但是由于长期以来形成的城乡二元结构未从根本上改变,社会主义市场经济体制还不完善,加上他们自身素质较差、思想落后、法律意识淡薄等因素,导致他们的基本权利难以得到合理的保障,生存状态十分堪忧。

3.Empirical research results from the 301young migrant workers in Changsha City show thatyoung migrant workers have the low quality of employment,and which is affected significantly by social systems.对长沙市301名青年农民工的实证研究结果表明,青年农民工的就业质量偏低,且受社会制度的显著影响。

5)the rural area"s young adults labor force worker青壮年农民工

6)young farmers青年农民

1.In recent years a large number ofyoung farmers have left their hometown or village for the city, which brought about some negative influences such as the prevention of agricultural modernization, the great waste of land resources, and the social unrest.青年农民是推动我国农业生产发展的生力军。


